I cannot think if any situation where "pin pre-order" isn't either extremely beneficial or very conveniant for all of us! Yay, can't wait to hear more!
Visit my website, thepintrader.com, the first Pinny Arcade store!
I considered myself an enthusiast collector, but then I realize I'm sitting here preordering a new pin set 2 minutes after it goes live, and that I'm only 5 6 pins away from a complete set... (for a couple weeks before PAX Aus, at least)
Changed my order to 1 and it went back down to what I would expect to see ($4). It's increasing the shipping price to $9+ when I add a second to the order. Hmm...
Had to play around quantities a bit for mine, as shipping can be quite high on orders to Canada - Finally settled for 4 sets and a few pin backs. I deeply regret getting only 2 Halloween sets last year, as it seems everyone wants the pins now.
Visit my website, thepintrader.com, the first Pinny Arcade store!
Had to play around quantities a bit for mine, as shipping can be quite high on orders to Canada - Finally settled for 4 sets and a few pin backs. I deeply regret getting only 2 Halloween sets last year, as it seems everyone wants the pins now.
That witch annarchy tho.
PAX Prime attendee since 2008.
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
Had to play around quantities a bit for mine, as shipping can be quite high on orders to Canada - Finally settled for 4 sets and a few pin backs. I deeply regret getting only 2 Halloween sets last year, as it seems everyone wants the pins now.
That witch annarchy tho.
I hear ya!
Visit my website, thepintrader.com, the first Pinny Arcade store!
PAX Prime 2011 [x]
PAX Prime 2012 [x]
PAX Prime 2013 [x]
PAX Prime 2014 [x]
PAX Prime 2015 [x]
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
PAX Prime 2011 [x]
PAX Prime 2012 [x]
PAX Prime 2013 [x]
PAX Prime 2014 [x]
PAX Prime 2015 [x]
Edit: Link had been broken, works again.
DEEP CROW! I'm so happy.
I considered myself an enthusiast collector, but then I realize I'm sitting here preordering a new pin set 2 minutes after it goes live, and that I'm only 5 6 pins away from a complete set... (for a couple weeks before PAX Aus, at least)
$4-something for standard USPS shipping, about what I usually see for my pin orders.
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
Those colored pin backs I'll wind up getting. Never know when you can use more, whether for PA pins or any others.
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[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
So was the suprise the halloween set or are we waiting for something else, aka AUS pin list?
Always looking to trade.
That witch annarchy tho.
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
I hear ya!