"Thus always to tyrants", definitely said by John Wilkes Booth, possibly said by Marcus Brutus.
One of the more famous latin phrases.
"The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
Caulk Bite 6One of the multitude of Dans infesting this placeRegistered Userregular
When entire system is totally corrupt and criminal, those resisting it cannot then logically be criminals, at least on that basis alone. Every day norm is criminal governments chasing criminals it wants to label as criminals according to it's ever changing and mutating whitewash me and blackpaint them-guide called the law, the world surely is nothing short of a great freak show zoo planet.
"If you are born in America, you get the front row seat."
This actually happened to my wife and her BFF last week while our kids were playing MC, and their brat blew up my sons house while he was in the bathroom.
There was no question, it was Jerry’s son Elliot. I felt like a cop who finds out that his partner’s son is the bank robber they’ve been hunting. Gabe wanted to ban him immediately but I stopped him. “Don’t ban him yet.” I said “let me talk to his Dad first.” We’ve been partners a long time, I figured I owed it to him to go to him first with the evidence. I sent Jerry an email and laid out the case I had against his son. I explained that Elliot wasn’t banned yet and that I was handing the case over to him. The mail I got back was just two words. It said:
Good for Jerry for being a good dad and telling them to ban Elliot. Kids need to learn to respect other people's property, even if it's virtual property. You don't smash other people's toys and destroy their hard work just for the fun of it, if you do you don't get to play with their toys anymore.
This, plus the story behind it could be about my nine year old son. He routinely gets in arguments with his friend over xbox live for not following the rules, till eventually my son boots him from the game.
I am desperately craving a podcast or 4th panel episode about this strip, yeah.
Realizing lately that I don't really trust or respect basically any of the moderators here. So, good luck with life, friends! Hit me up on Twitter @DesertLeviathan
I guess this is the modern day equivalent of me not being able to successfully fight my older brother, so instead whenever I was mad at him I'd run up to our room and smash whatever intricate Lego castle or pirate ship he'd just built.
Although this doesn't appear to even have the guise of provocation.
So how long until Mike and Jerry decide they want to be buddy cops?
Ooh, who's good cop and bad cop? Who will drive the car and never let the other even touch the wheel? What will their 70s cop show title be? Will it escape the Friday night death slot?
Good for Jerry for being a good dad and telling them to ban Elliot. Kids need to learn to respect other people's property, even if it's virtual property. You don't smash other people's toys and destroy their hard work just for the fun of it, if you do you don't get to play with their toys anymore.
On some plane of existence, John Locke just got an erection.
It used to be that you had to make a Nether Portal in a Very Specific Way, though you could technically lose the corners and it would still become a conduit to the hell dimension. In 1.7.2, more dynamic portal shapes were made available. You have to set them on fire to activate them. And the story I received was that in an effort to see how weird the shapes could get and still work, a fire started that found its way to their effigies. Gabriel says TNT.
It used to be that you had to make a Nether Portal in a Very Specific Way, though you could technically lose the corners and it would still become a conduit to the hell dimension. In 1.7.2, more dynamic portal shapes were made available. You have to set them on fire to activate them. And the story I received was that in an effort to see how weird the shapes could get and still work, a fire started that found its way to their effigies. Gabriel says TNT.
Well, accidental fire was Elliot's excuse after denying he did it in the first place.
It doesn't sound like Jerry bought it.
life's a game that you're bound to lose / like using a hammer to pound in screws
fuck up once and you break your thumb / if you're happy at all then you're god damn dumb
that's right we're on a fucked up cruise / God is dead but at least we have booze
bad things happen, no one knows why / the sun burns out and everyone dies
I think fire also had its spread significantly reduced from old times. You used to lose your entire house (and potentially neighbouring forest) from one misplaced fire. Now it kinda burns like 10-20 blocks in any direction then go out.
Reminds me of the time someone rigged the city hall to blow on the G&T server once.
I demand the freedom in all Minecraft servers to claim an entire mountain, build a personal fort inside and outside of the mountain, construct labyrinthic vaults to hold all of my treasure, and set up an intruder detection system in the form of a block of TNT underneath every single square inch of my fortress so any would-be thieves will cause the face of the very world to be rent asunder so large it causes immediate load lag just to gaze upon its terrible glory.
I have to agree, the news posts are better than the actual comic here. I would have been fine with this being a multi-comic post as well. There's so much gold to be mined.
Orphanerivers of redthat run to seaRegistered Userregular
Yelling at butts will never NOT be funny. Thanks, Psy!
Also, Abby is awesome. Keep up with TLH because it's the tits!
I love League of Legends, but seriously...screw you, Teemo.
One of the more famous latin phrases.
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
"If you are born in America, you get the front row seat."
Fed & income tax anyone for example ?
also Crazy Joe Davola.
A little too close to home, guys.
Guess I shouldn't be surprised.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Blocks were made to be free, man.
Make it happen Jerry and Mike!
Although this doesn't appear to even have the guise of provocation.
Some men just want to watch the world burn. Preferably using lava buckets.
Ooh, who's good cop and bad cop? Who will drive the car and never let the other even touch the wheel? What will their 70s cop show title be? Will it escape the Friday night death slot?
On some plane of existence, John Locke just got an erection.
From the newspost, Tycho's current theory is that it was an accidental fire, while Gabriel is still convinced it was TNT.
Well, accidental fire was Elliot's excuse after denying he did it in the first place.
It doesn't sound like Jerry bought it.
fuck up once and you break your thumb / if you're happy at all then you're god damn dumb
that's right we're on a fucked up cruise / God is dead but at least we have booze
bad things happen, no one knows why / the sun burns out and everyone dies
Reminds me of the time someone rigged the city hall to blow on the G&T server once.
Look no further than liquid pyrotheum for your molten destruction needs!
Zat you, Elliot?