@Ponderus - was thinking the same thing - looks like he's not sure if he's a he or she. perhaps it's the MMO paradigm. male player, female avatar, being channeled into Gabe's drawing.
@Ponderus - was thinking the same thing - looks like he's not sure if he's a he or she. perhaps it's the MMO paradigm. male player, female avatar, being channeled into Gabe's drawing.
I have absolutely no idea what this is about, but I love everything about the visuals in this comic, from Gabe's up to no good face to Tycho's (mostly?) female character once again.
Love this comic. I get that feeling sometimes when I'm in a raid our something that I've been struggling to learn and something goes horribly wrong, But I get to say "hey this time I dodged MY shit."
It could have used some proofreading, but the newspost still manages to have a couple of lines I really love.
You need to redefine victory as enfolding in its radiant arms “games in which I lost, but I did not comport myself like a mindless rodent.”
I wasn’t good before, but I could save you; I could make them regret it.
I also really like the line, "When this round is over, they will dig in the wreckage to find the black box," although it seems more like something Tycho would ordinarily say than Gabe.
As an almost purely new player i tried LOL before DOTA2. I wanted to like LOL i reaaaally did. But i think LOL is too much. it just doesn't handle itself well for the rank amateur. Its item system is too vast and complicated and its free to play model is discouraging.
As a new player I started learning a new character and was just starting to get the point when it was ripped away in the free cycle and i had to start from scratch. I didnt get good enough or invested enough to want commit to buy them seeing as i had only tried one or 2 characters and the item system was incomprehensible (not helped by the experienced players telling me all the things to get in no useful order) so i got bored very quickly
DOTA 2 however was engaging from square 1 and has kept me hooked. Its much more open to the beginner because its match making system puts you in groups just challenging enough. they have the suggestions on items and the list is readable and it makes it easy to plan and the training is very good and most importantly all the characters are free so even at the beginning you can pick a character and start obsessing over how to build them right. thats when you start feeling the desire to buy them a snazzy outfit.
I hope the Heroes of the Storm system of no items, everyone leveling together, and high emphasis on objectives instead of kills ends up being a beginner friendly system.
Its much more open to the beginner because its match making system puts you in groups just challenging enough. they have the suggestions on items and the list is readable and it makes it easy to plan and the training is very good
I regularly play both games (starting with basic DotA) - admittedly more LoL since most of my friends prefer it - and have to disagree. You have all those things in LoL, too, they recently expanded the bot/training matches to make it even easier for beginners to grasp the basic mechanics.
You are right about the free champions, though, and it bothered me somewhat when my favourite champion of the week was unavailable the next. You can however buy some of the oldest champions for 450 points which you can get with the first win of the day bonus in just three days, tops. I've actually seen people be overwhelmed by the huge roaster available in DotA 2, so it can be a disadvantegeous feature, too.
I'd love to give LoL a fair shake, but MOBA communities are just way too toxic an environment.
The DOTA2 community is way friendlier.
I have to strongly disagree with this, I played league and gave dota 2 a shot REALLY I did and gave both games a shot by playing each for two weeks but anyone who says <insert game community> is better or friendly I take it with a grain of salt. Every game community has their ugly side.
Both communities gave me such a sour taste in my mouth with some of the players that I played with and that it forever turned me off from MOBAs entirely.
MrHuckleberry on
ahdokFigment of your imaginationRegistered Userregular
League of Legends is awful. Since they removed the tribunal over half a year ago, the game community has been degrading at an increasing pace, and now I find it nearly impossible to get a game where you don't find someone spewing invective in all-chat from the go. I haven't played a regular game in over a month which didn't involve an AFK (and I do play daily to get the 150 IP) - People are doing it because they don't care. People have always done it because they don't care. But now, people know that they won't get punished for it.
