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PAX XP 2014

ZenthereZenthere Registered User regular
1. Program, pg 12
2. Those Strip Search Kids banner


  • ZenthereZenthere Registered User regular
    3. Main theater street level lobby

  • ZenthereZenthere Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    4. Pax 10, 6th floor
    5. Hedgehog theatre

    Zenthere on
  • TheJackalManTheJackalMan Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    6. Console free-play banner, 6th floor

  • ZenthereZenthere Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    7. Sasquatch theater
    8. Table top tournaments sign ground level annex

    Zenthere on
  • DashDDashD Dread Pirate Chef Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    9. Classic Arcade room banner

    "Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
  • BanthaBantha Registered User regular
    Yet again, someone actually stole one of the codes (or hid it or whatever). Info booth confirmed it was missing. And of course, it magically reappeared AFTER the medals for the first finishers were all given out. This is pretty shitty, since clearly people were finishing even after it went missing. It's a shame some people can't play well with others.

  • The_TimThe_Tim Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Agreed. I repeatedly scoured the area where that one reappeared and can confirm that it was definitely not there yesterday afternoon or this morning. And yet somehow people were redeeming completed puzzles this morning. This game should either just be dropped or they should come up with a tamper-proof way of running it.

  • XadrixnaXadrixna Registered User regular
    Yeah...... That is quite annoying....

  • screaminglemonscreaminglemon Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    10. 6th floor diversity tables
    11. handheld lounge by bean bags
    12. Paramount
    13. 3rd floor Motif hotel

    screaminglemon on
  • InitialdorInitialdor Seattle's Carl Registered User regular
    edited September 2014
    Number 11 there was the jacked one... I spent most of Saturday hunting that friggin code.

    Initialdor on
    2018 West: Badges [x] TWDT [Rclaw TT] Cosplay: Still bald. Still single. Still lovin' it!
    "Fantasy football still counts as fantasy." -DnD Greg
  • Rhea_starstormRhea_starstorm Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    Having trouble finding the last three....anyone know where they are?

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