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2015 BYOC Information (see you next year!)

VapokVapok Just a Guy.BostonRegistered User regular
edited November 2015 in PAX East
PAX East 2015 BYOC Information - @BYOC_East
Registration Status: SOLD OUT
BYOC Badge Registration Link:

BCEC Load-In Map

BYOC Information Mailer
includes errata

If you're getting this, that means you have purchased a BYOC spot at PAX East to bring your computer and play on our dedicated network alongside a couple hundred friends you haven't met yet. To help make sure your BYOC festivities go smoothly, we've put together a little information packet for you. If you ever have any questions, feel free to email us at or to help ensure others benefit from your question, post in our forums.

--- Getting There ---

If you're travelling by car, pull into the Westin/BCEC area at the base of the giant media wall. Follow this road (West Side Drive) all the way past the building, and down and back up the ramp. Keep following the road until you get to Level 1 Southwest. This will be the first glass vestibule you come to on your right hand side.

We will have signs posted where the load-in area will be and there will be Enforcers inside the building manning a security station that can hold your equipment for you while you park your car.

For those of you staying at the Westin, you've got a bit of a walk...sorry about that! Go straight from the skybridge connecting the Westin and the BCEC and down the escalator. Keep going the same direction through North Lobby and around the Northwest corner of the building. Keep following the hallway until you get to "Southwest Lobby B2". This will be the second lobby you come to, just past the food court. From there you can make use of either the RIGHT escalator or the elevator down to the PC Room level (Level 0/ Hall Southwest C1).

Note that BYOC opens at 8:00am on Friday, two hours earlier than the rest of the show. Obviously that's pending our ability to make sure things are totally ready for you, but the idea is you'll be able to set up your rig with plenty of time to hop in the Expo Hall line.

--- Basic LAN Party Information ---


If you've never been to a LAN party, be sure to bring the following equipment:

3-Day (or other) PAX Pass
Monitor (Please no bigger than 27" LCD) and connecting cable
Mouse (we recommend wired, just to avoid any potential interference)
Mouse pad    
Ethernet cable (25 feet should be sufficient, but longer is always better)    
Power cables (but no extension cords or power strips.  Maximum of two power connected devices) 
Games CDs/DVDs, Windows CD, and backups for other programs you may need to install/reinstall.

We suggest printing off this list checking each item as you pack it. If you end up forgetting something, talk to an Enforcer and we might be able to help out.


--- Pre-PAX Prep---

Please update/patch your games before coming to PAX. This includes updating Steam, Impulse, Origin, and such. You will have access to the Internet, but bandwidth is extremely'll almost certainly get faster downloads at home.

Please be sure to enable virus protection on your computer before connecting it to our network. Any computers that are found with a virus will be immediately disconnected from the network until the matter is resolved.

--- PAX East Badge Registration ---

Your PAX East BYOC badges should be mailed to you shortly if you haven't received them already. Should you have questions or issues with this, please contact

--- PAX East Schedule ---

The PAX East BYOC schedule is as follows:
Friday: 8:00am - 12:00am
Saturday: 10:00am - 12:00am
Sunday: 10:00am - 7:00pm

--- Tournament Schedule ---

The PC Tournament Schedule will be found on our forums right here when it announced. Note this does not account for the various BYOC contests we'll be peer pressuring you into.

--- BYOC Contests ---

The BYOC and LANFest staff will be running organized games throughout each day in the games on the list. Some of the activities will have signups ahead of time while others you can just jump in game and join us. Extended descriptions for each of the organized events will be posted on the PAX Forums. Scheduled times will be available on site starting at check-in.
--- Security Information ---

There's a lot more to do at PAX than just play PC games, and we want you to be able to go do all of these things secure in the knowledge that your computer and peripherals are safe and sound. To that end, we probably put a much higher emphasis on security than most other LAN parties. Before you enter the PAX BYOC area, you will have to quickly register your computer and any monitor you're bringing into the computer area. We've gone to great lengths to keep the security processes in check, and as such, please keep your BYOC badge as visible as possible when entering the room.

