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[PA Comic] Wednesday, November 5, 2014 - Market Forces

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited November 2014 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PA Comic] Wednesday, November 5, 2014 - Market Forces

Market Forces

Market Forces

Read the full story here

Unknown User on


  • DoraukoDorauko Awesome OhioRegistered User regular
    First PA comic in a while I've truly laughed out loud at. Good times.

  • DeathtongueDeathtongue Registered User new member
    PA Staff: Just because you CAN show something doesn't mean that you SHOULD.

    @Dorauko Freud would have a field day with this comment.

  • DoraukoDorauko Awesome OhioRegistered User regular
    @Deathtongue‌ ...mine or yours?? I'm confused

  • DelzhandDelzhand Agrias Fucking Oaks Registered User, Transition Team regular
    Tycho, man, you gotta get a razor down there. Just... clean up a bit.

  • DonnictonDonnicton Registered User regular
    edited November 2014
    PA Staff: Just because you CAN show something doesn't mean that you SHOULD.

    Straight up nudity will get you banned from Twitch super quick - like, the Flash would lose that race.

    The cleavagecam femstreamers are one thing, but aren't straight up skirt-lifting. Whatever story Mike/Jerry are equating this particular point to must be something I missed - or is a part of the news article that isn't up yet..

    Donnicton on
  • DjiemDjiem Registered User regular
    Donnicton wrote: »
    PA Staff: Just because you CAN show something doesn't mean that you SHOULD.

    Straight up nudity will get you banned from Twitch super quick - like, the Flash would lose that race.

    The cleavagecam femstreamers are one thing, but aren't straight up skirt-lifting. Whatever story Mike/Jerry are equating this particular point to must be something I missed - or is a part of the news article that isn't up yet..

    What if Tycho wore a sexy little thin-fabric male thong?

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Banana Hammock cam.

  • DoomnetoDoomneto Registered User regular
    Donnicton wrote: »
    PA Staff: Just because you CAN show something doesn't mean that you SHOULD.

    Straight up nudity will get you banned from Twitch super quick - like, the Flash would lose that race.

    The cleavagecam femstreamers are one thing, but aren't straight up skirt-lifting. Whatever story Mike/Jerry are equating this particular point to must be something I missed - or is a part of the news article that isn't up yet..

    Or sometimes, y'know, it's just because it's funny.

  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    Oh god. Can't unsee that this morning.

    What is this I don't even.
  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Donnicton wrote: »
    PA Staff: Just because you CAN show something doesn't mean that you SHOULD.

    Straight up nudity will get you banned from Twitch super quick - like, the Flash would lose that race.

    The cleavagecam femstreamers are one thing, but aren't straight up skirt-lifting. Whatever story Mike/Jerry are equating this particular point to must be something I missed - or is a part of the news article that isn't up yet..

    They might not even be getting at anything in particular. Maybe when Tycho says "mad teats" he is referencing the cleavagecam streamers.

    This is a comic about equality. Why aren't there any bros doing dickstreams. They just took it to the extreme and showed bare-dick instead of tasteful dick cleavage.

  • Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    At least it looks like he got his snakedick cleared up

    Oh brilliant
  • DonnictonDonnicton Registered User regular
    edited November 2014
    Lucascraft wrote: »
    Donnicton wrote: »
    PA Staff: Just because you CAN show something doesn't mean that you SHOULD.

    Straight up nudity will get you banned from Twitch super quick - like, the Flash would lose that race.

    The cleavagecam femstreamers are one thing, but aren't straight up skirt-lifting. Whatever story Mike/Jerry are equating this particular point to must be something I missed - or is a part of the news article that isn't up yet..

    They might not even be getting at anything in particular. Maybe when Tycho says "mad teats" he is referencing the cleavagecam streamers.

    This is a comic about equality. Why aren't there any bros doing dickstreams. They just took it to the extreme and showed bare-dick instead of tasteful dick cleavage.

    I know right - why can't men get equal opportunity to show off the goods for wide audience appeal?

    That's a bit of an aside(but not the first time they've tried to do this in a comic), but I never did understand attempting to force equivalence between breasts and (specifically male) genitalia - breasts don't really have an equivalent(unless you count the manbreasts....) except in a tenuous commonality of sexual connotation, whereas men and women have very clearly defined genitalia that equate against eachother more accurately.

    Compared against the ol' crotch shot, breasts also have the advantage of more universal appeal - errybody love da breasts!

    Donnicton on
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    I think it's possible that this comic, which ends with Tycho's mother declaring how proud she is of him for showing his penis to the world, was primarily intended as a joke about how bad Tycho's idea was rather than as a serious statement about equality of opportunity in Twitch nudity.

