Each year I always seem to miss that one amazing panel that everyone is talking about after PAX. I'm curious what your must see panels are this year?
For us each year we always make sure to hit the Giant Bomb live show.
♥ Prime '12, '13, '14, '15, '19 ..♥ East '12
PAX Prime Preparations - [X] - Fri-Sun Pass [X] - Panel Schedule [X] - Hype [X]
*face palm* No. I blame it on lack of sleep from GenCon. Fixed now.
We only have one account for our house so my husband almost didn't sign up because we both couldn't go. At least one of us is getting to go. Guess I will be hitting a different after party.
"Fantasy football still counts as fantasy." -DnD Greg
Seconding this. We happened across it the year it was a live performance, and I was wiping away tears by the end of it. Highly recommended.
Trade me pins, yo: https://www.pinnypals.com/pals/Lazorz
I went to this panel by myself in 2012. I almost died laughing. I've never managed to make it to Acq Inc before since in the past it was back to back with the Wil Wheaton awesome hour and not possible to get into both. Do you have to follow Acq Inc online to have a good time at this panel?
I started watching the YouTube postings last year. I started at Prime 2012 maybe? Some of the older references I didn't get, and I had no clue where they were in their quest, but that didn't stop it from looking and sounding AWESOME. I've since started working my way through their back catologue of podcasts, and getting myself set up for this year's panels so I can be more informed.
There's some references you might not get, but it will still be epic as shit.
2:30p - Hironobu Sakaguchi Reflection (Final Fantasy VI, or Final Fantasy III US, was my favorite game ever before college, so I will go see anyone that was even alive and working at Squaresoft at the time that game was made)
7:00p - PRESS START III: TURBO EDITION (not a PAX panel, but a gallery show at LTD Art Gallery, very cool and I highly recommend checking them out during PAX. 7:00pm is just the opening time, the exhibit should be up for around a month or so I believe)
10:30a - Making Firewatch (Campo Santo guys, formerly of Idle Thumbs)
5:30p - Maestros of Video Games (some AMAZING composers for video game companies, definitely a "must see" in my book)
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
Not only has this helped trying to figure out what panels we may want to see this year, but it also eases some of the pain that comes from missing one panel over another event.
I just hope there won't be a massive line for the Sakaguchi autograph session at the Paramount by the time I hoof it back from Benaroya =/
I agree. if I were to pick panels it would be game show night and acquisitions and maybe the omegathon finals..but none are required by any stretch. must see is subjective.
Last year it filled pretty quickly. Follow the paxlines twitter account for sure.