While we will make every attempt to keep all equipment in the room safe, be aware that there is little we can do to prevent iPods, tablets, portable game consoles, CD's, big wads of cash, and other small items from walking off. We strongly suggest you keep such items out of plain view and use some common sense when it comes to your own security. If you're coming with a laptop, we also STRONGLY recommend you invest in a laptop lock. Seriously.

--- Voice Chat Information ---

We will have Ventrilo servers available for tournaments and public gaming. While we will have the client available on our file server, it is recommended that you download and install Ventrilo before you come to the event. You can download the client at

If you have any PC related questions at all during PAX, please see the BYOC Help Desk. If they're not able to provide a solution, they'll be able to direct you to the right people to get your problem solved.

See ya'll at PAX!


Group Seating Information
Group Seating Registration Is CLOSED.

Group Seating Requirements
  • Your party is considered a group if you have SIX or more people.
  • Groups must pre-register seating assignments prior to PAX, or else seats will be based on first come first serve availability
  • Requests are taken on a first come, first serve basis.
To request group seating, email

BYOC Table Layout
Group Seating will be updated once per day, each morning. Or when Vapok feels like it. =)
  • RED - Reserved for Admin Use
  • BLUE - Group Seating Reserved
  • GREEN - Available Seats

Registered Groups
  • Admin Area: H1-16
  • Case Mod Showcase A1-5,B1-5
  • You Shall Not Pass C1-6
  • OmegaNots+Friends A7-16
  • 500 miles E17-20, F17-21
  • My body is ready E1-15, F1-15
  • Church of Schwarzenegger G1-G11
  • Joey And The Pips A17-19, B17-19
  • Webeacon B8-16, C8-16
  • Burger Brawlers G25-32, H25-32
  • Lobster Mobsters C17-19, D17-19
  • BlameAndy G12-16

zerzhul on


  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    edited January 2015

    Q: What does B.Y.O.C. stand for?
    A: "Bring Your Own Computer" a dedicated, secure place within PAX that attendees who purchase the additional badge have the ability to bring their own computer into PAX and play with other PAX attendees! It's a gigantic LAN Party and a pretty awesome place to rest your feet when you get tired of walking around the convention!

    Q: How do I purchase a BYOC Badge?
    A: Badges are being sold separately from PAX East Registration. BYOC badges will be mailed to you ahead of PAX just like your Attendee Badges.
    Q: PAX is Sold Out. I didn't get PAX Admission Badges (3 day or single days). Can I still get into BYOC without?
    A: No. BYOC Badges do not grant overall PAX show attendee admission. Obtain PAX Admission Badges prior to purchasing BYOC Badges.
    Q: PAX is Sold Out. Am I able to purchase or obtain PAX Admission Badges (3 day or single days) when BYOC Badges sales open?
    A: No. The BYOC Badge Registration Link is only for BYOC badges, and not PAX admission badges.

    Q: How many BYOC Spots are available?
    A: Typically, 350 seats, TBD.

    Q: BYOC is sold out and I didn't get a pass! Are passes set aside for later purchase? What about cancellations?
    A: We do not reserve any BYOC tickets for sale at a later date, so there are no additional tickets to be sold. If there are any cancellations, we may be able to, on an extremely limited basis, offer the cancelled tickets up for general purchase. Contact registration at paxsite dot com for specific inquiries.

    Q: How much does BYOC cost?
    A: $40 in addition to your regular 3-Day PAX pass (or Single Day Passes, should you decide to do that).

    Q: What time do you recommend (or require) people show up for BYOC check-in?
    A: Check in will start at 8:00 AM, 2 hours before PAX opening on Friday. Depending on this year's policy you may need to wait to get into the Expo Hall or return to the line after you set up your computer.

    Q: What hours does the BYOC run each day?
    A: Same hours as PAX, basically. The room will close down about an hour before the doors shut for PAX.

    Q: Do I leave my stuff in the LAN the whole time?
    A: Yes. The room is guarded all during PAX and locked up at night. We are the first ones in and the last ones out. If you must take your stuff up (like a laptop) you need to check it out at the security desk as you leave and check it back in when you return.

