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Tween Appropriate?

BrackardBrackard Registered User regular
This has never been an issue in the past with PAX located on the coasts, but with PAX South opening, I'm considering going and bringing my 13 year old daughter.

For those of you who have been, is this age appropriate or am I setting us both up for an uncomfortable weekend? I am not a prude by any means, and she isn't exactly sheltered, but I don't want to walk into a situation that may not be right for either of us. Just trying to get a realistic view of what to expect.

Comments welcome. Thanks.



  • PineappleChuckPineappleChuck Registered User regular
    What makes you hesitant to bring your daughter? If you're worried about her enjoying herself, there's always TONS of stuff to do. If she's a gamer, she will have a blast. If she has a 3DS, she WILL find someone(s) to play with.

    I think we need to know what exactly your concerns are before we address them. Foul language? She's 13, and probably has heard most of it, but if you've read PA, you know what you're in for. Leering/creepy men? Fifty plus thousand people, bound to be a few, but if it's one thing I know and love about the PAX community, it's that we look out for our own. I mean, people specifically come to give us free cookies. On the scale measuring the ability of human beings to be awesome, PAX rates pretty high up, in my experience.

  • PavioPavio Registered User regular
    My brother and I brought my 12 year old nephew to PAX Prime and he loved it and never felt uncomfortable. That said, we would never let him wander off by himself, not yet at least. But it was good for him.

  • BrackardBrackard Registered User regular
    Oh, I'm so not worried about her enjoying herself. She's watched me play just about everything and is scarily like me. If I like it, chances are solid she'll enjoy it as well.

    It was more just the people than anything else. You see/hear one thing, but getting a second opinion from someone who has been there can result in an entirely different response.

    Just call it being a protective parent. ;)


  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    I've never witnessed anything, but there are so many friendly people that would help you if you needed it for some reason. Booth exhibitors, Enforcers, even attendees.

    That being said, I think PAX is something everyone can enjoy.

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  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    It all depends on what you want your kid exposed to. There will absolutely be loads of cursing, and while many exhibitors will restrict entry to underage folks for M games, their displays will likely still be visible in the expo hall. I personally think it's fine for a parent to bring a kid around that age, but we're not going to be able to tell you what is or isn't appropriate to you and your family. If you have more specific questions, it's probably easier to answer those than one so general and subjective as what you've asked.

  • BrackardBrackard Registered User regular
    The fact that I haven't received a "I can't believe you would even consider it" kind of response is pretty much what I needed. It sounds no worse than say, going to an NFL game which I'm perfectly fine with.

    Thanks all - ordering tickets now!


  • HeadhunterHeadhunter Registered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    It all depends on what you want your kid exposed to. There will absolutely be loads of cursing, and while many exhibitors will restrict entry to underage folks for M games, their displays will likely still be visible in the expo hall. I personally think it's fine for a parent to bring a kid around that age, but we're not going to be able to tell you what is or isn't appropriate to you and your family. If you have more specific questions, it's probably easier to answer those than one so general and subjective as what you've asked.

    This is a really good description of the PAX experience, both for Prime and East (I haven't been to Australia but would imagine it's the same). As far as fan driven conventions go, I'd put PAX heads and shoulders above any of the other events I've attended for family friendliness and safety.

    "Perception is reality." -unknown
  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    Brackard wrote: »
    This has never been an issue in the past with PAX located on the coasts, but with PAX South opening, I'm considering going and bringing my 13 year old daughter.

    For those of you who have been, is this age appropriate or am I setting us both up for an uncomfortable weekend? I am not a prude by any means, and she isn't exactly sheltered, but I don't want to walk into a situation that may not be right for either of us. Just trying to get a realistic view of what to expect.

    Comments welcome. Thanks.

    PAX tries very hard to be an all-ages experience. There are stronger rules for exhibitors relating to things like Booth Babes than you get at E3 for example. There are lots of families and kids of all ages at PAX.

  • X3R0 9X3R0 9 Registered User regular
    edited September 2014
    You and your daughter will be fine. There isn't anything that goes on in the expo area that isn't age appropriate. I'm taking my seven year old daughters with my wife and I to this PAX. This will be there second PAX and they loved there first PAX in Boston last year. They actually requested to cosplay this year.

    X3R0 9 on
  • BrackardBrackard Registered User regular
    Tickets ordered, reservations made - looking forward to the event!


  • BrackardBrackard Registered User regular
    We just got back home earlier this afternoon from Pax South. For those who commented here, thanks.

    We had a great time, and my daughter is already asking if she can bring friends for next year. The worst we saw / heard was PG at best, and that was from a panel or two. The people in general were awesome all the way around. We look forward to the next one!


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