PAX East 2015 Cosplay Thread

arwen_doll16_LOTRarwen_doll16_LOTR CommanderRegistered User regular
edited September 2014 in PAX East
Welcome to the PAX East 2015 costume thread!

Yes, it has already begun!! Work on a new PAX costume starts as soon as the recovery from the last PAX is over!

What is everyone planning on doing for their costumes for 2015?
Any big ideas or even just concepts of what you might want to do?
Games or other things coming out or are already out that you might want to base a costume off of?
Got any questions about how to make something or need opinions and advice?
Want to show off your work and post pics?
Find more members for your costume group or talk about a costume contest?

You have found the right place, now post to your hearts content!
Can't wait to see everyone's awesome work this year!

Please keep in mind this post will be updated as often as possible to provide current information.

Are there really that many people that cosplay for PAX?
There are enough of us that you are reading this thread!

I'm not sure if I want to dress up, what do you think?
Dressing up is a personal choice. No one will judge you either way.

Does my costume have to be video game related?
Not at all! There are a wide variety of costumes from all themes in geek culture from Doctor Who to Power Rangers, anime to video games! If you want to wear a costume then do it!

I am a beginner at costume making, any advice?
Many people will have many different things to say about this. At the heart of it all is to stick to your comfort zone. Never sewn a thing in your life? Don't make a full Princess Peach gown. Start out with something simple enough that you can make it, and make it well enough for YOU to be proud of. Don't get intimidated by others. Many people who do the large scale things have been at this a while. Also, nothing wrong with taking some pieces from your own wardrobe or the store and using them.

I have a cool prop weapon, can I bring it!? (this is the biggest one of all so please read on carefully!)
Please refer to these rules first and use common sense. If you ABSOLUTELY cannot find the answer to your question then please put them in a message to AaronC who is the security manager of PAX.
Do not flood him with questions if your answer can be found here!!!

The official policy is as follows:
Weapons Check Policies

All prop weapons brought to the show MUST be approved at the Info Booth as soon as you arrive. We will be looking for the following criteria:

It cannot fire any sort of projectile. (Nerf guns are only allowed if they have been deactivated and cannot fire.)
It cannot be an airsoft weapon. (Yes, even if it’s deactivated.)
It cannot be sharp or pointy enough to cut or pierce someone with moderate pressure. This includes all real swords, daggers and knives. It also includes ceramic blades, needles, syringes and anything that can pierce (for example, a Little Sister syringe made of wood would not be allowed)

Upon approval, your weapon and badge will be tagged and cataloged.

What kind of restrictions on clothing are there?
As an attendee the only restriction is that your man or lady bits are not showing. For women your breasts should be covered as well. If you (as an attendee, not a paid employee of an exhibitor) want to wear the equivalent of a bikini, you can.

The restrictions for clothing apply to people working for Exhibitors (do not worry about these rules unless you are working for an Exhibitor, in that case, please refer to your employer).



*See weapons policy and peace bonding sections above for prop weapons (this really can't be stressed enough!)

*You will want to wear comfortable shoes. Shoes are required at all times anyways. Even if they do not match this is a HUGE deal. If you don't think you can walk all day in them, then don't do it.

*You will most likely get stopped for photos (especially if your costume is good). If you don't feel like it then simply tell the person that you are not doing pictures right now but to come find you later, the main thing is to be polite. Keep in mind also that some people are fans of "ninja photos", they walk by and nonchalantly snap a photo of you while you are simply standing there or eating, or...anything really. Once again be polite and sometimes you may even offer to take a nice photo for them (without your mouth full of food!).

*When taking pictures try to move out of the crowd and off to the side where there is less traffic (I am sure the person wanting the picture will also understand).

*The convention center will be hot. Keep this in mind especially for costumes with layers. Fake layers (fake collars, half sleeves that are sewn into a shirt to make it look like layers etc.) are all neat tricks to saving you from sweating like crazy.

*Weight of a costume can be a big issue. Think about it practically. If you can't carry the weight of a costume on you for the time that you will be in the center then don't wear it. Try to lighten up the load with hollow structures and the like. Remember that costumes don't always have to be the exact proportions of the original to look good.

*Costume size can also be a problem. Keep in mind that you will be wearing this into a convention center full of tons of people. No one wants to get smacked in the face by your giant Jesse from Pokemon wig or by your Final Fantasy bigger than a person sword.

