post your pictures and videos of pax prime 2014 here.
videos from the twitch streams should be findable here:
please respect our embedded limit of 500k for anything in img tags
this is not a place to advertise yourself
If this isn't the area to post videos, please let me know so I can put it up where people can see it.
If anyone missed it, it was a really interesting panel about the idea of developing and releasing episodic content. Some good jokes about the idea of releasing a Dante's Inferno episodic game as well.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
If you see anyone you recognize, please tag them. Thanks.
Also I'll have headcrab cam(gopro strapped to my face) footage up in a few days.
Would this be you guys?
Yes! Yay!
Over the PAX weekend I tend to take a number of photos (4,100 this year), mainly due to the huge number of photos required to make a Photosynth work right. If you haven't seen a Photosynth, please check one of mine out!
But first, traditional photos: I present the top 600 (on flickr by topic), and the top 1200 on my personal website available free for personal use in full resolution. I have fun taking them, and hope you enjoy viewing them!
Example Photosynths!
Walk past the Assassin’s Creed Booth with Photosynth’s new Wall feature.
Or zoom in on tiny details.
Spin around the Evolve Booth
Take a walk around the outside of the Telltale’s Borderlands booth
Or sneak inside and move around the inside
Explore The Order's Headquarters.
Those are among the best, but there’s plenty more photosynths to check out!
Sampled Pictures
Selfie Time! by DarkPhibre, on Flickr
Scott Kurtz & Mike Krahulik enjoy the moment by DarkPhibre, on Flickr
League of Legends Cosplay Photoshoot by DarkPhibre, on Flickr
And hundreds more!
-Tom Mathews / Darkphibre
Dark Fibre: Fiberoptic cable placed in anticipation of future demand
Cosplay - Facebook, Flickr
Concerts - Facebook, Flickr
Panels (mostly belonging to the LRR crew) - Facebook, Flickr
Just for reference, I tend to throw up the ones that worked out a bit better on Facebook (better composition/less blur/etc) and Flickr just gets everything dumped to it, 'cause I find it's a lot better for scrolling through pictures en mass. Prime 2014
Here's a video featuring some cosplay and shots of the show floor. If you see yourself, let me know and I can cerdit/tag you!
Inside Gearbox Software panel (from 4 cameras!)
I have been looking for @mully as Tom Nook forever in albums everywhere, but yours was the first I found a photo of her! I seem to remember you taking it, too.
Big names include Tim Schafer and Geoffrey Card from Undead Labs. This film was made because I love PAX and I wanted to hear and express why other people continually go to this event. Please enjoy and if you are willing, any feedback would be greatly appreciated in terms of how it was made.