Now that Prime is less than 2 weeks away, some / most of the 3rd parties (pin partners) are putting up details on how to obtain their pins. This will be a list of the information on how to get them, and I will try to keep it as updated as possible before Prime.
Blizzard - Elite Tauren Chieftain -> Play Heroes of the Storm (
link )
Iron Horde -> Play Warlords of Draenor (
link )
Wizards of the Coast - Tiamat -> Go to the Acquisitions Incorporated show (
link )
Dark Garruk -> Do stuff at the booth OR find a community manager (
link )
Ubisoft - The Next Level -> Do PAX Prime Passport Challenges (
link )
Sony - The Order 1886 -> Play the demo (
link )
Microsoft - Fizzy -> Play the 8 player Sunset Overdrive demo (
link )
Castle Siege -> Demo Age of Empires: Castle Siege OR Get your picture taken (
link )
Project Spark (Same as East) -> Go to booth and watch presentation / demo (
link )
Behemoth - Cupcake & Space Bears -> Series 3 Chonku Chonku Machines (
link )
Undead Labs - Moonrise -> Play the demo (
link )
Kris Straub - Cthulhu Dice -> Purchase at his booth in Bandland (
link )
Katie Rice - Hidden Kitties -> Purchase at her booth in Bandland (
link )
Scott Kurtz - Panda Espresso -> Purchase at his booth in Bandland (
link )
Loading Ready Run - Creepy Doll -> Purchase at their booth in Bandland (
link )
Patrick Rothfuss - Eolian Talent Pipes -> Purchase at the Geek Chic booth (
link )
Spry Fox - Triple Town Bear -> Purchase at their booth (
link )
Supergiant - Red -> Purchase at their booth (
link )
Everyone's favorite "Bag of Pinny", Proud member of The Pin Cushions, Prinny hat pinster.
My pins are right
Feel free to send me a trade request!
Kinda worried about this one, especially for multiples for pinpals. Hopefully it's not that bad...
Thanks the baby Jesus... they will not be mixed in lol
Just in case, I'm doing the social challenges for people who can't go to PAX.
Looking for Pins: DLC
There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
That's exactly why I haven't even traded for them yet. After Prime '13 they still had fullish machines. PAX East confirmed Series 1 was still available. I'd rather just wait to plunk down the money.
Check 'em: My Pins!
Yeh us Aussies (read: me) didnt get that info. I thought they were all gone or in very small quantities. Oh well. If theres a heap of thing, looks like I know what to expect as trade fodder for PAXAus instead of Lookouts, since these are cheaper
You can add more to the list.
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
Locations are nice but I'm only gonna put up info when its fairly certain how to obtain the pin. Like im 99% sure that to get Dark Garruk from WotC, we just have to go demo Dual of the Planeswalkers at their booth, but I haven't heard from WotC yet (I expect them to announce Friday when they used to do Arcana articles for whatever show they were going to the next week).
My pins are right here!
Feel free to send me a trade request!
That's a pretty safe bet haha
Hopefully whatever they have set up at the booth isn't quite so gross.
You're welcome
Trade me pins! -
My pins are right here!
Feel free to send me a trade request!
Trade me pins! -
I'm hoping they do more pins considering there's more days of PAX...
Trade me pins! -
My pins are right here!
Feel free to send me a trade request!
But there are also fewer tickets sold for Prime.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
The 2014 PAX Prime Pin features the right side of Garruk's face, which, for those of you who made it to PAX East, will discover is a perfect match for the left side of his face we gave away there. You can get your pin by taking part in the Magic booth experience, or possibly by finding one of our community managers as they roam the hall and tweet about the convention.
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
My pins are right here!
Feel free to send me a trade request!
Expo Hall, Level 6
Undead Labs - #6103:
Moonrise- Play the Demo
Age of Empires - #6608:
Age of Empires- Play Demo OR Take Picture
WeLoveFine- #7511:
Adventure Time Set- Most likely buy the set from their booth.
Expo Hall, Level 4
Merch Booth- South Lobby:
PAX Prime 2014 Set, PAX Prime Anniversary Set- Purchase at Booth.
Bandland- North Lobby:
Kris Straub, Katie Rice, Scott Kurtz, LRR- Purchase in Bandland.
SpryFox- #135:
Triple Town Bear- Purchase at Booth
Blizzard- #352:
Elite Tauren Chieftain- Play Heroes of the Storm
Iron Horde- Play Warlord of Draenor
Sony- #212:
The Order: 1886- Play Demo
Microsoft- #412:
Fizzy- Play the Demo
Project Spark- Watch Presentation
The Next Level/Ubisoft- #632/#832
The Next Level- Complete PAX Prime Passport Challenge (?)
WOTC- #1642:
Tiamat- Go to Acq. Inc show
Dark Garruk- Find Community Manager/Do stuff At Booth
Geek Chic (Rothfuss)- SKY3:
Eolian Talent Pipes- Purchase at Geek Chic Booth
The Behemoth- #3003:
Cupcake & Honeyhug- Get in Chonku Chonku Machine
Supergiant- #3010:
Red- Purchase at Booth
Klei- #3444:
Don’t Starve- Most Likely Purchase at Booth
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Always looking to trade.
Trade me pins! -
- On Friday, we will be distributing pins at 11:30am, 2pm and 4pm in the Sheraton #pinnyarcade
- On Saturday, we will have Tearaway pins at 12:30pm, 3pm, 5pm, and 7:30pm, in the Sheraton #pinnyarcade
- Sunday’s pin times are 11:30am, 2pm, 4pm, 7:30pm, again in the Sheraton #pinnyarcade
They will be available for a MINIMUM $10 donation to Child's Play - but remember its all for the kids so be good and cough up more!
The line for the two Blizzard demos are 1.5-2 hours each and the lines are regularly capped for hours at a time. Very sought after.
The Don't Starve pin is $10 at their booth.
The Red pin is $15 at the Transistor booth.
There are also Bard Rock pins available for $25 at the PVP booth.
Both of Katie's pins are available to purchase.
Strip Search pins are also available for trade by all the contestants that have booths set up.
There are also many many Ben Kachura pins available for trade from Enforcers.
Levins is different, its been about a year and a few PAX's later, has had time to circulate
Maybe @grgemonkey can add this to the pinny pal site? Give each pin a "more info" button or something that links to a wiki.
You have to get your picture taken then upload to sns.
Sure but we need a volunteer to prepare the info - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable. - iOS pin collection tracking app.
My Delicious Pins For Trade
I suck at wikis..but I think if we made a wiki up, and left it open to the group, it would get filled in pretty quickly and accurately.
Also, my attempt at the quiz on the podcast should be clear and utter proof that I should NOT be allowed any editing skills on the page whatsoever