WHY ARE THERE NO COMMENTS!!! I'm like the only person at in a digital Super Dome.
If you're like me and you roam the archives a lot, just do like I do and occasionally comment on an old comic. When you do, the comic pops up on the first page of the forums and sometimes you'll get a few people to comment as well. I try not to do it too often though, lest I start to annoy the forum regulars.
"It's just as I've always said. We are being digested by an amoral universe."
MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
If you're like me and you roam the archives a lot, just do like I do and occasionally comment on an old comic. When you do, the comic pops up on the first page of the forums and sometimes you'll get a few people to comment as well. I try not to do it too often though, lest I start to annoy the forum regulars.
-Tycho Brahe
I've deliberately avoided playing WoW. I wouldn't know. I just heard distant rumbles.
It was the output of a contest they held where readers submitted haikus (I think) based on WoW. They picked their top three and made them into single panels.