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I'm new to Pin trading! I need advise on how to start!

tinatootlebugtinatootlebug Registered User new member
So I'm new to Pin trading. Although technically I have been doing it a year without really trying. I have several pins that I "collected" last year at Prime, but it was pretty casual. This year I want to be more educated going in, so I need advise/input as to what and how is the best way to get started on this crazy path.


  • QumadenQumaden World's Mightiest Mortal Registered User regular
    It depends on how deep down the rabbit hole you want to go. If you prioritize the pins you want, you can just work your way down a list and reference a few posts about each pin and how to obtain them. If you're going full on Hardcore Pinthusiast... IT'S DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE, TAKE THIS:

  • QumadenQumaden World's Mightiest Mortal Registered User regular
    Knowing that all the Staff pins are going to be traded for, you can make sure to have your trade fodder pins so that you can be ready to trade should you spot a Staff Member. Downloading the Guidebook App will give you a nice map and let you plan your locations. Also, if pins are something you wanna do, be sure to go to the pin trading event, that's a great way to meet other pin trades, get the staff pins, and maybe pick up pins from places you haven't been/missed before.

  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    Go to the pin trading event on Sunday night at the Paramount
    Hang out at the info desk
    Have trade bait (or throwaway pins to trade to staff, aka whatever you don't feel like you need multiples of)
    Get an extra of the 10th Anniversary pin

  • tinatootlebugtinatootlebug Registered User new member
    Thanks everyone, I appreciate it!

  • FrostbyteFrostbyte Registered User regular
    And if you haven't already, create an account on, and start listing/tracking your collection. It's free, and easy.

  • FitzchivalryFitzchivalry PAXAUS Cookie Brigade Coordinator Orrstrahleeeeah mate!Registered User regular

  • HeadhunterHeadhunter Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Make sure you have a base of pins to trade: pick up extras of the the base set at the merch booth (it'd be too late to have it shipped to you now), attach them to your lanyard (included with pin purchase) and you're ready to start.
    Go to the pin trading event on Sunday night at the Paramount
    Hang out at the info desk
    Have trade bait (or throwaway pins to trade to staff, aka whatever you don't feel like you need multiples of)
    Get an extra of the 10th Anniversary pin

    Quick but important note, the Main Theatre this year is at the Benaroya Hall (! It's about 2-3 blocks from the convention centre, it held the Halo tournament + the impromptu inaugural pin trading meet up at PAX Prime 2013 for anyone who remembers either of those events.

    Headhunter on
    "Perception is reality." -unknown
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