My rank is somewhere in silver. I get matchmade against people in gold. It's low because the level of abuse and whining in ranked play, coupled with the level of people just taking the piss makes playing ranked an untenable unfriendly and frankly soul-destroying activity. I've played ten games, won five, and lost five because of teams deliberately throwing, people quitting after 5 minutes, Teemo-Ashe-Janna triple jungle... I just refuse to play ranked any more than those ten games, and thus my rank is silver. I find that all-chat likes to throw abuse at me because I'm ranked silver, even if I'm whomping on someone, they'll scream in all-chat about how I'm a "noob" because of my low rank.
It's hilarious to me that I can had someone their ass on a silver platter (hah) and they'll respond by calling me a noob. Isn't it more embarrassing to be whomped by someone with no experience?
Nevertheless... I do understand, in detail, how the game is meant to be played, and what the meta is. I watch pro games, and I have a mind for game mechanics and design. I try to be friendly and play to my best, and the community just makes it not worth playing.
I have the HotS Alpha. You do occasionally get the abusive mongoose filling the team chat with bile, but I report those, and the HotS alpha is a small enough pool that actual humans from Blizzard check reports and can see what happened. I don't believe that the game will end up with a better community than other MOBAs, not unless I see something truly inventive from Blizzard on that front, but at the moment, it's the only port in the storm.
@Ahdok about Flamers
You're either very unlucky or exaggerating. In my experience there is an AFK:er roughly every 5th game, and most of those occur after the match has already heavily shifted in favor of the other team. Toxic players seem about equally frequent if you count only your own team, and frankly I just mute them when they first start raging at someone. Their strategic input (of which there is often none) is not worth enduring the barrage of insults that kind of player tends to mindlessly throw around them.
Rarely when it seems my team is full of assholes I just mute the whole bunch, and usually play much better for it.
It can sometimes be quite hilarious though, like when a Jarvan jungle starts raging at you for not helping him when he failed counterjungling the enemy redbuff while you were at the nexus shopping. ^_^
@Ahdok about Meta
Meant to be played? There isn't really a "meant to be played" at all. There is a 'works well" and a 'works less well', and it mostly depends on your skill with the champion.
I'm playing mostly with high silver to low platinum, and though my main role is toplane I've carried games with things like "support" Gnar built AD Caster (with whom I have a 7-win streak now) with Teemo as my premade ADC. We've got tons of other examples just for the botlane alone, Tryndamere + Poppy, Rengar + Annie.
While everyone seems to build AD Brusier Nidalee I've built her into a AP brusier with over 300 armor and I've carried almost every game I've been in and I've got 80% win ratio with that build: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/euw/35839159#ranked-stats
I apologize for the rant, but frankly getting told thing like that Tryndamere can't got botlane or that Nidalee sucks built AP is just getting so old, when clearly I make it work and carry with it.
I hope the Heroes of the Storm system of no items, everyone leveling together, and high emphasis on objectives instead of kills ends up being a beginner friendly system.
I'm interested to see how it plays out without adhering to the old tropes like shopping, which has never appealed to me as a casual player.
They are playing League of Legends.
Gabe is Aatrox, Tycho is Leona
Love this comic. I get that feeling sometimes when I'm in a raid our something that I've been struggling to learn and something goes horribly wrong, But I get to say "hey this time I dodged MY shit."
I also really like the line, "When this round is over, they will dig in the wreckage to find the black box," although it seems more like something Tycho would ordinarily say than Gabe.
The DOTA2 community is way friendlier.
As a new player I started learning a new character and was just starting to get the point when it was ripped away in the free cycle and i had to start from scratch. I didnt get good enough or invested enough to want commit to buy them seeing as i had only tried one or 2 characters and the item system was incomprehensible (not helped by the experienced players telling me all the things to get in no useful order) so i got bored very quickly
DOTA 2 however was engaging from square 1 and has kept me hooked. Its much more open to the beginner because its match making system puts you in groups just challenging enough. they have the suggestions on items and the list is readable and it makes it easy to plan and the training is very good and most importantly all the characters are free so even at the beginning you can pick a character and start obsessing over how to build them right. thats when you start feeling the desire to buy them a snazzy outfit.
