
[Doctor Who] Follow, subscribe and eat the rich



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    OwenashiOwenashi Registered User regular
    So about the premiere, does anyone have the feeling...
    ...that this is one big con by Davros? He's dying, so he decides the best way to go out is commit suicide via Doctor killing his younger self. The Daleks' existence has got to be such a major fixed point in time that ticking off the Doctor enough to wreck it by killing him before he ever came up with the idea in the first place would surely screw over time and reality hard. That and the Doctor killing a then-innocent child would probably be worth it in Davros' eyes.

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    What is this they keep calling the dude in the hood

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    XeddicusXeddicus Registered User regular
    Colony Sarff.

    And yeah, something will go sideways no matter what anyone does.

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    EvilCakeEvilCake Richmond VARegistered User regular
    space voldemort

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    ButlerButler 89 episodes or bust Registered User regular
    A thought:
    If Skaro can be turned invisible then so could Gallifrey. Maybe the coordinates the Master gave the Doctor were correct after all...

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    What the fuck is even going on here

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    NaphtaliNaphtali Hazy + Flow SeaRegistered User regular
    edited September 2015
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    What the fuck is even going on here

    moffat's disappeared up his own ass, finds it larger on the inside

    this feels like an end of season episode, not a season premier

    Naphtali on
    Steam | Nintendo ID: Naphtali | Wish List
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    ButlerButler 89 episodes or bust Registered User regular
    edited September 2015
    Owenashi wrote: »
    So about the premiere, does anyone have the feeling...
    ...that this is one big con by Davros? He's dying, so he decides the best way to go out is commit suicide via Doctor killing his younger self. The Daleks' existence has got to be such a major fixed point in time that ticking off the Doctor enough to wreck it by killing him before he ever came up with the idea in the first place would surely screw over time and reality hard. That and the Doctor killing a then-innocent child would probably be worth it in Davros' eyes.
    "Become vengeance, Doctor. Become... Wrath."

    Butler on
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    XeddicusXeddicus Registered User regular
    edited September 2015
    It shocks me anyone is finding a simple story of time travel in Who confusing. I mean, you can predict what will happen next episode even if you knew nothing about the show. Hell, the premise was stated in the episode out loud!

    Xeddicus on
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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    I just do not like this woman

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    XeddicusXeddicus Registered User regular
    Oh, well. "Why is she here again?!" isn't really confused. My mistake.

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    Oh, no, I'm not commenting on whatever you guys were talking about
    I'm still mid-episode

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    I don't... I don't know about this one, guys

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    Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular
    For the most part, I like Michelle Gomez more than John Simm as the Master/Missy, but I still think the writing for that character in particular is weird and off-putting.

    I kinda feel like building up Davros this much is a bit overkill. Why the Doctor would be so sure that he's going to die this time is a mystery to me.

    And why is Davros using this weird snake monster guy to look for the Doctor? I mean, it's a nifty monster design, but it seems out of place to me.

    Some dialogue discussing when Davros realized the Screwdriver belonged to the Doctor and why he never mentioned it until now would have been good.

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    SeriouslySeriously Registered User regular
    well that's simple! he didn't have it until this episode

    that is to say, he's had it all his life, but not until just now

    before he hadn't had it all his life yet

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    Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular
    That's not how time travel works!

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    XeddicusXeddicus Registered User regular
    Timey Wimey!

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    chiasaur11chiasaur11 Never doubt a raccoon. Do you think it's trademarked?Registered User regular
    That's not how time travel works!

    It wasn't how time travel worked, but now it's worked like that all along.

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    see317see317 Registered User regular
    chiasaur11 wrote: »
    That's not how time travel works!

    It wasn't how time travel worked, but now it's worked like that all along.

    Until it doesn't again, unless it does.

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    TubeTube Registered User admin
    Owenashi wrote: »

    How about her? The Doctor originally left Gallifrey with a relative. If the Twelfth ends up being the incarnation to return, it'd make a nice book-end to do so with another relative.

    And she already the daughter of and married to the doctor.

    She was also conceivably the worst actress who has ever been on the modern show. Unfortunately. I'm sure she's a very lovely person, and I don't like to be rude about someone who is clearly very close to the heart of someone I admire a lot, but she was really awful. Maybe it was the script.

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    edited September 2015
    This episode
    focused on the Master and the Daleks, the two villains I cannot possibly care about anymore

    You cannot keep going back to that well

    Grey Ghost on
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    see317see317 Registered User regular
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    This episode
    focused on the Master and the Daleks, the two villains I cannot possibly care about anymore

    You cannot keep going back to that well

    Don't they have to keep going back to the Dalek well though? I'm pretty sure I read that if they don't use them at least once a season, the rights to the Daleks revert to their original creator and the BBC loses them.

    Granted, I'm pretty sure there's not much of a market for Daleks outside of Who, but I can't imagine the BBC would be thrilled to give up one of the most iconic aliens they have.

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    edited September 2015
    I honestly say they're better off losing them at this point
    It's either that or more boring stories and I know which price I'd rather pay

    Grey Ghost on
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    Crimson KingCrimson King Registered User regular
    just have a dalek trundle on screen once per season, wink at the camera, then turn around and trundle off


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    GustavGustav Friend of Goats Somewhere in the OzarksRegistered User regular
    So this is the first time in ever that a season premiere confounded me so much. It was like I tried to watch an episode after missing an entire season. This could be a huge mess, or this could be super brilliant. I rather hope the brilliant path, but I expect a mess.