*Swag is a very common thing, try to have a plan of where you will keep all your awesome shirts, buttons, magnets, games, etc. Matching bags are always a popular option. Having a buddy to help carry your stuff is also another option. Please note, there is no coat check or spare room to keep stuff in for attendees. It all depends on personal preference but is something to keep in mind.

*Freshness can be a little lacking by the third day of being in costume (this is not meant to offend anyone but this should be addressed). Try to change at least any underlayers to your costume everyday. If this can't happen then try to hang up the costume in your room for the night so that it can at least air out (febreeze isn't a bad option either). Wear deodorant and any other freshening toiletries that you prefer and shower each day to keep yourself and your costume nice and fresh.

*Finally, it is a good idea to carry a few safety pins (or your costume equivalent) with you to make on the fly repairs while at the convention center. Accidents happen, especially the more people you add to a situation. It would be a shame for someone to step on the hem of Kaylee's Fluffy Layer Cake Dress and have it rip and leave you exposed.


If you have a group page that you would like to have posted here then please PM me!
Keep in mind that most groups make a Facebook page to connect and organize through since things can get lost easily on this thread.

Mass Effect
(This is a closed Facebook group, if you would like membership then please make sure that you either message me (arwen_doll16_LOTR) here on the PA forums, or make your albums with your Mass Effect costume progress public so that an admin will approve you.)


Please contact me in a PM if you would like any listed here.

Please contact me in a PM if you would like any listed here.

I should go.
arwen_doll16_LOTR on


  • Summeryjester8Summeryjester8 Registered User new member
    I planned on doing a Cosplay for Pax Next year. The Cosplay play I wanted to do I would have to use a sword, If I were to get a actual sword. Would I be able to bring that to Pax? Because I know it comes in a Holster for it.

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    Unless the weapons rules from last year change, that would not be allowed.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • miker525miker525 New YorkRegistered User regular
    I planned on doing a Cosplay for Pax Next year. The Cosplay play I wanted to do I would have to use a sword, If I were to get a actual sword. Would I be able to bring that to Pax? Because I know it comes in a Holster for it.
    A real legitimate sword would not be allowed in. Definitely go over the rules whypick1 linked to. You're likely going to be looking to get a foam or plastic sword though.

    Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
    Websites - Gamerations -
    Pinny Pals - Miker525
  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    miker525 wrote: »
    You're likely going to be looking to get a foam or plastic sword though.

    Even if its plastic, make sure its not too pokey at the end. But yea, the rules are pretty clear, if its important to you to bring, err on the side of caution.

  • Megan_GwynnMegan_Gwynn Pixie New EnglandRegistered User regular
    Carrying a sword around Boston would probably not go down that well with the police either btw lol

  • satyr16satyr16 Registered User regular
    I recall at this past East event that there was a Counter Strike cosplayer with what looked like a DMR variant of the Mk 17 SHAR-H. Looked pretty legit to me. That brings my to my question. I'm doing a Venom Snake cosplay and would like to carry the guns he has. This includes a 1911 (always in the holster) and the M4 variant he has. Now I've *read the weapons guide* and it says no airsoft guns even if they're deactivated. However the way I plan to have these guns is to take an airsoft gun, gut every single gear and part inside out of it, leaving nothing but just the outer plastic shell and orange tip; much akin to what the Counter Strike cosplayer had. Would this still be ok to do?

    TL;DR: Is a 'deactivated' airsoft gun just one that doesnt shoot but still has the parts in it, or will it be acceptable if i use nothing but the outer clamp shell and orange tip.

  • tvethiopiatvethiopia Salem MARegistered User regular
    satyr16 wrote: »
    I recall at this past East event that there was a Counter Strike cosplayer with what looked like a DMR variant of the Mk 17 SHAR-H. Looked pretty legit to me. That brings my to my question. I'm doing a Venom Snake cosplay and would like to carry the guns he has. This includes a 1911 (always in the holster) and the M4 variant he has. Now I've *read the weapons guide* and it says no airsoft guns even if they're deactivated. However the way I plan to have these guns is to take an airsoft gun, gut every single gear and part inside out of it, leaving nothing but just the outer plastic shell and orange tip; much akin to what the Counter Strike cosplayer had. Would this still be ok to do?

    TL;DR: Is a 'deactivated' airsoft gun just one that doesnt shoot but still has the parts in it, or will it be acceptable if i use nothing but the outer clamp shell and orange tip.

    hopefully someone who is involved with weapons policy will reply with a definitive answer, but i'd lean towards that's probably not ok. i think the reason airsoft is banned regardless of functionality is because the realistic look could cause them to be mistaken for a real weapon "on second glance" (the orange tip being insufficient at a reasonable distance). again, i'm no authority, but if i were you i'd start working on a backup plan.

