Writing Panels?

RARuskRARusk Registered User regular
PAX South will be the first PAX convention I will be attending and based on what I have seen from the others it will be different from the other similar gaming cons I have attended in the past (such as SXSW). I am wondering if PAX is going to have any kind of panels or, more specifically, writing panels. However, my game related writings are technical based as opposed to fanfiction.

I have been writing text based strategy guides for GameFAQs for a little over a decade now. While I have written guides for games such as The Darkness, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay, Bully, and Deadly Premonition my main focus is on the Grand Theft Auto and Hitman game series. I am hoping to meet up with fellow writers and learn a thing or two in the process while enjoying all that PAX has to offer.

I had asked this in the FAQ topic but didn't get an answer. I'd like to know so I would know what I should bring if anything. Thanks in advance.


  • punziepunzie Cookie Pimp Registered User regular
    The schedule won't be announced until a few weeks before pax. I don't think panel submissions are open yet. If there's a topic you'd like to see covered at pax, the best thing to do is put together your own panel and submit when the option opens up.

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    It sounds like you might be looking for workshops. Panels at PAX are generally a presentation, maybe some Q&A, in a larger auditorium style room. I'm sure there are people at PAX that would love to meet and discuss game guide writing with you, but you may have to look outside official panels, and maybe organize your own meet up to make it happen. Also, you might look into PAX Dev, that has more workshop sort of discussion planned events.

  • RARuskRARusk Registered User regular
    When does the panel submissions open?

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
  • RARuskRARusk Registered User regular
    I sent in my panel suggestion early last month and was officially accepted tonight. It will be on January 25th, the last day of the event.

  • Ammund_RunecAmmund_Runec Registered User regular
    RARusk, what is the title of your panel?

    I am looking for it on the schedule and I am not finding any panels that deal with writing for Sunday.

  • RARuskRARusk Registered User regular
    Inside the Mind of a FAQ Writer - 1:30 at the Armadillo Room.


  • RARuskRARusk Registered User regular
    Got my Special Guest/Speaker pass today. Will check out the Armadillo Room tomorrow to check it out and see what I will need to bring for Sunday. Can't believe PAX South starts tomorrow - seems like yesterday since I got the panel acceptance notification. Too bad the weather's gone crappy - could've done without that.

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