    Q: What games are typically played?
    A: Whatever is popular this year. TF2, LoL, COD4/5/6/7/etc, WoW, Starcraft 2, Portal 2, Monday Night Combat, L4D2, etc. If you want to play a game you can find others that are up for it as well.

    Q: If I get a spot for the BYOC, I don't need to commit to being in there the whole time, right? Just when I feel like relaxing and playing some games with people?
    A: Correct, you aren't chained to your spot in BYOC. The majority of BYOC attendees are just there in-between the PAX events that they want to go see.

    Q: Can I bring my 30+ something inch monitor/TV?
    A: No. The max monitor size is 27" due to power and space constraints.

    Q: Can I bring my own chair?
    A: NO! The BCEC doesn't allow this. Please use the chairs provided.

    Q: Can I bring a laptop with my desktop?
    A: Yes, as long as you stay within your 30" of table space. Although remember you only get one network port and two power ports per seat and you can't use your own power strips

    Q: Can I bring a switch or my own power strip to increase that?
    A: NO! No outside networking devices are allowed. Any spotted will be removed.
    A: Daisy chaining power strips is a HUGE NO as well. Fire Marshall hates that so we need to enforce this pretty seriously. Sorry.

    Q: Can I charge my iPhone, Android, iPad or other gadgets using power provided to my BYOC Seat?
    A: No, you are only given two power outlets for all of your stuff. If you need to charge your phone or other device, bring a USB cable.

    Q: Do I need to bring a network cable?
    A: Yes. You will need a network cable to hook your computer up to the network switch at your table. Bring around a 25ft cable otherwise, depending where you are sitting, the switch may be out of your cables reach.

    Q: Can I bring *insert friend/Girlfriend/spouse/random person here* in BYOC with me?
    A: No, Sorry. To ensure the security of everyone's personal equipment in a busy area such as PAX, only BYOC attendees are allowed into the BYOC room.

    Q: Is there Internet in BYOC?
    A: Yes there will be, although it will be locked down to prevent things like torrenting and throttled so not one person can use up all the bandwidth.

    Q: But... how am I supposed to get my computer there?
    A: Drive it! An alternate option which I have used to attend LANs that are far away, is to ship yourself your computer/monitor to your hotel you are staying at. If you call them and say you have a package coming they will hold it for you until you check-in. Just ship it back to yourself when PAX is over. There is a FedEx Office in the BCEC!

    Q: Can I bring my xbox/playstation/nintendo console?
    A: Sorry, no consoles allowed in here. This is a PC LAN. You can't being a console in addition either, those things use up a lot of power. Remeber: You only get two power outlets.

    Q: Can I Bring a cooler in for drinks/snacks?
    A: Yes but only small personal coolers /w no ice (use the frozen gelpacks). If it has more than one handle and/or wheels then it won't be allowed in (think lunch sized cooler).

    Q: Can I email you my question?
    A: Yes! Feel free to email PC Questions to pax_pc at penny-arcade dot com

    Q: WHERE is BYOC this year?
    A: For the past three years the PC Room has been located on the Expo Hall floor. We anticipate being on the Expo Hall floor once again for PAX East 2015.

    This FAQ subject to change

    Vapok on
  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    edited February 2015
    Case Mod Showcase Information

    Want to show off your awesome case mod near the entrance to BYOC? Want to sit in proximity to other case modders? We've carved out an area just for you! Register to sit in our Case Mod Showcase area of the BYOC!
    As a note, this is optional and not required if you're bringing in a case mod.
    Case Mod Showcase Registration Is Open NOW!

    Case Mod Showcase Requirements
    • For starters, have a case mod!
    • Provide us a picture of your case mod (either finished or in progress).
    • Requests are taken on a first come, first serve basis.

    Email with your pictures, name, and email address!

    Vapok on
  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    edited November 2014
    Placeholder Post for Additional Information TBA

    Vapok on
  • A.SabotA.Sabot Boston, MaRegistered User regular
    Does anyone know if they will do the benq monitor rental again?

    Pax East 2016: BYOC [x], 3 Day Passes [x], car[x], license[x], new computer[x]
  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    A.Sabot wrote: »
    Does anyone know if they will do the benq monitor rental again?