    <3 Daintier. Smarter. Better dressed. <3
  • satyr16satyr16 Registered User regular
    Don't get me wrong either, I always follow weapon rules to a T, it's just what I saw last year surprised me. Either the person got away with it or they were ok with him having the airsoft gun.

  • arwen_doll16_LOTRarwen_doll16_LOTR Commander Registered User regular
    edited September 2014
    I will let you know that for this last PAX I carried a sword. A real sword. Metal. The trick is to not have a sharp edge on it or a sharp point. I had it on my back the entire con and took it out only for pictures. As long as it is not sharp, then you can have a sword, no matter the material it is made from. They peace bonded it without any fuss and I was on my way.

    (I am also a medieval reenactor. I carry weapons through public places all the time to get to where I am performing or practicing. The public will be stupid as it usually is but police do not have a problem unless you are being a jerk about it. Don't go waving things around threateningly. And if an officer does stop you then simply let them know it is part of a costume and offer to let them see it if they would like.)

    The official PAX policy is as follows:
    Weapons Check Policies

    All prop weapons brought to the show MUST be approved at the Info Booth as soon as you arrive. We will be looking for the following criteria:

    It cannot fire any sort of projectile. (Nerf guns are only allowed if they have been deactivated and cannot fire.)
    It cannot be an airsoft weapon. (Yes, even if it’s deactivated.)
    It cannot be sharp or pointy enough to cut or pierce someone with moderate pressure. This includes all real swords, daggers and knives. It also includes ceramic blades, needles, syringes and anything that can pierce (for example, a Little Sister syringe made of wood would not be allowed)

    Upon approval, your weapon and badge will be tagged and cataloged.

    arwen_doll16_LOTR on
    I should go.
  • arwen_doll16_LOTRarwen_doll16_LOTR Commander Registered User regular
    edited September 2014
    tvethiopia wrote: »
    satyr16 wrote: »
    I recall at this past East event that there was a Counter Strike cosplayer with what looked like a DMR variant of the Mk 17 SHAR-H. Looked pretty legit to me. That brings my to my question. I'm doing a Venom Snake cosplay and would like to carry the guns he has. This includes a 1911 (always in the holster) and the M4 variant he has. Now I've *read the weapons guide* and it says no airsoft guns even if they're deactivated. However the way I plan to have these guns is to take an airsoft gun, gut every single gear and part inside out of it, leaving nothing but just the outer plastic shell and orange tip; much akin to what the Counter Strike cosplayer had. Would this still be ok to do?

    TL;DR: Is a 'deactivated' airsoft gun just one that doesnt shoot but still has the parts in it, or will it be acceptable if i use nothing but the outer clamp shell and orange tip.

    hopefully someone who is involved with weapons policy will reply with a definitive answer, but i'd lean towards that's probably not ok. i think the reason airsoft is banned regardless of functionality is because the realistic look could cause them to be mistaken for a real weapon "on second glance" (the orange tip being insufficient at a reasonable distance). again, i'm no authority, but if i were you i'd start working on a backup plan.

    I am not officially involved with weapons policy. You would need to talk to AaronC about that.

    The official PAX policy is as follows:
    Weapons Check Policies
    All prop weapons brought to the show MUST be approved at the Info Booth as soon as you arrive. We will be looking for the following criteria:

    It cannot fire any sort of projectile. (Nerf guns are only allowed if they have been deactivated and cannot fire.)
    It cannot be an airsoft weapon. (Yes, even if it’s deactivated.)
    It cannot be sharp or pointy enough to cut or pierce someone with moderate pressure. This includes all real swords, daggers and knives. It also includes ceramic blades, needles, syringes and anything that can pierce (for example, a Little Sister syringe made of wood would not be allowed)

    arwen_doll16_LOTR on
    I should go.
  • SoulairSoulair Registered User regular
    I was thinking one of my Smash Bros Mains:



    Dark Pit

  • TrandescentTrandescent Registered User regular
    edited October 2014
    I'm looking to throw together a cosplay this year but i'm not really sure what. Could I get a suggestion? I want to fit something that fits my bodytype/height. I'm 6'6", not skinny but I have a little pudge.


    Trandescent on

    PAX East 2018 4-Day Pass [X] BYOC Pass [X] Hotel Reservation [X]

    See y'all at PAX East 2018!
  • GoocruxGoocrux Registered User regular
    I'm looking to throw together a cosplay this year but i'm not really sure what. Could I get a suggestion? I want to fit something that fits my bodytype/height. I'm 6'6", not skinny but I have a little pudge.


