THIS IS FOR: PC, Mac, iPad, and eventually Android and iPhone!
We like playing with each other sometimes:
Add your Bnet Battletag here.Vent and Teamspeak for discussing games!Tournament BracketHearthstone New Player Guide:
1. Install Game
2. Play through intro stuff (Mage training)
3. Unlock every class by defeating them
4. Choose a class and level it up to 10 in Play Mode (Casual or Constructed)
5. Do this with all the other classes
6. Go back and defeat all 9 Expert AI classes
7. Play an Arena run (it's free so don't worry about going 0-3)
8. Disenchant a card (typically a common 5 dust card)
9. Spend accumulated Gold on buying the wings of Naxxramus (700 per wing)
10. Complete Naxxramus completely for 30 new cards
11. Complete daily quests for Gold
12. Either spend Gold on packs of cards (100/pack) or Arena (150/run)
13. Repeat steps 11 and 12
Arena can earn more cards and Gold once you get good at playing it. You always get a pack of cards in Arena regardless of your record. Rewards increase as you get more wins. Therefore, earning 50 Gold will have you break even since you get a 100 Gold pack of cards automatically. 50 Gold is about 3-4 wins depending on your rewards luck. Anything more than that is pure profit.
Supplemental Card Creation Guide:
1. Do not dust cards until you have more than 2 copies of a card
2. Unless you're committed to a class, it's better to craft neutral minions first (Sylvannas, Cairne, Ragnaros, etc)
3. Dusting Gold cards earn lots more dust (unless you care about that bling look)
4. Try to only create Epic or Legendary (commons and rares will come via packs)
5. Ask us here before dusting something like a Legendary (see Legendary crafting link below)
Goblins vs Gnomes Gameplay pricing/cards/basic info: agreed upon order for crafting Legendary cards: Game Information:
The game has FOUR play modes:
- Play - Build a 30-card deck and fight people in ranked or unranked matches.
- Solo Adventures - Practice against the AI or enter the Single Player themed adventures like The Curse of Naxxramas.
- Arena - Pay 150g, then pick a hero from a random selection of 3 heroes and draft a deck from a random pool of cards presented to you three at a time. Then battle other people who went through the same process to receive treasures!
Hearthstone revolves around two heroes summoning minions in a goal to bring the enemy hero to zero life. Think of it as a simpler version of Magic that favors quicker matches, and you're on the right track.
Here are class intros and pretty pictures:
Hero Power: Gain 1 Armor and +1 Attack this turn.
Style: Can accelerate with mana-boosting cards like Innervate. Many cards have two options, allowing for flexibility. Enjoys a good buff.
Weaknesses: Flexible cards tend to be overpriced. Weaker early game without acceleration. Lacks direct removal.
Hero Power: Deal 2 damage to opposing hero.
Style: Utilizes minions to rush down opponent. Great synergy with beast minions. Cheap removal.
Weaknesses: Removal tends to be random targets or secrets that can be played around. Beasts are typically mediocre without hunter synergies. Hero power has no effect on the board.
Hero Power: Deal 1 damage to any character.
Style: Lots of direct damage spells, and spells in general. Very control-oriented, using freeze and removal to keep enemies at bay. Polymorph is one of the best removal spells. Strong AoE damage. Strong finisher via Pyroblast.
Weaknesses: Only has a handful of solid minions. Incredibly vulnerable without any spells. Can be hamstrung if opponent heals enough.
Hero Power: Summon a 1/1 Silver Hand Recruit minion.
Style: Enjoys buffing minions and debuffing enemies. Great for weenie decks, but enjoys a slower, somewhat control-oriented game. Solid weapons, and lots of card draw.
Weaknesses: Has poor direct removal. Card draw is good, but either situational (Divine Favor) or expensive (Lay on Hands).
Hero Power: Restores 2 HP to a character.
Style: Control-oriented. Loves to buff minions, particularly HP. Steals opponents' crap, potentially resulting in massive card advantage. Lots of direct removal.
Weaknesses: Weak in the early game. Direct removal is conditional or expensive. People will think you're a jerk.
Hero Power: Summon a 1/2 weapon.
Unique Mechanic: Combo. Cards have an additional effect if you've already played a card earlier in the turn.
Style: Tends to go for rush-down. Lots of direct damage and weapons. Combo allows for cheap, powerful effects.
Weaknesses: Vulnerable late-game. Combo can lead to unfavorable opening hands. AoE spells tend to be poor.
