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Tabletop Games

SnickSnick Registered User regular
edited August 2014 in PAX West
Are there any tabletop games, Pathfinders...Shadowrun 5E, being run after the panels end for the day?

Snick on


  • CennediCennedi A strange man A strange landRegistered User regular
    Snick wrote: »
    Are there any tabletop games, Pathfinders...Shadowrun 5E, being run after the panels end for the day?

    I believe that there is a dedicated tabletop area located somewhere outside of the expo hall, not sure on that one though. Some games will more than likely be RPGs, but there will be a lot of fun Tabletop stuff as well. take a look at this thread for the thursday before PAX

    Hopeful First Time Attendee of PAX Prime 2014.
    [ X ] Badge
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    [ X ] Plane
    Wish me luck!
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Cennedi wrote: »
    Snick wrote: »
    Are there any tabletop games, Pathfinders...Shadowrun 5E, being run after the panels end for the day?

    I believe that there is a dedicated tabletop area located somewhere outside of the expo hall, not sure on that one though. Some games will more than likely be RPGs, but there will be a lot of fun Tabletop stuff as well. take a look at this thread for the thursday before PAX
    It's not in the expo hall, but yes there are tabletop areas on the 2f of the WSCC, and inside the old red lion hotel (now the Motif). Also there are tabletop tourneys

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    Tabletop gaming is my favorite part of PAX*. At East, there's a single room the size of an airplane hanger, filled with hundreds of tables and thousands of people. It's amazing.

    (*except this year, when it will be the Omegathon. JOEMEGANAUT!!!)

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • SnickSnick Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    If someone wanted to coordinate some sort of tabletop event would any of you know who I'd contact? Right now everyone from Catalyst is at GenCon but on Monday I wanna try to get something going for SR5. I know Pathfinder is already set to have an event there.

    Snick on
  • The Word of BirdThe Word of Bird Might be in a dreamland....Registered User regular
    If I'm not mistaken, the RPGA's Dnd tables will once again be on the lowest floor of the Annex (the smaller building across the street from the main doors of Convention Center). Feel free to stop by and play!

    Gaming since 1986.
    Things I need to learn: To properly knit, speak Klingon, and speak/read Japanese so I can play Final Fantasy games in their original language.
    "S.o.o.n." : "'Severe Obligation to Observe' Neurosis". This Neurosis impels the subject to constantly observe an object, waiting for a change they are certain must come "Soon".
    Hotel [x] Pax Badgers Fri [x] Sat [ ] Sun [x] Mon [x] Just need 2 Saturdays, and then our sets will be complete! And then...waiting for Pax.....F5F5F5F5F5F5F5....
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Snick wrote: »
    If someone wanted to coordinate some sort of tabletop event would any of you know who I'd contact? Right now everyone from Catalyst is at GenCon but on Monday I wanna try to get something going for SR5. I know Pathfinder is already set to have an event there.
    I think you might be a little late for getting something "official" set up, but someone like @Lackey might be able to put you in touch with the right people.

    There's tons of open gaming though, so you can always run your own stuff during the con if you have people to play.

  • kestrelbeekestrelbee Vancouver, BCRegistered User regular
    D&D now has their PAX Prime Schedule available:

  • CennediCennedi A strange man A strange landRegistered User regular
    kestrelbee wrote: »
    D&D now has their PAX Prime Schedule available:

    Do you know what the pre-reqs for this would be? I mean do we just walk up to the table with our own character or will the general rules be laid out for us beforehand? What edition is it using? Me and a friend would deffinitely be interested in one of these events and I'm chomping at the bit

    Hopeful First Time Attendee of PAX Prime 2014.
    [ X ] Badge
    [ X ] Hotel
    [ X ] Plane
    Wish me luck!
  • kestrelbeekestrelbee Vancouver, BCRegistered User regular
    Cennedi wrote: »
    kestrelbee wrote: »
    D&D now has their PAX Prime Schedule available:

    Do you know what the pre-reqs for this would be? I mean do we just walk up to the table with our own character or will the general rules be laid out for us beforehand? What edition is it using? Me and a friend would deffinitely be interested in one of these events and I'm chomping at the bit

    There generally are pre-gen characters for everyone to use (so the group is balanced). In the previous years you needed to show up a bit early before the session starts and line up outside the room. They let you in and seat you at tables once the previous session is cleared out. When they come around while you're in the line up, make sure you let them know how many people are in your group so you all get seated at a table together. If you want to do the Corruption in Kryptgarden, I would suggest showing up quite early since there is only one session and it is a convention exclusive adventure.

  • LackeyLackey [E] PAX Tabletop Tournaments Registered User regular
    IMPORTANT! (Squashing disinformation before it spreads too far)

    The D&D Adventurers League play area will *NOT* be in the WSCC Conference Center/Annex lower level this year. It will be on the 4th Floor of the Motif Hotel (formerly known as the Red Lion Hotel on 5th Ave)

    We'll post an official list of all of the Tabletop Exhibitors that will be in the WSCC 2nd and 3rd Floor, in the Annex, and the Motif Hotel as soon as we can. Check back soon, or send me a PM if you have specific questions.