    I know that you said you're not skinny but you could try Ryuk the shinigami from Death Note.

  • TrandescentTrandescent Registered User regular
    Goocrux wrote: »
    I'm looking to throw together a cosplay this year but i'm not really sure what. Could I get a suggestion? I want to fit something that fits my bodytype/height. I'm 6'6", not skinny but I have a little pudge.


    I know that you said you're not skinny but you could try Ryuk the shinigami from Death Note.
    Ooh, not a bad suggestion at all. That means I'll have to actually finish Death Note.. only got like three episodes in.

    Wondering if theres any good vidya solutions out there.


    PAX East 2018 4-Day Pass [X] BYOC Pass [X] Hotel Reservation [X]

    See y'all at PAX East 2018!
  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    You could try ... "I am Groot !"

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • SkrepoSkrepo Registered User regular
    I'm not sure what my daughter and I are going to do this year. Maybe something from Guardians of The Galaxy or Big Hero Six.

  • ComicSeansComicSeans Registered User new member
    My Omegathon Partner and I from last year are working on a Towerfall cosplay, as the Turncloak Soldier and Last of the Order. Its my first cosplay for a con, and I'm probably going to be panicking to finish it a few months from now.

    PAX East 2014 Omeganaut
    Twitter: @Comic_Seans
    to the moon!
  • Aredhel22Aredhel22 Blue Nova Cosplay PittsburghRegistered User regular
    edited October 2014
    I have my costumes all set up. I don't know yet whether I want to do a Splicer or a Cerberus cheerleader on Friday. Maybe I'll do both. Most of the pieces for Vav are in, but stupid FedEx lost my boots. All that's left is to modify the boots, gloves, and suit and make the cape. I haven't started the other ones. These costumes are going to be great, because my buddy is going to be another splicer and/or cheerleader, she'll be the Shepard to my Liara, and she's also going to be my X-Ray.

    Also, just as a reminder, everyone posting pictures needs to make sure that they're less than 500k. Anything larger will be removed by the mods.


    Aredhel22 on
  • GreatBritain846GreatBritain846 Registered User new member
    Hi Everyone! I usually just watch the forums, but I figure people here can help me better than continuously perusing to find someone with a similar issue. This next year will be my second year doing PAXEast and I'm BEYOND excited. I didn't manage to get 3-day passes last year and only went for Fri./Sat., but I plan on doing all three days this year and cosplaying for all three as well! Last year was easier to handle cosplay-wise, as none of the characters had complicated props or weapons to worry about security with. This year, however, I've got two cosplays in mind with guns, one of which is causing me a headache. I'd like to do Lara Croft from the Eidos era (still working out exactly which of her outfits I'll go with), but I'm having difficulty finding non-Airsoft versions of the HK USPs that she uses. I have Airsoft ones already on the way for future use, but I know they're expressly banned by the con. If anyone knows where I might be able to find good replacements (I'm awful at making things, it's probably not a good idea), I'd love to hear it!

  • The Depressed GamerThe Depressed Gamer Registered User new member
    Maybe gut out the airsoft guns. Everything, inner barrel, springs, even the magazine so it cant even hold BB's. Keep the orange tip on though and still get it weapon checked for the tag. If it's nothing but a plastic shell I suppose it's ok. I mean technically without the internals or anything it can't be an airsoft gun (?). I'd wait for official word I suppose because a topic like this is sensitive for the convention. That's just my two cents.

  • GreatBritain846GreatBritain846 Registered User new member
    That's what I was hoping initially, so I've held off buying them, but some of the posts I've looked over seem to say the same sort of thing: that they're not allowed regardless of functionality. Then again, it is a little vague, so I'd love a definite on it, certainly.

  • KaronethKaroneth Elder Scrolling Online Co-Host Lakehurst, NJRegistered User regular
    I believe the rules for 2014 were no Airsoft guns period so beware.

  • The Depressed GamerThe Depressed Gamer Registered User new member
    It's just that the way I see it is that if its just the plastic clamp it's not an airsoft gun, but probably more like a trainer/replica weapon.

  • votrespectrevotrespectre Kristi MichiganRegistered User new member
    I'll be bringing genderbend Scarecrow for my first PAX. :biggrin:


  • sediroxsedirox Registered User regular
    I plan on doing Zero Suit Samus from Smash 4 complete with light up heels. I also want to light up the pink patches on her power suit and the bracelets she wears but the heels are a priority right now. If I have time, the whole costume will light up!