I regularly play both games (starting with basic DotA) - admittedly more LoL since most of my friends prefer it - and have to disagree. You have all those things in LoL, too, they recently expanded the bot/training matches to make it even easier for beginners to grasp the basic mechanics.
You are right about the free champions, though, and it bothered me somewhat when my favourite champion of the week was unavailable the next. You can however buy some of the oldest champions for 450 points which you can get with the first win of the day bonus in just three days, tops. I've actually seen people be overwhelmed by the huge roaster available in DotA 2, so it can be a disadvantegeous feature, too.
I have to strongly disagree with this, I played league and gave dota 2 a shot REALLY I did and gave both games a shot by playing each for two weeks but anyone who says <insert game community> is better or friendly I take it with a grain of salt. Every game community has their ugly side.
Both communities gave me such a sour taste in my mouth with some of the players that I played with and that it forever turned me off from MOBAs entirely.
My rank is somewhere in silver. I get matchmade against people in gold. It's low because the level of abuse and whining in ranked play, coupled with the level of people just taking the piss makes playing ranked an untenable unfriendly and frankly soul-destroying activity. I've played ten games, won five, and lost five because of teams deliberately throwing, people quitting after 5 minutes, Teemo-Ashe-Janna triple jungle... I just refuse to play ranked any more than those ten games, and thus my rank is silver. I find that all-chat likes to throw abuse at me because I'm ranked silver, even if I'm whomping on someone, they'll scream in all-chat about how I'm a "noob" because of my low rank.
It's hilarious to me that I can had someone their ass on a silver platter (hah) and they'll respond by calling me a noob. Isn't it more embarrassing to be whomped by someone with no experience?
Nevertheless... I do understand, in detail, how the game is meant to be played, and what the meta is. I watch pro games, and I have a mind for game mechanics and design. I try to be friendly and play to my best, and the community just makes it not worth playing.
I have the HotS Alpha. You do occasionally get the abusive mongoose filling the team chat with bile, but I report those, and the HotS alpha is a small enough pool that actual humans from Blizzard check reports and can see what happened. I don't believe that the game will end up with a better community than other MOBAs, not unless I see something truly inventive from Blizzard on that front, but at the moment, it's the only port in the storm.
You're either very unlucky or exaggerating. In my experience there is an AFK:er roughly every 5th game, and most of those occur after the match has already heavily shifted in favor of the other team. Toxic players seem about equally frequent if you count only your own team, and frankly I just mute them when they first start raging at someone. Their strategic input (of which there is often none) is not worth enduring the barrage of insults that kind of player tends to mindlessly throw around them.
Rarely when it seems my team is full of assholes I just mute the whole bunch, and usually play much better for it.
It can sometimes be quite hilarious though, like when a Jarvan jungle starts raging at you for not helping him when he failed counterjungling the enemy redbuff while you were at the nexus shopping. ^_^
@Ahdok about Meta
Meant to be played? There isn't really a "meant to be played" at all. There is a 'works well" and a 'works less well', and it mostly depends on your skill with the champion.
I'm playing mostly with high silver to low platinum, and though my main role is toplane I've carried games with things like "support" Gnar built AD Caster (with whom I have a 7-win streak now) with Teemo as my premade ADC. We've got tons of other examples just for the botlane alone, Tryndamere + Poppy, Rengar + Annie.
While everyone seems to build AD Brusier Nidalee I've built her into a AP brusier with over 300 armor and I've carried almost every game I've been in and I've got 80% win ratio with that build:
I apologize for the rant, but frankly getting told thing like that Tryndamere can't got botlane or that Nidalee sucks built AP is just getting so old, when clearly I make it work and carry with it.
Razer approves.