    Good question. Probably too soon to tell right now, but when I do find out, I will announce it in this thread as well as update the OP.

  • hobbseltoffhobbseltoff Issaquah, WARegistered User regular
    edited November 2014
    Vapok wrote: »
    A.Sabot wrote: »
    Does anyone know if they will do the benq monitor rental again?

    Good question. Probably too soon to tell right now, but when I do find out, I will announce it in this thread as well as update the OP.

    They did it at Prime this year as well if that helps. I borrowed 3 and did a flightsim setup.

    hobbseltoff on
  • FuzzDadFuzzDad Registered User regular
    So...all three-day passes were sold out in minutes...and Saturday is sold out now...if we sign up for the BYOC...will we get a chance to get three day passes?

  • TrandescentTrandescent Registered User regular
    edited November 2014
    FuzzDad wrote: »
    So...all three-day passes were sold out in minutes...and Saturday is sold out now...if we sign up for the BYOC...will we get a chance to get three day passes?
    BYOC is a seperate registration from PAX and doesn't grant any special circumstances regarding purchasing East passes.

    That being said, BYOC is my zen during East.. hopefully we'll see a better attendance this year being a seperate registration.

    Trandescent on

    PAX East 2018 4-Day Pass [X] BYOC Pass [X] Hotel Reservation [X]

    See y'all at PAX East 2018!
  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    FuzzDad wrote: »
    So...all three-day passes were sold out in minutes...and Saturday is sold out now...if we sign up for the BYOC...will we get a chance to get three day passes?
    BYOC Badges do not grant PAX admission, you still need to have attendee badges (3 day or single days) in order to get into the show. The BYOC badge only provides admittance to the BYOC area within PAX. Advice is to secure your attendee badges first before obtaining BYOC badges.

    hopefully we'll see a better attendance this year being a seperate registration.
    Results over the past few PAXII have been telling and BYOC attendance, as well as overall environment, has been much better with separate sales.

  • Zeroedge78Zeroedge78 CanadaRegistered User regular
    So you mention it's $35 on top of your normal pass or passes does this mean if I have 3 single day passes it would $35 for each day? or that $35 would cover me for all 3 days I'm there regardless if it's a 3 day pass or 3 single day passes?

  • RooslinRooslin Registered User regular
    Zeroedge78 wrote: »
    So you mention it's $35 on top of your normal pass or passes does this mean if I have 3 single day passes it would $35 for each day? or that $35 would cover me for all 3 days I'm there regardless if it's a 3 day pass or 3 single day passes?

    the $35 dollars covers you for all three days in byoc regardless of 3-day badge or 3 single day badges

  • Zeroedge78Zeroedge78 CanadaRegistered User regular
    Sweet in that case I'm going to try and Snag one :biggrin:

  • FuzzDadFuzzDad Registered User regular
    Vapok wrote: »
    FuzzDad wrote: »
    So...all three-day passes were sold out in minutes...and Saturday is sold out now...if we sign up for the BYOC...will we get a chance to get three day passes?
    BYOC Badges do not grant PAX admission, you still need to have attendee badges (3 day or single days) in order to get into the show. The BYOC badge only provides admittance to the BYOC area within PAX. Advice is to secure your attendee badges first before obtaining BYOC badges.

    hopefully we'll see a better attendance this year being a seperate registration.
    Results over the past few PAXII have been telling and BYOC attendance, as well as overall environment, has been much better with separate sales.

    Well...maybe next year for me...i went on line 30 minutes or so after the start and couldn't get three-day passes and like I said...Sat is all sold out. Oh well.

  • jrdobbsjrdobbs Registered User regular
    it will be interesting to see how many attend BYOC given the speed at which the 3-days and 3 single days sold out. why this is not bundled after how many years its been going on is beyond me. i was lucky to get 1 ticket but none of my buds made it to the site before they sold out so that is 3 less people I know cannot attend BYOC.

    Get Slack

  • [H]olyGeekboy[H]olyGeekboy PAX dad and PC builder ClevelandRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited November 2014
    Well, think of it the other way. 3 other people will get to go to PAX that in other years may have been like "aww man, couldn't get passes fast enough!"