  • ArcanicEightArcanicEight Registered User regular
    In regards to the airsoft debate, I definitely have seen some realistic guns at the convention, most of which I assume were airsoft models, and those were allowed in somehow, despite the rules strictly stating otherwise. I say, gut them, but be prepared to bring it back to wherever you need to in case they don't allow it. I know it's not much help, but that's my best guess.

    As for my plans, if I can grow my hair out long enough in time, I'd like to do a Marshall Lee cosplay from Adventure time. I did Simon Petrikov a couple years back and plan on bringing that back as well for another day. For the third, I have a couple options: Leon Kennedy (either RE4 or RPD uniform), Kazuhira Miller (MGS V), random modern assassin (Assassin's Creed) or Aiden Pearce (Watch Dogs). The Adventure Time stuff is pretty much all done, everything else has bits but need to be completed.

  • GreatBritain846GreatBritain846 Registered User new member
    Thanks for all the advice, everyone! I think I might give gutting them a shot. In the case that they don't allow them in, however, does anyone know of somewhere that I can store them close by? I'm staying with a friend who's also going to the con that lives close to Boston, but far enough away of a T trip that it would be tedious.

  • DragantDragant BostonRegistered User regular
    Probably do a better version of Rick Sanchez. wzehr447r1b8.jpg

  • The Depressed GamerThe Depressed Gamer Registered User new member
    The hair is growing out pretty long to get into a ponytail. Need to give it some grey highlights. Bear needs to be shaven down a bit but that can be done anytime. The horn/shrapnel is built but this was after this pic was taken. Just waiting on the iDroid case to go on sale so can buy it for my dummy iPhone 5 phone. Other than that the vest, BDU's and everything else is complete. Oh, the arm is nearing completion.


  • MintyCrowMintyCrow The Confused Cosplayer Boston, MARegistered User new member
    Advice for people cosplaying at PAX for the first time: Last year I went as Rocket Raccoon for one day and I couldn't even make it longer than a hour. Like the convention center gets hot. And the show floor is packed. I couldn't have my mask on more than 10 minutes and I ended up having to spend most of the day in the handheld lounge. Make sure you don't have a really bulky cosplay that can get really hot really fast. Oh yah, advice from a local: because its March and in New England, its going to be freezing outside. Good. Luck.

    This PAX East I have a friend of mine going as a Big Daddy (Delta, from Bioshock 2 to be exact) , if we can finish it in time. I hope he can handle it because I know what it was like in my Rocket cosplay and a Big Daddy's probably going to me a lot hotter and a lot more bulky... Well I hope that goes well.
    I'm going to be going as a little sister one day too, I have a friend lending me their cosplay for that thankfully.
    AND THEN The rest of the time I plan on going as Commander Shepard, but with Terminus Assault Armor if I have enough time. If the big daddy takes up most of my time then I 'll just go with the default N7 armor.

    Oh yah and I have a question. I got a bit of "unwanted attention" last year. Anyone know if PAX East has a cosplay does not equal consent thing going?

  • The Depressed GamerThe Depressed Gamer Registered User new member
    MintyCrow wrote: »
    Advice for people cosplaying at PAX for the first time: Last year I went as Rocket Raccoon for one day and I couldn't even make it longer than a hour. Like the convention center gets hot. And the show floor is packed. I couldn't have my mask on more than 10 minutes and I ended up having to spend most of the day in the handheld lounge. Make sure you don't have a really bulky cosplay that can get really hot really fast. Oh yah, advice from a local: because its March and in New England, its going to be freezing outside. Good. Luck.

    Oh yah and I have a question. I got a bit of "unwanted attention" last year. Anyone know if PAX East has a cosplay does not equal consent thing going?

    This is definitely important to consider. Though it may be freezing outside being in an open building with several tens of thousands of people will get hot quickly. Have friends with you that can hold water (if your costume cant allow it). I would also advise (again if your costume allows it) to invest in a hydration bladder, definitely a life saver. Try proper ventilation in your costume too. Spent all weekend sweating in a trenchcoat from my Merchant RE4 costume. Definitely take it into consideration.

    Another point to get across is places to store belongings such as wallets, phones, and keys for hotel or car. Personally I prefer to keep these on me at all times should I need any of them so incorporating a pocket/compartment to store these items is a plus.

