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Some changes for this year (and some changes to the schedule)

Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
edited August 2014 in PAX West
Greetings all!

PAX is NEXT WEEK, so I figured I would pop in, say hello, and explain some of the differences for PAX Prime 2014. As veterans to the show know, each PAX is just a little bit different from the others (for a variety of reasons... just trust me when I say there are reasons, and we don't mess with things "just because"), so here is a change log for some of the larger parts to the show:

- Red Lion Hotel now called the Motif Hotel (incorrectly labeled on back of badge)
- Motif Hotel replaces the tabletop activities from Olive 8
- Paramount Theatre (9th/Pine) being used for Autograph Sessions, Pin Trading, a place to view the streams, and dedicated Swag Bag Pickup (10a-6p Daily)
- Benaroya Hall (3rd/Union) being used for Main Theatre
- Diversity Lounge added (WSCC - 6th Floor Lobby)
- Take This AFK Room added (WSCC - 3rd Floor, underneath the Subwayeatfresh)
- Riot is now taking the Queue Room in the WSCC (4th Floor, 4A) for their NA Regionals starting at Noon each day.
- Harmonix Dance Central Stage replacing the Rock Band stage (WSCC - 2nd floor, International Meeting Place, across from Juicy Cafe)
- Line Entertainment Enforcers are no longer the keepers of the Pinny Arcade "Logo Pins." They instead will have their own lanyards for trading. Logo Pins can be found on Staff and otherwise.
- Hironobu Sakaguchi's Panel has been moved to [5:00pm-6:00pm] at the Benaroya (incorrect on printed guide)
- HIronobu Sakaguchi's Autograph Session has been moved to [6:30pm-8:30pm] at the Paramount (incorrect on printed guide)

Thanks all! See you soon!

Some guy.
Robert Khoo on


  • tech_huntertech_hunter More SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Will these updates be pushed to the guide app?

    tech_hunter on
    Sig to mucho Grande!
  • SkeleVaderSkeleVader Your Friendly Dark Lord of Destruction Registered User regular
    Great to see the Queue room used for something substantial this year rather then just going to waste. (everytwominutes contest really didn't make use o the room all that well last year).

    Some people have been wondering why the Paramount is being used for what seems to be just a glorified autograph room. Can you elaborate on that decision?

  • Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
    Yes, All of these updates will be pushed to the guidebook. The printed guide / back of badges we cannot change unfortunately. We have to submit those things a month+ out.

    Some guy.
  • EvilEvincarEvilEvincar Registered User regular
    Nothing against Dance Central, but I really will miss Rock Band. Loved having it around.

    Max sig size: 500x80px or 4 lines of text
  • kaonevarkaonevar Geeky Writer SeattleRegistered User new member
    Newbie here--
    I'm a bit confused about the open table top areas... In the Guidebook, the world map says that the open table top will be at the Motif Seattle. But on the WSCC maps, they also show up as being in the WSCC Annex (for WOTC) and WSCC Levels 2 & 3.
    Which is it? All of the above? How do you know which games are where?

    (I ask because I have an injury and I don't want to guess and walk more on an injury than required if possible. Horrible timing, I know.)

    Sci-Fi & Fantasy Author. Gamer. Geek. Check out Amaskan's Blood (Release 12/2014) at
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    Thanks for the updates and clarifications Robert. I too am curious about the decisions regarding the Paramount and Benaroya though.

  • LazorzLazorz Tokyo, JPRegistered User regular
    Nothing against Dance Central, but I really will miss Rock Band. Loved having it around.
    Yeah, I loved playing Rock Band in that little eating lounge. I guess Dance Central is okay, but it's just not the same as jamming out with plastic instruments.

  • SkeleVaderSkeleVader Your Friendly Dark Lord of Destruction Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    kaonevar wrote: »
    Newbie here--
    I'm a bit confused about the open table top areas... In the Guidebook, the world map says that the open table top will be at the Motif Seattle. But on the WSCC maps, they also show up as being in the WSCC Annex (for WOTC) and WSCC Levels 2 & 3.
    Which is it? All of the above? How do you know which games are where?