  • MexiChristMexiChrist Registered User new member
    Any Pokemon TCG events going on during the weekend? Furious fists expansion will be out by then so I'm hoping to test out the new cards with any pocket monster trainers

  • LackeyLackey [E] PAX Tabletop Tournaments Registered User regular
    MexiChrist wrote: »
    Any Pokemon TCG events going on during the weekend? Furious fists expansion will be out by then so I'm hoping to test out the new cards with any pocket monster trainers
    I'm sorry, there are no official scheduled Pokemon TCG events this time at PAX Prime. But don't let that stop you from using things like the #ttlfg (Tabletop - Looking for Group) Twitter hashtag, or posting a thread here to set up a meetup with other Pokemon TCG players!

  • CelticKevinCelticKevin Everyone is chum to the ill tempered sea bass PDXishRegistered User regular
    edited August 2014
    I think that the Motif is going to be the place I spend most of the PAX weekend... B)

    I've seen the three following D&D adventures listed for PAX on the official Wizards page for the Adventurer's League:

    Defiance in Phlan
    The Courting of Fire
    Corruption in Kryptgarden

    Does anyone know if there will be other Adventurer's League games available to experience at PAX?

    I am super excited for Corruption in Kryptgarden!

    CelticKevin on
  • TelanisWSUTelanisWSU Registered User regular
    Is there a list of the tabletop games available for checkout this year somewhere?

  • LackeyLackey [E] PAX Tabletop Tournaments Registered User regular
    TelanisWSU wrote: »
    Is there a list of the tabletop games available for checkout this year somewhere?

    YES! I'm mostly done updating the current inventory - but I'll be adding some more titles to this list before the show. Come take a look!

    Some games we'll have more than one copy available. But remember, we have two checkout libraries: In the WSCC Rm. 204 (this is the larger library) and the Motif Hotel 3rd Floor Emerald Ballroom (smaller library, but the games in it will be more popular games - including all the games used in our Tournaments)

  • SnickSnick Registered User regular
    Turns out there will be SR being run there by Catalyst and I've been brought on board to help with that so yay me and good for anyone else that would like to stop by for some SR.

  • LackeyLackey [E] PAX Tabletop Tournaments Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Ok, here's some consolidated Tabletop info. Yay! There will be a number of board game/RPG/Minis publishers and vendors at PAX, as well as demos, tournaments, and special events. So here's everything in one place.


    Tabletop Headquarters (TTHQ) is located in WSCC L2 Rm. 204. This is where the main Game Lending Library is. Pick out a game to play, show your PAX badge, hand the nice librarian your Photo ID, and go play a game in any of the Tabletop Freeplay rooms on the 2nd or 3rd floors.

    We'll also have a second Game Lending Library at the Motif Seattle Hotel, L3 Emerald Ballroom.

    Here's a list of the games available to be checked out from the libraries:

    Evenings from 8pm-12am - Motif Hotel, 4th floor, Seattle Ballroom II
    Come play Werewolf, Mafia, The Resistance, Two Rooms and a Boom, and other social deduction games. Game moderators needed/welcome. Bring your friends! No specific game times are scheduled - games in this room will be freeform/run by attendees.

    Want to try out Fiasco, Kingdom, Microscope, or any of the many indie RPGs/story game systems? Come to the Games on Demand rooms - WSCC L3 Rms. 301, 302 and 306! GMs will be ready to teach you and your friends how to play.


    Here's all of the Tabletop-related exhibitors and vendors throughout all of PAX. Note that anything inside the EXPO hall closes by 7pm each night, but exhibitors and vendors *outside* of the Expo hall may be open much later.

    WSCC Level 2
    Catalyst Game Labs WSCC L2 Rm. 213 - including Shadowrun events, and a Giant version of The Duke
    Fantasy Flight Games WSCC L2 Rm. 212
    Go To Games WSCC L2 Rm. 206
    Green Ronin Games WSCC L2 Rm. 208 - including Harebrained Schemes demoing Golem Arcana
    Japanime Games WSCC L2 Rm. 210
    Paizo WSCC L2 Rm. 201,202,203
    Steve Jackson Games WSCC L2 Corral
    Uncle's Games WSCC L2 Rm. 214, including demos from:
    - Boyan Radakovich, producer of "Tabletop"
    - Calliope Games - including a Giant version of Tsuro
    - North Star Games
    - Paul Peterson (Smash Up/PACG/Guillotine)

    WSCC Level 3
    Games on Demand WSCC L3 Rm. 301,302, 306
    Gamma Ray Games WSCC L3 Rm. 305
    Ninja Division WSCC L3 South End
    Reaper Miniatures (with Paint & Take Minis) WSCC L3 Rm. 303
    Soda Pop Miniatures WSCC L3 South End