    As for "unwanted attention", maybe they can incorporate that rule onto the PAX tickets themselves like other rules (?). It's something that should be common sense but you know some people.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited November 2014
    MintyCrow wrote: »
    Oh yah and I have a question. I got a bit of "unwanted attention" last year. Anyone know if PAX East has a cosplay does not equal consent thing going?
    I would encourage everyone to read the following page in detail

    an excerpt from the safety and security page
    If at any point you feel unsafe at PAX or that any of the rules have been broken, we ask that you inform an Enforcer or member of PAX staff immediately. Your safety is our primary concern, and if you feel that safety has been compromised, we will do everything in our power to rectify the issue. Issues of violence and harassment are addressed immediately, with guarded “Safe Areas” being designated in case any incidents do arise.

    If you feel any concerns about your safety prior to the show, please email us at

    zerzhul on
  • JaaCeeJaaCee Registered User new member
    Last year was my first PAX cosplay experience. If you are considering it, do it! I was nervous about how the crowd would be. Fear not, the crowd is very supportive. I was asked about pictures before they were taken, and in some cases I was asked to pose with other cosplay characters I didn't know. It's all good. My first day, I wasn't in costume. Partly because it needed a last minute detail. But that was the best thing because I was able to observe people's reactions to cosplayers and get comfortable with the environment. The comments were about the costumes and not about the bodies in them which is wonderful. Lots of creativity which was awesome. Thanks, PAXEast for being so respectful.

    With regard to weapons, I used an airsoft gun but... it was a clear, orange-tipped pistol with a broken mechanism and no clip. At the checkpoint, they attempted to force the gun to work before being satisfied it was not operational and allowing it. The simplest thing is to follow the rule to a T. For me, the decision to bring this was last minute, so my costume did not rely on my having it and I would not have been upset if I couldn't use it or if they threw it away. It was headed for the trash anyway.

  • TheGoldenTriforceTheGoldenTriforce Registered User regular
    I might do it next year, and if I do, any advice, like random things I should know.

  • SepiothSepioth Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Going to be as TF2 Engineer again this year. Hopefully going to be adding at least a shotgun to it this year.


  • HourlyBHourlyB Registered User new member
    I'm going to go as a Battlefield assault soldier (note, not completely accurate to the one used in game)
    I might try and go as casual Shepard for one of the days as well. (N7 jacket, cargos pants and N7 dogtags)
    Here's the first cosplay, but I'm going to be wearing Desert Tri-Color Crye G3 pants in the final version and a replica Ops-Core helmet.34wb9kw7k0x5.jpg

  • DanQDanQ Registered User regular
    edited November 2014
    so I did this the last couple years, maybe some of you even signed me, and I'm going to do it again this year. So not exactly a cosplay, but I put on a painter's coverall suit, walked around with a bag of markers and walked around and had people sign and doodle and otherwise write me and it was a blast. I think I will actively be doing this more this year, entertaining people waiting in lines. I'm surprised at just how not weird it felt for me or the vast majority of people I approached. Kids had the best reaction. Anyway, if anyone is looking to dress up but too lazy/cheap/uncreative to make an actual costume, come along with me and have others make your costume for you. Taken after the second day. the goal is to get it completely filled this year.


    DanQ on
  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    Likely doing a Riot cosplay, but also thinking about some Final Fantasy depending on time/groupings. Glad tickets are over so I can actually start planning.

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • Commander CainCommander Cain Registered User regular
    edited November 2014
    Probably doing a Payday cosplay this year, was thinking abotu doing Wolf since a buddy of mine wants to do Hoxton. Seems easy enough:

    I also might do my casual Shepard again this year (don't know if the dancing will make another appearance though haha)

    Commander Cain on
  • SatoruSatoru Registered User regular
    edited November 2014
    DanQ wrote: »
    so I did this the last couple years, maybe some of you even signed me, and I'm going to do it again this year. So not exactly a cosplay, but I put on a painter's coverall suit, walked around with a bag of markers and walked around and had people sign and doodle and otherwise write me and it was a blast. I think I will actively be doing this more this year, entertaining people waiting in lines. I'm surprised at just how not weird it felt for me or the vast majority of people I approached. Kids had the best reaction. Anyway, if anyone is looking to dress up but too lazy/cheap/uncreative to make an actual costume, come along with me and have others make your costume for you. Taken after the second day. the goal is to get it completely filled this year.

    Cosplay is all about expressing your creativity in any way you can. Yours might be inexpensive, but it's certainly a super-creative. Don't short change yourself! Its a great idea and a great cosplay :)

    Satoru on
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