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Dem Pins from Dem Games

QumadenQumaden World's Mightiest MortalRegistered User regular
So, I am honestly not a big video gamers anymore. I went the MMO route in '99 and never looked back. I finally broke the cycle of addiction and boredom that are MMOs, and as such, don't much play the vidjya games you kids are into these days. That being said, I just downloaded Transistor last night.

What prompted that you ask? Well, the Red pin from PAX Prime this year honestly! Loved the look of the pin, loved the look of the art at the booth getting the pin even more, so I had to get it. Has the acquisition of any pins lead you to something fun and interesting?


  • purevalpureval Somersworth, NH Registered User regular
    Not yet. I have gotten more open to D&D than I was before I got the pins, but still have not played it yet. If I ever got an XBONE I will get Project Spark and most certainly would not even know about it without the pin.

  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Not so much pins, but since i started watching ACQ INC streams for 2 years ive wanted to get a DND group going, just need the players...

    Also somewhat curious to see Adventure Time and Bravest Warriors since the pins

    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    I gave The Order a chance because of the pin, and really enjoyed the demo. I'm sure I would've overlooked the game for a while if it wasn't for the pin.

    Still not interested in Wildstar because MMOs
    I got an Xbone and KI because of pins
    I tried Hearthstone because of pins, but I'm just not that big on it
    I also checked out the inFamous booth because of the pin last year, which got me interested in it as well, and it ended up being great.

    So yeah, the pins have worked for me.

  • QumadenQumaden World's Mightiest Mortal Registered User regular
    Ayefkay wrote: »
    Not so much pins, but since i started watching ACQ INC streams for 2 years ive wanted to get a DND group going, just need the players...

    Also somewhat curious to see Adventure Time and Bravest Warriors since the pins


  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular

    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • QumadenQumaden World's Mightiest Mortal Registered User regular
    Ayefkay wrote: »

    It's a quote from Bravest Warriors. It's not the best, but has some fun bits.

  • CowpuppyCowpuppy Squirrel Squad (EAST) Registered User regular
    Ayefkay wrote: »
    Not so much pins, but since i started watching ACQ INC streams for 2 years ive wanted to get a DND group going, just need the players...

    Mike and ACQ Inc. make me want to try DnD too. Never played before! But none of my pals are interested. I mention DnD and they look at me like I've got two heads. Sucks being the nerdiest person in a group of mature adults.

    As for trying games because of Pins... well, the pin demo I enjoyed the most at East was probably WoW, but mostly just for memories' sake. I completely forgot how-do-keyboard and mostly spent my time looking at the new area and the new character models but exploring was why I used to play WoW in the first place. Briefly considered going back because of the beta key. I tried HotS too (yes, I did the blizzard lines twice) and I had never played a MOBA before and I HAD NO IDEA WHAT WAS HAPPENING and being the shitty team member in front of everyone watching gave me anxiety. So, not doing that again.

    But outside of PAX I have not been led to play any games because of pins.

    Pins! Pins everywhere!
    Looking for Pins: DLC

    There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?
  • FrostbyteFrostbyte Registered User regular
    I tried Hearthstone because of pins, but I'm just not that big on it

    Nobody's perfect. :)

  • creid8creid8 Registered User regular
    I probably never would've downloaded Hearthstone if it wasn't for the pin at East.

  • gn0xgn0x Arizona, USARegistered User regular
    I've taken a closer to look to Behemoth's offerings after getting their pins. I had gotten back into Magic the Gathering a bit after getting the Chandra pin. Read more about who she was in that universe. I like the Commander/EDH style of play, much nicer on casuals in my opinion.

  • QumadenQumaden World's Mightiest Mortal Registered User regular
    gn0x wrote: »
    I've taken a closer to look to Behemoth's offerings after getting their pins. I had gotten back into Magic the Gathering a bit after getting the Chandra pin. Read more about who she was in that universe. I like the Commander/EDH style of play, much nicer on casuals in my opinion.

    Magic is about the community, not the format. Any format can be hell on casuals if you've got uber competitive types in your community.

  • gn0xgn0x Arizona, USARegistered User regular
    my comment on "nicer on casuals" is not having to worry too much about the cards. EDH is almost all open from any set.

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