  • DonnictonDonnicton Registered User regular
    Tube wrote: »
    I think it's possible that this comic, which ends with Tycho's mother declaring how proud she is of him for showing his penis to the world, was primarily intended as a joke about how bad Tycho's idea was rather than as a serious statement about equality of opportunity in Twitch nudity.

    Twitch has a pretty clear equality of opportunity as far as nudity goes anyways.
    "Your account has been banned."

  • LinktmLinktm Registered User regular
    More dicks have been drawn in the past year of Penny Arcade than in all years previous combined.

  • PrimesghostPrimesghost Registered User regular
    Pretty sure this comic is aimed at the recent Twitch ToS changes intended to cover themselves (and Amazon) because of complaints about people like Kaceytron.

  • admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Donnicton wrote: »
    Lucascraft wrote: »
    Donnicton wrote: »
    PA Staff: Just because you CAN show something doesn't mean that you SHOULD.

    Straight up nudity will get you banned from Twitch super quick - like, the Flash would lose that race.

    The cleavagecam femstreamers are one thing, but aren't straight up skirt-lifting. Whatever story Mike/Jerry are equating this particular point to must be something I missed - or is a part of the news article that isn't up yet..

    They might not even be getting at anything in particular. Maybe when Tycho says "mad teats" he is referencing the cleavagecam streamers.

    This is a comic about equality. Why aren't there any bros doing dickstreams. They just took it to the extreme and showed bare-dick instead of tasteful dick cleavage.

    I know right - why can't men get equal opportunity to show off the goods for wide audience appeal?

    That's a bit of an aside(but not the first time they've tried to do this in a comic), but I never did understand attempting to force equivalence between breasts and (specifically male) genitalia - breasts don't really have an equivalent(unless you count the manbreasts....) except in a tenuous commonality of sexual connotation, whereas men and women have very clearly defined genitalia that equate against eachother more accurately.

    Compared against the ol' crotch shot, breasts also have the advantage of more universal appeal - errybody love da breasts!

    Breasts are more equivalent to a six pack.

  • tech_huntertech_hunter More SeattleRegistered User regular
    I think they may have mentioned this in a podcast or maybe in an Aus Pax Q&A. Although at the time Gabe thought the V of a males lower abdomen and thighs might be equivalent to a females cleavage. Also he suggested filling it with cereal and spooning it out. Apparently Tycho has his own ideas, glad he can make his mom proud though.

    Sig to mucho Grande!
  • PsykomaPsykoma Registered User regular
    Linktm wrote: »
    More dicks have been drawn in the past year of Penny Arcade than in all years previous combined.

    I dunno, didn't that penis-monster in their chat-roulette game comic have quite a few dongers in it?

  • TransluciaTranslucia Registered User regular
    gabes so afraid of penis yet he cant stop drawing it

  • BroloBrolo Broseidon Lord of the BroceanRegistered User regular

    For reference, are comics this risque considered too NSFW for the rest of the forums? Like could this be reposted in the webcomics thread in SE?

  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    Maybe link it to be on the safe side

  • PsykomaPsykoma Registered User regular
    Translucia wrote: »
    gabes so afraid of penis yet he cant stop drawing it



  • Dark_SideDark_Side Registered User regular
    Donnicton wrote: »
    PA Staff: Just because you CAN show something doesn't mean that you SHOULD.

    Straight up nudity will get you banned from Twitch super quick - like, the Flash would lose that race.

    The cleavagecam femstreamers are one thing, but aren't straight up skirt-lifting. Whatever story Mike/Jerry are equating this particular point to must be something I missed - or is a part of the news article that isn't up yet..

    Probably in reference to twitch's recent policy changes.
    Streaming site Twitch is taking a hard line against users whose feeds include "sexually suggestive" outfits, according to the rules of conduct changes that posted Monday. "Nerds are sexy, and you're all magnificent, beautiful creatures, but let's try and keep this about the games, shall we?" reads the update.

    Twitch states that gamers who stream themselves in no clothing, or sexually suggestive clothing including but not limited to underwear, lingerie, swimsuits, or pasties "will most likely get… suspended."

  • PLAPLA The process.Registered User regular
    Dark_Side wrote: »

    Twitch states that gamers who stream themselves in no clothing, or sexually suggestive clothing including but not limited to underwear, lingerie, swimsuits, or pasties "will most likely get… suspended."

    So sex-swing?

