After the seemingly awful reception Assassin's Creed Unity has received, I'd really like to see Mike and Jerry stream it. It would be beautifully awful.
Dark Raven XLaugh hard, run fast,be kindRegistered Userregular
Unity's had a p.solid reception around here. People complaining about technical trubs, but that's about it.
On the one hand, pirate shipping in Black Flag was an incredible experience. On the other hand, it's possible to over-use a setting, theme, or character. Just look at Ezio. AC2... brilliant. By the time we got to Revelations, it was well past time to be done.
On the one hand, pirate shipping in Black Flag was an incredible experience. On the other hand, it's possible to over-use a setting, theme, or character. Just look at Ezio. AC2... brilliant. By the time we got to Revelations, it was well past time to be done.
While I do agree you can overuse something pretty easily... The ship combat was what finally sold me another AC game after the first one and I never really made things work. I never actually finished the main questline, because too much of it involved leaving my ship at port and dicking around on foot like some kind of peasant. That was basically the tall ships game I'd been looking for since Sid Meier's Pirates.
Every new Assassin's Creed game that comes out it's the same story: the setting really appeals to me, then I remember I'd have to put up with all of the bullshit Da Vinci Code ancestral memory virtual reality conspiracy framing story stuff. And then I lose interest.
Gaslight on
Dark Raven XLaugh hard, run fast,be kindRegistered Userregular
On the one hand, pirate shipping in Black Flag was an incredible experience. On the other hand, it's possible to over-use a setting, theme, or character. Just look at Ezio. AC2... brilliant. By the time we got to Revelations, it was well past time to be done.
Counterpoint; Brotherhood the middle one between AC2 and Revelations is often considered the best of the series. I personally like Black Flag more, but AssBro has a huge following.
I like how G&T seem to need to come to a consensus ahead of time whether they're gonna be cool with a new game coming out. Mainly because me and my friends do the same thing.
This is why I'm looking forward to Double Damage games 'Rebel Galaxy'. Pirate ship battles from Black space..only faster, and with capital ships and lasers
If you're serious that your next game must have pirate sailing ships, then take a look at . It is coming out soon and, well, sailing pirate ships... I wish they had some desktop wallpaper quality screenshots to demonstrate the game's graphics' quality though.
Tycho expressed my sentiments exactly. Paris On the Eve of The Revolution seems like a perfect fit for this franchise, one explicitly held off until the resources to do it justice were available. Having the final product come out this uneven is incredibly dismaying.
So, I wonder what Gabe thought about Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures, or Twilight Princess?
Did they have pirate ships?
Seems p easy to figure out based on that.
Well what I was going for was that they were the two big Zelda games after The Wind Waker, which did have a pirate ship (it wasn't really yours, you had to sail around on a little one-man sailing ship, but you did get to ride on Tetra's pirate ship several times). Unless I'm mistaken Gabe was and still is a big Zelda fan, so I just thought it was kind of funny.
The “Real World” aspects of the series - either working at Google as in Black Flag, or as Desmond Miles - are so sidelined as to be excised completely.
OK maybe I would actually like this game then.
I wasn’t a fan of the Black Flag approach, but the importance of the past to the present or the future is a core part of what makes Assassin’s Creed what it is.
Nope, fuck that, just let me run around in beautiful historical settings climbing, stabbing people, sailing ships, etc.
If you're serious that your next game must have pirate sailing ships, then take a look at . It is coming out soon and, well, sailing pirate ships... I wish they had some desktop wallpaper quality screenshots to demonstrate the game's graphics' quality though.
They don't seem to have any in-game images or video at all, so looks sketchy.
Also, Naval Action will be the name of my next porn shoot.
So it looks like there's a DLC episode up for this strip, but the link currently leads to a 404 error.
Realizing lately that I don't really trust or respect basically any of the moderators here. So, good luck with life, friends! Hit me up on Twitter @DesertLeviathan
Realizing lately that I don't really trust or respect basically any of the moderators here. So, good luck with life, friends! Hit me up on Twitter @DesertLeviathan
I honestly only got Assasins Creed 4 Black Flag (though I call it Pirate's Creed) because it reminded me of Sid Meyer's Pirates, and lived up to my hopes of being like that. Unity may look good, but it's not about Pirates. n.n;
Pirate Ship 4 life
It all fits:
While I do agree you can overuse something pretty easily... The ship combat was what finally sold me another AC game after the first one and I never really made things work. I never actually finished the main questline, because too much of it involved leaving my ship at port and dicking around on foot like some kind of peasant. That was basically the tall ships game I'd been looking for since Sid Meier's Pirates.
Counterpoint; Brotherhood the middle one between AC2 and Revelations is often considered the best of the series. I personally like Black Flag more, but AssBro has a huge following.
Pirate ships are awesome.
Did they have pirate ships?
Seems p easy to figure out based on that.
Well what I was going for was that they were the two big Zelda games after The Wind Waker, which did have a pirate ship (it wasn't really yours, you had to sail around on a little one-man sailing ship, but you did get to ride on Tetra's pirate ship several times). Unless I'm mistaken Gabe was and still is a big Zelda fan, so I just thought it was kind of funny.
OK maybe I would actually like this game then.
Nope, fuck that, just let me run around in beautiful historical settings climbing, stabbing people, sailing ships, etc.
They don't seem to have any in-game images or video at all, so looks sketchy.
Also, Naval Action will be the name of my next porn shoot.