    (I ask because I have an injury and I don't want to guess and walk more on an injury than required if possible. Horrible timing, I know.)

    All of the above.
    TableTop at Prime is very spread out unfortunately. The only list of games is the tournament list & those will be at the Motif.
    You will also be able to find games on twitter by search the #ttlfg.

    SkeleVader on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    kaonevar wrote: »
    Newbie here--
    I'm a bit confused about the open table top areas... In the Guidebook, the world map says that the open table top will be at the Motif Seattle. But on the WSCC maps, they also show up as being in the WSCC Annex (for WOTC) and WSCC Levels 2 & 3.
    Which is it? All of the above? How do you know which games are where?

    (I ask because I have an injury and I don't want to guess and walk more on an injury than required if possible. Horrible timing, I know.)
    I am almost certain that open tabletop will be on WSCC levels 2 and 3 and Motif Seattle.

    The Annex houses M:tG and D&D tabletop, hence "for WOTC" (wizards of the coast)

    Motif will likely be a large open tabletop area with a huge game library

    WSCC levels 2 and 3 will likely be smaller tabletop rooms with open tabletop gaming, and will probably have various tabletop exhibitors interspersed within.

  • Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
    Paramount/Benny - I'm not going to bullshit you on the answer to this, so be warned you might not like my answer, and there's also a lot of dominoes in play...

    1. From a performance perspective, the two venues have pros and cons that are very much a wash in my opinion. They are both beautiful and grand and people will get a good show at both. The two big differences are 1, the Benaroya is a further walk and 2, the Paramount's floor can be flattened out to be flush with the stage (yes, i know this is weird, but it's true - the floor where we put seats in can be raised so it's the same height as the stage).
    2. I don't think anyone was a big fan of Riot on 6, and so the solution of putting them in the queue room after it had cleared made a lot of sense... which meant we also had to move the displaced autograph sessions and swag bag pickup.
    3. So we needed an area with good square footage, and Paramount made the most sense with the flattened floor-stage.

    Hope that answers your question.

    Some guy.
  • SkeleVaderSkeleVader Your Friendly Dark Lord of Destruction Registered User regular
    Paramount/Benny - I'm not going to bullshit you on the answer to this, so be warned you might not like my answer, and there's also a lot of dominoes in play...

    1. From a performance perspective, the two venues have pros and cons that are very much a wash in my opinion. They are both beautiful and grand and people will get a good show at both. The two big differences are 1, the Benaroya is a further walk and 2, the Paramount's floor can be flattened out to be flush with the stage (yes, i know this is weird, but it's true - the floor where we put seats in can be raised so it's the same height as the stage).
    2. I don't think anyone was a big fan of Riot on 6, and so the solution of putting them in the queue room after it had cleared made a lot of sense... which meant we also had to move the displaced autograph sessions and swag bag pickup.
    3. So we needed an area with good square footage, and Paramount made the most sense with the flattened floor-stage.

    Hope that answers your question.

    I was unaware the paramount floor could be raised, that is a very cool feature and makes that space a little better suited.
    Obviously moving LoL was a good decision and it had to have been discussed to move it to either the Paramount or Benaroya. What was the deciding factor that you guys decided not to move it to one of the theaters? Did Riot think they would be too far away from the foot traffic?

  • kaonevarkaonevar Geeky Writer SeattleRegistered User new member
    Thanks for the clarification. I think I've figured out a schedule to split my time and minimize walking on my ankle. :)

    Sci-Fi & Fantasy Author. Gamer. Geek. Check out Amaskan's Blood (Release 12/2014) at
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2014

    Also why can't I delete my own comments?
    Z, halp!

    Coldbrew on
  • jonxpjonxp [E] PC Security Registered User regular
    Paramount/Benny - I'm not going to bullshit you on the answer to this, so be warned you might not like my answer, and there's also a lot of dominoes in play...

