Last year my PAX badge fell off my lanyard (not exactly sure how). Fortunately, I got lucky in that the Enforcers were able to find me a replacement.
This year I don't want to leave anything to chance. I'm looking for a stronger lanyard/badge holder. I'm thinking that getting one with a clear sleeve is the right approach. Anyone have any suggestions?
I hope that somebody can come up with a good alternative.
mod edit: removed embed of oversized image
D'oh! Iphone photos are large, evidently. Resized here:
I guess that was the old school way. We bought our own lanyards after the first PAX. My husband forgot his last year and we didn't queue first morning so he had to go hunt one.
PAX Prime 2014 Preparations Complete
Trade me pins, yo:
Plus they are a WA Local company (their retail store is down in tacoma)
See this? This. I have the Pins lanyards ( may of them) and I use two to hold the badge. But I put one clip on one way, and then the other on reversed. That badge is going nowhere.
Then I have other lanyards full of Pins, but that's my own problem.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Yep, I got mine custom-made by her probably five years ago now and it's held up perfectly. Finally ordered one for my husband last year for Christmas.
PAX Prime Attendee since 2006, BYOC Attendee 2008-2012, Buttoneer 2010-2014
I would love to see a picture of such a thing.
edit: she's closed right now, but there are photos there.