Hero Power: Summons one of the following totems at random: Stoneclaw (0/2 Taunt), Healing (0/2, restores 1 HP to all friendly minions at end of turn), Searing Totem (1/1), Wrath of Air (0/2, +1 Spell Damage)
Unique Mechanic: Overload. You will be unable to spend X mana on your next turn. Think Echo from Magic and you're on the right track.
Style: Has a lot of play styles, being able to sling spells, use weapons, and solid minions. Overload allows for very efficient turns. Hex is among the best direct removal.
Weaknesses: Vulnerable on turns AFTER overload. Hero power is random, which will burn you.
Hero Power: Gain 2 Armor.
Style: Incredibly aggressive, favoring a lot of cheap enrage minions, charge, and great weapons.
Weaknesses: Worst Hero Power in the game. Removal tends to be random or conditional (Execute, Brawl). Damage spells, particularly AoE, are poor. Takes a ton of damage from weapon use.
Hero Power: Deal 2 damage to your hero. Draw a card.
Style: Can go for an aggressive early game with very cheap demons. Hero Power is among the best in the game. Good synergy with demons.
Weaknesses: Powerful cards tend to have bad drawbacks. Removal tends to be weak (Mortal Coil) or carry big drawbacks (Soulfire). Hero Power can hurt your late game.
Grobian's list of less intuitive facts:
- Max handsize is 10 cards. Any card over that is drawn then immediately destroyed.
- You can't have more than 7 minions on the board.
- If you draw from an empty deck, each "card" you draw instead damages you, beginning at 1 damage and increasing by 1 damage each draw.
- If multiple things happen at the same time (e.g. trigger at the end of the turn) they happen in the order their respective cards have been played.
- There are hidden quests/achievements that award gold, notably: 100g for beating all Expert AIs, 100g for playing every class to level 10 and 300g for 100 wins total.
- The Shaman hero power always calls one of the 4 totems that isn't out yet. If you get a totem bounced to your hand, you can play a second one, though.
- The hunter spell Animal Companion just calls a random of the 3 possible minions.
- The Warlock spell Sense Demons gives you 1/1 imps for 1 mana if you don't have (any more) demons in your deck.
- Stealth overrides Taunt, not the other way around.
- Stealth is only for the enemy, you can buff your stealthed minions.
- Priest: Shadowform refreshes your hero power, so you can use it twice in a turn.
- Druid: Wild Growth at 10 mana crystals awards you a spell "Excess Mana" which draws a card for 0.
- More comprehensive list of oddities here
Hearthstone strategy and resource links
Easy intro to Hearthstone in an
Full daily quest list
TeamLiquid's new Hearthstone site
Hearthstone Article Portal, a collection of all articles they've done. A good place to start.
HearthHead - Best Arena draft practice, decklists, deck builder, card db
Hearthpwn - Practice Arena drafts, decklists, deck builder, card db. Same stuff different layout.
Chrome Hearthstone Card mouseover extension - Easily find out what all those cards people are talking about do without leaving the thread!
Neutral Common guide for Arena
Here's a cheat-sheet for all the Secrets in the game:'s a deck-tracking google spreadsheet made by our own Muffintron:
From Muffintron:
I've got it set-up so that I have a folder for each of the classes, and a spreadsheet for each deck, then I use individual sheets within that spreadsheet to keep track of the deck changes over time.
Just go File -> Make a copy to get a copy on to your google drive.
To use: put in the cards for the deck: Quantity, Mana cost, Name, Type (Spell, Weapon or Minion) and Rarity (Soulbound, Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary and Naxxramas).
The sheet should take care of the rest.Decent streamers/youtube clips to watch, to learn!Finally, here's a list of PA people who don't mind if you spectate while they play.
mnc dover/mncdover#1994
Webber/Webber #1330
Gaze upon them and know fear!
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
One obvious way is KT behind a sticky taunt. KT plus sludge belcher means that, short of hard removal, you have to do 7 damage before you can even touch the big guy. And if you can't do that, you've got two taunts coming back at the end of the turn. But that's a 2-turn play.
What are some ways that KT can have immediate board impact to come from behind?
This Creeper got passed back and forth between us multiple times due to Cabal Shadow Priest. Also my Cairne was played on turn 9; he MC'd it, and then I MC'd it right back. Weirdest mirror match I've played in a while.
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.
It's fun sometimes and frustrating at others.
If you end up with a Priests Velen, due to Sylvanas Shenanigans, Life Tap will hit you for 4 points of damage instead of 2.
I'm forced to make use of him in my paladin control and undertaker priest decks as I don't have rag yet. He often has a swing impact when I have any kind of board, as you obviously just do max damage suicides and get everyone revived. I have a lot of guys with death rattle as well for added value (multiple thaddius would be the dream, but a bonus harvest golem token or two can also help).