    1. From a performance perspective, the two venues have pros and cons that are very much a wash in my opinion. They are both beautiful and grand and people will get a good show at both. The two big differences are 1, the Benaroya is a further walk and 2, the Paramount's floor can be flattened out to be flush with the stage (yes, i know this is weird, but it's true - the floor where we put seats in can be raised so it's the same height as the stage).
    2. I don't think anyone was a big fan of Riot on 6, and so the solution of putting them in the queue room after it had cleared made a lot of sense... which meant we also had to move the displaced autograph sessions and swag bag pickup.
    3. So we needed an area with good square footage, and Paramount made the most sense with the flattened floor-stage.

    Hope that answers your question.

    So why not put Riot in Paramount and leave the autograph/swag bag stuff where it was? As someone who doesn't know the actual numbers but met a lot of angry people who didn't get to watch LoL matches, it seems like having the large amount of seating would be ideal, while the queue room is better adapted to...well...queues for things like autographs and swag bags.

    Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten.
    3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
    PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
  • adias.angeladias.angel Tech-Savvy Wife Kalamazoo, MIRegistered User regular
    SkeleVader wrote: »
    kaonevar wrote: »
    Newbie here--
    I'm a bit confused about the open table top areas... In the Guidebook, the world map says that the open table top will be at the Motif Seattle. But on the WSCC maps, they also show up as being in the WSCC Annex (for WOTC) and WSCC Levels 2 & 3.
    Which is it? All of the above? How do you know which games are where?

    (I ask because I have an injury and I don't want to guess and walk more on an injury than required if possible. Horrible timing, I know.)

    All of the above.
    TableTop at Prime is very spread out unfortunately. The only list of games is the tournament list & those will be at the Motif.
    You will also be able to find games on twitter by search the #ttlfg.

    Yea it makes it hard to find groups at times with it being so spread out. People will use the tag but then forget to put which building/room. TT as East is much better as it's in one main area.

    Prime '12, '13, '14, '15, '19 .. East '12
  • LazorzLazorz Tokyo, JPRegistered User regular
    edited August 2014
    SkeleVader wrote: »
    Obviously moving LoL was a good decision and it had to have been discussed to move it to either the Paramount or Benaroya. What was the deciding factor that you guys decided not to move it to one of the theaters? Did Riot think they would be too far away from the foot traffic?
    I'm wondering the same thing. The Halo 4 Championships seemed to do great at Benaroya last year, and the International 3 did excellent as well. With the amount of traffic and noise pollution that LoL pulls, I'm honestly kind of afraid of it being held in the Queue Hall.

    Looking at all the possible options from an attendee perspective, the Benaroya looks like the best fit because 1) it's an actual theater, 2) it's isolated from the WSCC so the Enforcers won't be dying from traffic control all day, and 3) it's only a few blocks away, so no one will really have trouble getting to it. Plus that would leave the Paramount open for concerts again, which I think are much more enjoyable there because there's an actual floor to stand on.

    There's probably some logistics I'm not taking into account, but Benaroya really does seem like the better choice for the tournament.

    Lazorz on
  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    Heartbroken about Rock Band going away... but I'm cool with everything else.

  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2014
    I'm actually inclined to agree with @jonxp and @Lazorz. Though I think putting Riot in the queue room is better than having them in the back of the 6th floor (because that caused traffic nightmares) I still think it would benefit so much more from being at Benaroya, and in turn the PAX main theater (concerts at least) would benefit as well for remaining at The Paramount. Plus it seems like a bit of a stretch to have people leave the convention center and walk a couple blocks just to get some autographs and swag bags. The queue room seemed like the perfect spot for all of that.

    Don't get me wrong, I understand the reasoning and it makes sense, I just agree with the others in that I think it should have been handled a bit differently. But we'll make it work.
    Lazorz wrote: »
    Plus that would leave the Paramount open for concerts again, which I think are much more enjoyable there because there's an actual floor to stand on.

    The Paramount is by-far the best venue that has been used for the PAX concerts, I'm going to miss it this year for sure. Benaroya was fine for panels and all that, but it was an acoustic nightmare for the concerts, at least the 'heavier' stuff.