    There are always drop outs though, since passes are transferrable, people know they should buy now if there's any chance they can go and sell if they can't make it. There's always a couple thousand passes available the month before the show on the "secondary market." And yes, the prices are higher. :\ Nature of the game. Robert Khoo has done some public interviews about this. The reality is that thye have the logistical capacity to support somewhere around 100,000 people and a market of somewhere between 250,000 and 400,000 customers. That's a lot of happy people... and a lot of let-down people as well.

    [H]olyGeekboy on
  • jrdobbsjrdobbs Registered User regular
    You are totally correct....I had two extra passes last year due to two folks dropping out and sold them(face value) a few weeks prior. I just wanted to make sure the people were real PAX'ers and not scalpers. Problem is it would be too late to sign up for BYOC a month before I am guessing....too bad they don't have a reserve pool/wait list for those folks trying to get in last minute if they can score passes.

    Get Slack

  • [H]olyGeekboy[H]olyGeekboy PAX dad and PC builder ClevelandRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    That's a good point, but I don't think there's a realistic way to withhold passes... maybe buy the BYOC passes in hopes of landing attendance passes, and sell if you don't make it? Imperfect solution, I know.

  • KilonumKilonum [E] Somewhere near BostonRegistered User regular
    I will be there, I will be the guy with a racing wheel (Logitech G27), a HOTAS setup (Saitek X52), and a second monitor

  • OfficeZombieOfficeZombie Registered User regular
    I thought about bringing my PC, it's just a small Hadron case so it'd transport well, but I decided to fly. I have no desire to see how that would work out.

  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    I thought about bringing my PC, it's just a small Hadron case so it'd transport well, but I decided to fly. I have no desire to see how that would work out.

    I have a small Silverstone case that works well in a backpack that I've transported before and it worked out great!

    There's also a shipping option that lots of folks have used.

    Up to you! =)

  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    edited November 2014
    The title says it all! BYOC Badge Registration is live!

    Also note a $5 price increase to $40.

    Vapok on
  • cardkid123cardkid123 Registered User regular
    Anyone notice how they forgot to limit it to 4?

  • flatlineflatline Registered User regular

    East 2014 Status: Badge [ Friend got it ] Hotel [Crappy] BYOC [YES] Transport [ ] Name on Forum Badge [ ] Challenge Coin [ ]
  • [H]olyGeekboy[H]olyGeekboy PAX dad and PC builder ClevelandRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    I'm putting out in the discussion now - I didn't get a heads up, I just went out and bought a ticket like anyone else: even though I will be working the area, I'm legit buying a spot to sit my computer. In case anyone's concerned about "Enforcer privilege." ;)

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    cardkid123 wrote: »
    Anyone notice how they forgot to limit it to 4?
    There's not really any resale profit opportunity with BYOC, people aren't usually clamoring to get a pass the way they are for the rest of the con. They probably should have made it match regular registration (4 instead of 5), but I don't think it will end up mattering in the big scheme of things.

  • [H]olyGeekboy[H]olyGeekboy PAX dad and PC builder ClevelandRegistered User, ClubPA regular
  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    Got one for my SO, he's been staying he's wanted to BYOC for a while so thought he should give it a try this year.

  • cardkid123cardkid123 Registered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    cardkid123 wrote: »
    Anyone notice how they forgot to limit it to 4?
    There's not really any resale profit opportunity with BYOC, people aren't usually clamoring to get a pass the way they are for the rest of the con. They probably should have made it match regular registration (4 instead of 5), but I don't think it will end up mattering in the big scheme of things.

    Ya I understand. I'm not even buying 1. Just thought it was odd is all.

  • havok978havok978 Baltimore, MdRegistered User regular
    I think I'm gonna skip this year. Being at the Westin makes it a lot easier to just run up to the room to chill for a bit. Plus my laptop's getting a bit long in the tooth. Its pretty much my portable WoW/Diablo machine at this point lol.

  • Zeroedge78Zeroedge78 CanadaRegistered User regular
    Sweet snagged 2 seats for me and a buddy! My only question is the only delivery option said Mail but US only...and I'm not in the US. Will they try and mail it or can I just pick them up on site?