    Motif Hotel
    Dungeons & Dragons Adventurers League Motif L4 - see
    Fire Opal/13th Age Motif L3 Foyer
    Olympic Cards and Comics/Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Motif L3 Emerald I
    SFR, Inc./Dragon Dice Motif L4 Seattle II
    Voodoo Bunny/Incredible Expeditions Motif L3 Foyer

    EXPO 4th Floor
    Chessex EXPO EXPO 4th Floor Skybridge 7
    Geek Chic HQ EXPO 4th Floor Skybridge 3
    Flying Frog Productions EXPO 4th Floor 3810
    Indie Tabletop EXPO 4th Floor 668, which includes:
    - Keep Talking Team – Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
    - Cards Against Humanity – Slap .45
    - Cards Against Humanity – Fisticuffs
    - Mind the Gap Studios – Wizard Dodgeball
    - OriGaminc – These French Fries Are Terrible Hot Dogs
    - Team Grow – Grow
    - Imbalanced Games – Titans Tactics
    - Zenion Games – The Shadow Over Westminster
    - Berserk Games – Tabletop Simulator
    - Cardboard Fortress – Resistor_
    Mayfair Games EXPO 4th Floor Skybridge 1
    Privateer Press EXPO 4th Floor Skybridge 5
    Wishes EXPO 4th Floor Skybridge 2
    Wizards of the Coast EXPO 4th Floor 1642

    EXPO 6th Floor
    AdMagic EXPO 6th Floor 6117
    Foam Brain Games EXPO 6th Floor 6512
    Greater Than Games EXPO 6th Floor 6211
    Green Lake Games EXPO 6th Floor 7501
    Hero Forge EXPO 6th Floor 6214
    Q-Workshop EXPO 6th Floor 7603
    Superfight EXPO 6th Floor 6712
    The Dreaming EXPO 6th Floor 6219

    Ancient Wonders Annex L1 - Near the M:tG area, but selling all kinds of games


    Magic Tournaments (Annex Floors 0 and 1):
    See for full event list

    Kaijudo Tournaments (Annex Floor 1):
    Learn to Play, Standard, Booster and Draft events all weekend long

    All of the rest of our Tabletop/Board Game Tournaments (Motif Hotel 3rd and 4th Floor):
    See for full event list

    Please check back for updates!

    Lackey on
  • adias.angeladias.angel Tech-Savvy Wife Kalamazoo, MIRegistered User regular
    I think that the Motif is going to be the place I spend most of the PAX weekend... B)

    I've seen the three following D&D adventures listed for PAX on the official Wizards page for the Adventurer's League:

    Defiance in Phlan
    The Courting of Fire
    Corruption in Kryptgarden

    Does anyone know if there will be other Adventurer's League games available to experience at PAX?

    I am super excited for Corruption in Kryptgarden!

    I would love to know also if you find out!

    Prime '12, '13, '14, '15, '19 .. East '12
  • LackeyLackey [E] PAX Tabletop Tournaments Registered User regular
    Does anyone know if there will be other Adventurer's League games available to experience at PAX?
    I would love to know also if you find out!

    Those three are the only three official WotC-run D&D sessions being run, although they will be run multiple times. But if you want to organize your own game and grab a table in the Freeplay area, go for it!

  • BrandobarisBrandobaris SeattleRegistered User regular
    Does anyone know where the Thornwatch game demos will be held?

    PSN: Brandobaris
    3DS: 0817-4905-9201
    XBL: Brandobaris
  • LackeyLackey [E] PAX Tabletop Tournaments Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Does anyone know where the Thornwatch game demos will be held?
    Information about Thornwatch will be sent out to people who have signed up for news at

    Lackey on
  • Black Flame ZealotBlack Flame Zealot D&D Program Manager Renton, WARegistered User regular
    A few things about D&D Adventurers League play at PAX Prime:
    • Our games are all first come, first served. We will have lines available for folks to wait for the next available table.
    • Our games will seat at the times listed on the Wizards site.
    • Defiance in Phlan is an introductory adventure that is composed of five different mini-adventures. You can play all of them over the course of the weekend with your character if you'd like (and if space dictates).
    • Character creation will be available. All players use official D&D Adventurers League characters. If you don't have one yet, you can create one beforehand by downloading the D&D Adventurers League Player's Guide, grab a pregenerated 1st-level character on-site, or create your own on-site (if space is available).
    • Our space is not as big as last year. We anticipate a high demand, and we won't be able to accommodate everyone. If you have someone in your group that would like to Dungeon Master, we may have an opportunity for your group to pick up the introductory event on-site and play in the open game area.
    • Rewards your character earns carry with that character to any other D&D Adventurers League game that character participates in, so keep your stuff!

    I look forward to seeing you there!

    D&D Program Manager
    Wizards of the Coast
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