Death rattle combos make him seem to me maybe more viable in undertaker priest in particular?
As you mentioned, his synergy with taunters can be pretty amazing and and you could be in a bad situation with just 1 taunt out that KT completely rescues.
I would rather have rag when I get a couple of hundred more dust, as obviously KT is not helpful if your board is already cleared, which is presumably the most common"I'm in trouble" situation for most conventional decks.
Since is kind of getting a lot of traffic, if you can't access it, here's the decklist and the Google cache.
Some more stuff about Thoughtsteal in there.
2008, 2012, 2014 D&D "Rare With No Sauce" League Fantasy Football Champion!
also, I still can't get mage arenas to go past 3 wins, no matter how many fireballs I draft
(though I had a humorous match against a warlock and I took him down to twelve and he must have thought "surely the last two cards in his hand aren't both fireballs?" and I made him hate life next turn)
You don't even need KT behind a taunt. For KT to have value, you just need some kind of board. Throw him out, trade all your guys into the enemies, then watch as they all come back. You already got the value (7 mana to bring all your current minions back to life? yes please). Plus, your opponent is almost guaranteed to waste some removal on KT, so that's more value.
He just works really badly in decks that don't have much of aboard presence.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
Equality combos, or maybe Auchenai + double Circle, but beyond that, it's very sticky, and if you don't have the board presence to beat it there and then, or a finisher combo, that game is going bad places.
I decided to try a few anti-warrior decks, but still lose to the stream of legendaries they vomit up every damn game.
Any advice on tried and true anti-warrior decks would be welcome.
??? Did I miss something?
I love it when I thoughtsteal Reincarnate and/or Ancestral Healing. I got to Reincarnate a Sludge Belcher that a Shaman Earth Shocked and being able to keep a Circle of Healing and throw Ancestral Healing on a fresh Injured Blademaster is just tops.
drop him when trading multiple minions, be it for 1 big enemy or several smaller ones. then yours come back and they have nothing left. they have to deal with KT AND the rest of your board.
he has immediate impact which I've heard of as a sign of a good card. just only try to drop him when you already have minions imo unless you're shaman
I love that he writes this stuff up. I've been watching him and playing this deck for a few days but his thought process is interesting.
Because 90% of golden borders are - somewhat predictably - on bots. And they get to around the low teens on average (sometimes much higher though).
"MINIONS! Servants of the cold dark! Obey the call of... MINIONS! Servants of the cold dark! Obey... MINIONS! Servants of the cold..MINIONS! Servants.. MINIONS! MINIONS! Servants of the cold dark, obey the call of Kel'Thuzad..... motherfucker."
Generally not very respectful commentary.
It will be impossible to play the Hunter deck I want to play unless the entire class changes, which seems unlikely. This makes me sad, because I really want to Krush people.
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.
I actually had no idea.
- never show targeting arrows
- never hover over cards in their hand
- often have a 10-15 second pause at the beginning of their turn, followed by a constant rhythm of actions, both attacks and cards played.
Of course, each of those should be ridiculously easy to program away, so these are only warning signs for a little bit till the bots evolve
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
And some sort of deathrattle rogue, and zoo runs drad infernals. We live in strange times.
third comment is "hafu nudes"
le sigh, dat comments
the comment that got me to turn it off was kripp basically saying Reynad would easily get past the ladies and go on to the "real" opponents
which is funny cause Hafu beat him
(zoo is a pos)
Witty signature comment goes here...
The fact that they could have been thought of as even partially acceptable at any point along the way, though, is the problem.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
Eh, most of the objectionable comments are really just in-jokes between the casters and players that shouldn't have been said in public, on stream especially without context. I don't believe either of them have malicious intent, though it totally could have been/is interpreted as such.
the nudes comment is Reckful reading off twitch chat, which is basically a meme unfortunately
the grills comment is ribbing from Reckful towards Nadia
the girl points comments points towards a particular Tides of Time/Nadia/Trump event
the Reynad comment basically ribs on Reynad typically being salty and considering opponents that beat him having no skill
Moreover, arena competition is not considered serious competition because of the pure RNG involved, thus the lax attitude
Streaming 8PST on weeknights
while true, this is the way for things to change so it's good it's happening.
As in, it wasn't a slip, it was just complete bro-ness just flowing unrestricted.
You can't expect someone to personally be a saint in their own environment and what we saw was just the two in their environment (mainly that other non-krip guy from what I saw). The problem was that it was their own environment rather than what it should have been, a more professional & non-biased public environment.
Witty signature comment goes here...