@Shadowscars22 runs the website and is well known in the community. The site is legit if you'd like to use it and is probably safer than eBay, as it has a much bigger reputation to uphold than random individual eBayers.
I've ordered from Francois and have traded with him as well. Very professional, would highly recommend if you are looking for certain pins. Prices obviously vary depending on rarity.
PAX Prime attendee since 2008.
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
If you have any questions about how I proceed, please don't hesitate to contact me (even through here if you want). I currently enjoy a very high rate of happy people trading/doing business with me, although you should trust your own guts!
Visit my website, thepintrader.com, the first Pinny Arcade store!
I was pretty skeptical, even dismayed when the site first kicked off. Probably one of it's most outspoken opponents, talking with @Shadowscars22 and meeting him he seems to be genuinely concerned and involved with the community, not just out for profit.
Just putting in my two cents, I did a trade with him for the 2013 East logo pin and he was great to work with: flexible, professional, and above all, patient!
I don't have any objections, it'll be up to Qumaden to decide - it's enough pins, and enough rare ones, to make the trade worthwhile to me, and doable for him.
Visit my website, thepintrader.com, the first Pinny Arcade store!
It's painful, but it's a good kind of hurt. Basically, every spare pin I have, and several of them removed from my collection. However, now I can reasonably push back into 100% range.
Let me know what you will be missing to have 100% complete and I'll see if I have any spares to trade you Qumadem. Now that you will have the DLC we need to get you complete. ^_^
Losing part of the collection hurts a lot, but thinking long term, it's much easier to replace what I had to give up. Much easier to buy a horse and put a horn on it's head than to buy a real unicorn.
Well, guys, when, and if, I get another one, I'll be sure to consult with the community But unfortunately, not everyone can have it (Unless we made a sort of shared ownership arrangement, and that would be weird - right guys?) - Grats to Qumaden, and to the others, I'm sorry this wasn't your time
Visit my website, thepintrader.com, the first Pinny Arcade store!
Hey, so that means I have the First DLC sold (in 2013), the first DLC traded (now), and the first Pinny Arcade store? Heh, I guess I am the "pioneer" kind of guy Now let's see if I can be part of the first Pinny Arcade panel!
Edit: Okay, maybe not :P
Shadowscars22 on
Visit my website, thepintrader.com, the first Pinny Arcade store!
Well I'm gonna say that's the first *trade* for a DLC? I'm fairly sure no others have taken place?
Interesting baseline, 67 pins of varying rarity. Makes sense it was shadowscar, inventory stocking :P
Thanks, I was really trying not to count. I think I'm going through withdrawals from sitting atop my Smaug like horde, but it'll all be better soon precious.
Edit: The saddest sadder part of all, it seems the genuine consensus amongst the hardcore collectors, including myself is that it was a good deal.
Edit edit: No, the saddest part is that I may end up having to buy back some of those pins to complete my set.
Didnt PedroAsani trade his other one a little while ago?
Pedro isn't actually a human being, he's a shapeshifter made of DLC's. Once a year he has to travel to PAX to spawn and buds off a DLC pin. So, if you plant your DLC and take good care of it, it'll grow into your very own Pedro.
Didnt PedroAsani trade his other one a little while ago?
Pedro isn't actually a human being, he's a shapeshifter made of DLC's. Once a year he has to travel to PAX to spawn and buds off a DLC pin. So, if you plant your DLC and take good care of it, it'll grow into your very own Pedro.
Everyone, My Pin Lanyard is NOT up to date. I do have a full collection(- Naughty Dog). I have decided to go ahead and put my DLC up on the Pinny Pal site though.
Not saying that I will accept 99% of offers obviously…but trades like the one that just happened between @Qumaden and @Shadowscars22 interests me enough to entertain offers.
Anyone interested hit me up, and we will see if something tickles me fancy to the point I trade it away. . My name on there is the same. ^_^
http://pinmash.info - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable.
http://pinnywise.com - iOS pin collection tracking app.
My Delicious Pins For Trade
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
If you have any questions about how I proceed, please don't hesitate to contact me (even through here if you want). I currently enjoy a very high rate of happy people trading/doing business with me, although you should trust your own guts!
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
mrlk Qumdamed!
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Let me know what you will be missing to have 100% complete and I'll see if I have any spares to trade you Qumadem. Now that you will have the DLC we need to get you complete. ^_^
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
And if someone wants to trade me a DLC for something crazy like Qumaden did, hit me up!
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
I also am willing to pretty much trade my entire folder for a DLC ...and it includes Aus 13 sets! :P
Interesting baseline, 67 pins of varying rarity. Makes sense it was shadowscar, inventory stocking :P
http://pinmash.info - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable.
http://pinnywise.com - iOS pin collection tracking app.
My Delicious Pins For Trade
Edit: Okay, maybe not :P
Thanks, I was really trying not to count. I think I'm going through withdrawals from sitting atop my Smaug like horde, but it'll all be better soon precious.
Edit: The saddest sadder part of all, it seems the genuine consensus amongst the hardcore collectors, including myself is that it was a good deal.
Edit edit: No, the saddest part is that I may end up having to buy back some of those pins to complete my set.
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
[X]PAXsouth 2015
[X]PAXaus 2015
[?]PAXeast 2016 ???
There have been a few trades, some definitely better than others...
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
Pedro isn't actually a human being, he's a shapeshifter made of DLC's. Once a year he has to travel to PAX to spawn and buds off a DLC pin. So, if you plant your DLC and take good care of it, it'll grow into your very own Pedro.
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
I'm too sober to read this post
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
No he didn't trade it. He had it at aus with him, but unlike me didn't want to chance losing it in the wild so few people knew!
Also I laid eyes on his spare DLC pin.
In Aus? When did he bring them out of our room? Lol
Every time I left the room. You think I would leave it lying around where any cleaning crew could throw it away or pilfer it?
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
You did at Prime most the time I believe. :P
Not saying that I will accept 99% of offers obviously…but trades like the one that just happened between @Qumaden and @Shadowscars22 interests me enough to entertain offers.
Anyone interested hit me up, and we will see if something tickles me fancy to the point I trade it away.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!