  • CallofBootyCallofBooty Registered User regular
    Pretty sure this comic is aimed at the recent Twitch ToS changes intended to cover themselves (and Amazon) because of complaints about people like Kaceytron.

    Why can't it just be a literal illustration showing that the answer to the question "What is the market demand for my exposed penis?" is "Ain't nobody want to see your dick but your momma!"

  • Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    Dark_Side wrote: »
    Donnicton wrote: »
    PA Staff: Just because you CAN show something doesn't mean that you SHOULD.

    Straight up nudity will get you banned from Twitch super quick - like, the Flash would lose that race.

    The cleavagecam femstreamers are one thing, but aren't straight up skirt-lifting. Whatever story Mike/Jerry are equating this particular point to must be something I missed - or is a part of the news article that isn't up yet..

    Probably in reference to twitch's recent policy changes.
    Streaming site Twitch is taking a hard line against users whose feeds include "sexually suggestive" outfits, according to the rules of conduct changes that posted Monday. "Nerds are sexy, and you're all magnificent, beautiful creatures, but let's try and keep this about the games, shall we?" reads the update.

    Twitch states that gamers who stream themselves in no clothing, or sexually suggestive clothing including but not limited to underwear, lingerie, swimsuits, or pasties "will most likely get… suspended."

    what is a pastie, other than a delicious cornish meal in a pastry.

    Oh brilliant
  • QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular
    They're a sort of sticky patch that covers the nipple.

    NSFW mannequin example

  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    Does Tycho's dick even have the dimensions to make it unfurlable?

  • ReplicanttenReplicantten Registered User regular
    Translucia wrote: »
    gabes so afraid of penis yet he cant stop drawing it

    Maybe not so very afraid and not so very grossed out.


  • DemobotDemobot Lemme buzz you in Registered User regular
    Not blurry enough. Nowhere near blurry enough.

  • TransluciaTranslucia Registered User regular
    i rest my case

  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular
    But...but...berserk already has the word bear in it. That's where the name came from....

  • tygresstygress Registered User new member
    edited November 2014
    tygress was warned for this.
    what is a pastie, other than a delicious cornish meal in a pastry.

    They're the things that cover nipples and nothing else that you see an awful lot of in burlesque shows. Sometimes they have tassels that particularly talented individuals can twirl.

    Edit: Google them. I am sorry - I didn't realize that A) there was a rule against this sort of imagery on these forums given Penny Arcade, the specific comic, and the often times questionable content therein - I would never read PA at work; and B) I didn't realize it would be offensive. I'm not a guy, and I'm not offended by it (my friends all do burlesque so this seemed very tame to me). I am sorry if I offended, and I have now read the forum rules.

    tygress on
  • CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    Geez guys, NSFW much? Put it under a link maybe?

    "excuse my French
    But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
    - Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
  • RottonappleRottonapple Registered User regular
    I found this comic funny for an entirely different reason. I listened to the podcast yesterday and it started out with Gabe and Tycho talking at length about breakfast and Gabe preferring to have a big bowel of cold cereal with a glass of OJ and the new Jif cereal. So there in panel one is Gabe's cold cereal and OJ/

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    I shouldn't have to say this, but covering the nipples does not make an image work-safe.

  • CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    tygress wrote: »
    what is a pastie, other than a delicious cornish meal in a pastry.

    They're the things that cover nipples and nothing else that you see an awful lot of in burlesque shows. Sometimes they have tassels that particularly talented individuals can twirl.

    Edit: Google them. I am sorry - I didn't realize that A) there was a rule against this sort of imagery on these forums given Penny Arcade, the specific comic, and the often times questionable content therein - I would never read PA at work; and B) I didn't realize it would be offensive. I'm not a guy, and I'm not offended by it (my friends all do burlesque so this seemed very tame to me). I am sorry if I offended, and I have now read the forum rules.

    It's more a problem of people visiting the site from work (hello!) who don't wanna get fired. We can look at pasties on our free time, we don't need them inlined.

    "excuse my French
    But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
    - Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
  • MattypeeMattypee Brisbane, AUSRegistered User regular
    I had no idea Twitch changed their TOS.

    I thought the comic was hilarious, even though I visited from work.

  • TheCanManTheCanMan GT: Gasman122009 JerseyRegistered User regular
    edited November 2014
    Psykoma wrote: »
    Translucia wrote: »
    gabes so afraid of penis yet he cant stop drawing it



    If I could only get one single comic released without the word bubbles, this would probably be it. I love the art in this one. Gabe just looks so cozy and content. It'd make a fantastic winter wallpaper.

    TheCanMan on
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