    Coldbrew on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Heartbroken about Rock Band going away... but I'm cool with everything else.
    I am also going to miss the Rock Band stage.

  • LegacyLegacy Stuck Somewhere In Cyberspace The Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPA regular
    - Harmonix Dance Central Stage replacing the Rock Band stage (WSCC - 2nd floor, International Meeting Place, across from Juicy Cafe
    zerzhul wrote: »
    Heartbroken about Rock Band going away... but I'm cool with everything else.
    I am also going to miss the Rock Band stage.

    Booooooooooooooooooo. I wondered what was going on with that area. The Rock Band freeplay stage is where me and my friends would go and hang around after everyone was done checking out things they were interested in for the day.

    Even HMX was asking about it earlier.


    At the very least, head by the Unicorn on Sept 1st after PAX ends(7PM - 2AM!) for the 1st Rock Band After Party(21+) for your Rock Band fix...

    Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
  • PotatoemanPotatoeman Registered User regular
    Wait, Sakaguchi's Panel is only 30 minutes behind the autograph session now, and the theaters are on complete opposite ends? I'm glad its later in the day now, but that's gonna be a pain. I hope people that go to the Panel can still get autographs..

  • domina_fortunadomina_fortuna Registered User regular
    Potatoeman wrote: »
    Wait, Sakaguchi's Panel is only 30 minutes behind the autograph session now, and the theaters are on complete opposite ends? I'm glad its later in the day now, but that's gonna be a pain. I hope people that go to the Panel can still get autographs..

    I hope so too. Does that mean that the event planned for the main theatre at 5pm is going to be switched to 2:30? Right now the schedule says there's an Assassin's Creed Unity event taking place there.

  • Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
    Assassin's Creed Unity event is being removed from the schedule entirely.

    Some guy.
  • SpicyMeatsSpicyMeats Victoria BCRegistered User regular
    wow that's a big one, no assassins creed panels at all?


  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    - Harmonix Dance Central Stage replacing the Rock Band stage (WSCC - 2nd floor, International Meeting Place, across from Juicy Cafe)
    Truly an end of an era.

    And conspiracy me says main theater was moved to a far location so travel time for many attendees will buffer traffic between main theater and expo hall. Also, it spreads the popular areas in different directions so less chance of bottlenecks. I hope it all works out, no matter the reason behind it.

  • capnsanitycapnsanity Professional Awesomer Registered User regular
    Figured i would ask in here since i found this and such, About the autographs in the Paramount, Does the whole being able to raise the floor to the stage thing mean it'll be wheelchair accessible?

  • Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
    Let me find out about the wheelchair accessibility - I know that when the floor ISN'T raised, there's a ramp along the stage left side that puts you right next to the orchestra pit, but since the floor will now be HIGHER that might change things. Making calls now.

    Some guy.
  • capnsanitycapnsanity Professional Awesomer Registered User regular
    Let me find out about the wheelchair accessibility - I know that when the floor ISN'T raised, there's a ramp along the stage left side that puts you right next to the orchestra pit, but since the floor will now be HIGHER that might change things. Making calls now.

    Thank you!

  • hml151hml151 Registered User regular
    Thank you Khoo, there a good chance I will be in a wheelchair for most the weekend due to health and it will mean I have to travel out to get things signed or swag bags (always fun to see what is in there) which is more difficult for me but it would be nice to know. Thank you again for your stellar team that takes care of medical passes.

    Max sig size: 500x80px OR 4 lines of text
    School Girl Goodness...Watch for us at future PAX Prime events. If want some of my geek chic collection, click on the etsy link.

  • hml151hml151 Registered User regular
    Does that change lineup to get into the expo hall Friday morning? Are we not usually lined up in the queue room?

    Max sig size: 500x80px OR 4 lines of text
    School Girl Goodness...Watch for us at future PAX Prime events. If want some of my geek chic collection, click on the etsy link.

  • Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
    Lineup is still in the Queue hall (only half of it is riot). Although those with medical passes line up in a different area, if i recall correctly. It's on the guidelines they give you when you get your medical badge (i believe it's 4th floor north lobby).

    Some guy.
  • hml151hml151 Registered User regular
    I will confirm when I pick up my passes on Thursday. Thank you.

    Max sig size: 500x80px OR 4 lines of text
    School Girl Goodness...Watch for us at future PAX Prime events. If want some of my geek chic collection, click on the etsy link.

  • YakivegasYakivegas Registered User regular
    Assassin's Creed Unity event is being removed from the schedule entirely.

    Does that really mean no Assassin's Creed panel? I thought maybe it was referencing some other event since the "Join the Revolution" panel is still on the Friday night schedule.

    All bleeding stops...eventually.
  • LackeyLackey [E] PAX Tabletop Tournaments Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    A few more notes about Tabletop areas:

    1) There will be *two* Tabletop Game Libraries - One in WSCC 204, and several of the rooms on floors 2 and 3 will be open for Freeplay. There will also be a Game Library at the Motif Hotel - 3rd Floor Emerald Ballroom. It'll be co-located with the games we use for Tournaments. We'll have plenty of freeplay space here, especially in the evenings after 7pm once most of the tournaments end for the day, both on the 3rd floor and the 4th floor.

    2) In the printed booklet that's already gone to press, it states that D&D is in the Annex. This is not correct. D&D will be on the 4th floor of Motif. The 0th (basement) and 1st (street level) floors of the Annex will contain Magic and Kaijudo events.

    3) Also missing from the printed booklet will be the list of Tabletop Exhibitors and Vendors. So here they are:

    Ancient Wonders - Annex L1
    Catalyst Game Labs - WSCC L2 Rm. 213
    Fantasy Flight Games - WSCC L2 Rm. 212
    Japanime Games - WSCC L2 Rm. 210
    Fire Opal - Motif L3 Foyer
    Games on Demand - WSCC L3 Rm. 301,302, 306
    Gamma Ray Games - WSCC L3 Rm. 305
    Go To Games - WSCC L2 Rm. 206
    Green Ronin Games - WSCC L2 Rm. 208
    Ninja Division - WSCC L3 South End
    Olympic Cards and Comics - Motif L3 Emerald I
    Paizo - WSCC L2 Rm. 201,202,203
    Reaper Miniatures - WSCC L3 Rm. 303
    Soda Pop Miniatures - WSCC L3 South End
    SFR, Inc. - Motif L4 Seattle II
    Steve Jackson Games - WSCC L2 Corral
    Uncle's Games - WSCC L2 Rm. 214 (with demo stations run by Calliope Games, North Star Games, Boyan Radakovich, Paul Peterson and more)
    Voodoo Bunny - Motif L3 Foyer

    Most of these exhibitors will be open long after the Expo Hall closes each night.

    These exhibitors are now listed in Guidebook under the Exhibitors tab, but they will not show up on the maps.

    Lackey on
  • Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
    capnsanity wrote: »
    Let me find out about the wheelchair accessibility - I know that when the floor ISN'T raised, there's a ramp along the stage left side that puts you right next to the orchestra pit, but since the floor will now be HIGHER that might change things. Making calls now.

    Thank you!

    From the Paramount:

    "Wheelchair access will be down aisles 1 & 5. There will be a ramp about halfway down each aisle. We also have ADA restrooms by aisle 5 as well."

    Some guy.
  • capnsanitycapnsanity Professional Awesomer Registered User regular
    capnsanity wrote: »
    Let me find out about the wheelchair accessibility - I know that when the floor ISN'T raised, there's a ramp along the stage left side that puts you right next to the orchestra pit, but since the floor will now be HIGHER that might change things. Making calls now.

    Thank you!

    From the Paramount:

    "Wheelchair access will be down aisles 1 & 5. There will be a ramp about halfway down each aisle. We also have ADA restrooms by aisle 5 as well."

    Sweet! I'm sure i'll be able to figure it out or be directed when i get there then!

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