  • Greylock3491Greylock3491 Registered User regular
    Just got my BYOC tickets!!! So excited to return to BYOC this year!

  • Greylock3491Greylock3491 Registered User regular
    cardkid123 wrote: »
    Anyone notice how they forgot to limit it to 4?

    That really helped me as I needed five - four for me, my son, and his two friends (same as PAX ticks,) but one more for my friend who is stuck in a meeting lol. Very glad I got the tweet when I did :-D

  • KilonumKilonum [E] Somewhere near BostonRegistered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    cardkid123 wrote: »
    Anyone notice how they forgot to limit it to 4?
    There's not really any resale profit opportunity with BYOC, people aren't usually clamoring to get a pass the way they are for the rest of the con. They probably should have made it match regular registration (4 instead of 5), but I don't think it will end up mattering in the big scheme of things.

    Worked out for me and my friends doing BYOC, 2 each for myself and one friend (yay extra peripherals) and one for the other friend.

  • tt1701tt1701 Registered User new member
    If I purchased 2 BYOC (on one order), is there any guarantee that they will be together?
    I will be arriving around noon-time on Friday and don't want to have them separated just because we got there late.

    Also, I will be carrying a backpack. Are there any issues (other than inspection) going in and out with that in the BYOC area?

  • macrogeekmacrogeek Registered User regular
    I'm in for 5 people this year. Last year my wife and kid did the BYOC for the first time. I had not done it since East year 1. It made a huge difference in their experience. BYOC became their home base and a place to go if the show got overwhelming. They aren't PC gamers like the rest of our group and they both ended up learning Minecraft. I think it took the stress level of the expo floor way down for them. It also became easier to see things indvidually that the whole group didn't want to see. 1 person could go hit a panel, 1 could wait in a big line, we all knew we could meet back at the BYOC eventually.

  • [H]olyGeekboy[H]olyGeekboy PAX dad and PC builder ClevelandRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    tt1701 wrote: »
    If I purchased 2 BYOC (on one order), is there any guarantee that they will be together?
    I will be arriving around noon-time on Friday and don't want to have them separated just because we got there late.

    Have whomever is checking in first grab two seats next to each other in the non-reserved areas and you should be fine.
    tt1701 wrote: »
    Also, I will be carrying a backpack. Are there any issues (other than inspection) going in and out with that in the BYOC area?

    Security may occasionally ask to take a look, but in general, a lot of people use backpacks to work the expo and merch areas and bring back stuff to their "home base" in BYOC. Just comply with the policies Vapok outlines (including the memo about knives and multi-tools) and it should be OK.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Zeroedge78 wrote: »
    Sweet snagged 2 seats for me and a buddy! My only question is the only delivery option said Mail but US only...and I'm not in the US. Will they try and mail it or can I just pick them up on site?
    That is a good email for

    It's probably an oversight by whomever set things up if there isn't a will call option for international attendees.

  • TrandescentTrandescent Registered User regular
    Weren't BYOC passes said to be sold sometime closer to December?

    Not complaining, though. Picked up my pass!


    PAX East 2018 4-Day Pass [X] BYOC Pass [X] Hotel Reservation [X]

    See y'all at PAX East 2018!
  • tt1701tt1701 Registered User new member
    edited November 2014
    [H]olyGeekboy: Thanks! We are both arriving together, and I would hate it if people leave single seats between them and the next seat (a la movie theater seating) and thus create a lot of single seats.

    tt1701 on
  • Zeroedge78Zeroedge78 CanadaRegistered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    Zeroedge78 wrote: »
    Sweet snagged 2 seats for me and a buddy! My only question is the only delivery option said Mail but US only...and I'm not in the US. Will they try and mail it or can I just pick them up on site?
    That is a good email for

    It's probably an oversight by whomever set things up if there isn't a will call option for international attendees.

    Good idea Zerzhul that's what I'll do and see what they say...I can't imagine them not having a Will Call option seems weird when the other badges had that option. Man I'm so stoked I've been trying to get this set up for 3 years now and was finally able to get it all align this time, March can't come soon enough :biggrin:

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