    However Capaldi is kind of the perfect Doctor.

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    CyvrosCyvros Registered User regular
    I think the thing I got most excited about this episode was
    the mention of Atlantis' various fates.

    The second thing was Julian Bleach returning as Davros, because I really enjoyed his performance last time.
    just have a dalek trundle on screen once per season, wink at the camera, then turn around and trundle off


    Minus the words, that's just about what happened in The Waters of Mars.

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    SnicketysnickSnicketysnick The Greatest Hype Man in WesterosRegistered User regular
    just have a dalek trundle on screen once per season, wink at the camera, then turn around and trundle off


    I can just see the headlines next year in the tabloids


    As for this week
    I like Missy a lot, but the rest of the episode was all set up and no landing at all. Cliffhangers for cliffhangers sake, boooo.

    D3 Steam #TeamTangent STO
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    NaphtaliNaphtali Hazy + Flow SeaRegistered User regular
    stuff that bothered me the most as a fair-weather watcher of the show
    a) missy's back, zero explanation. (she built her cybermen so they couldn't hurt her and instead teleported her to the nethersphere, or whatever. sure why not)

    b) I'm surprised clara would even agree to deal with missy after what happened last season, wasn't it slightly implied danny's death was arranged by missy back in the two parter last season? I guess I can buy the explanation "for the doctor" though.

    c) we're throwing this dark right out of the gate huh?

    d) they don't really explain what the doctor did exactly, why he was in hiding. unless it was just because davros is looking for him?

    Steam | Nintendo ID: Naphtali | Wish List
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    SomestickguySomestickguy Registered User regular
    OK guys

    I'm finally going to catch back up on my Doctor Who watch

    I fell off around about The Wedding of River Song... so I have a Christmas special to get things started up again!

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    SomestickguySomestickguy Registered User regular
    Actually I ended up skipping to the end of the episode.

    That was really boring!!! And badly acted! Step up your Christmas game, Doctor Who, you've done so well in the past!

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    azith28azith28 Registered User regular
    Season 9 episode 1.

    Seriously guys, its SEASON 9 of the new series of a show thats been on for 50 years. Does every first episode of the season need to be a jumping off point? No. It does not.
    From someone who watched the old series, the dalek story at least made sense. I loved seeing the old school daleks mixed in with the modern ones. The Missy thing...im a little less on board with but shes entertaining so I'll give her a break for the moment.

    Stercus, Stercus, Stercus, Morituri Sum
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    Bad-BeatBad-Beat Registered User regular
    edited September 2015
    Things they need to stop doing
    Pretend that the Doctor's death is coming. It's not, we know it's not.
    Hand-waving random stuff because plot. Missy doesn't just get to come back because the Doctor knew she would.
    Thinking we'll be surprised that the Daleks are back. They've come back half a dozen times at this point. No-one is surprised when they show up. It's actually more of a surprise if they don't turn up. The Doctor has probably come across them more often post-Time War, he must be wondering what the whole point of the thing was.
    Things they need to start doing
    Give Clara something to do. Got a great actor in Jenna Coleman who has been pretty fucking wasted up till now... but I guess that's too late.

    Bad-Beat on
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    VeldrinVeldrin Sham bam bamina Registered User regular
    Hey, so this episode was dumb fun times.

    I really enjoyed it!

    Hand mines can eff right off.

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    CoinageCoinage Heaviside LayerRegistered User regular
    see317 wrote: »
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    This episode
    focused on the Master and the Daleks, the two villains I cannot possibly care about anymore

    You cannot keep going back to that well

    Don't they have to keep going back to the Dalek well though? I'm pretty sure I read that if they don't use them at least once a season, the rights to the Daleks revert to their original creator and the BBC loses them.
    Moffat has said this is not true http://www.doctorwhotv.co.uk/moffat-daleks-are-not-a-contractual-obligation-68881.htm

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    SeriouslySeriously Registered User regular
    I just realized I want river and missy to meet

    that's stupid though, and I'm stupid for thinking it

    it could be so good, but it would be so, so, so, so bad

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    OwenashiOwenashi Registered User regular
    Seriously wrote: »
    I just realized I want river and missy to meet

    that's stupid though, and I'm stupid for thinking it

    it could be so good, but it would be so, so, so, so bad

    Want it to be better/worse? Toss Tasha Lem into the meeting.

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    klemmingklemming Registered User regular
    Bad-Beat wrote: »
    Things they need to stop doing
    Pretend that the Doctor's death is coming. It's not, we know it's not.
    Hand-waving random stuff because plot. Missy doesn't just get to come back because the Doctor knew she would.
    Thinking we'll be surprised that the Daleks are back. They've come back half a dozen times at this point. No-one is surprised when they show up. It's actually more of a surprise if they don't turn up. The Doctor has probably come across them more often post-Time War, he must be wondering what the whole point of the thing was.
    Things they need to start doing
    Give Clara something to do. Got a great actor in Jenna Coleman who has been pretty fucking wasted up till now... but I guess that's too late.
    I'm waiting to see what happens next, but I think we might get an explanation for Missy's survival next episode. It looked just like the last time she died, she was wearing a vortex manipulator, and since the same thing happened to Clara and the TARDIS, and the Doctor apparently gets back to Kid Davros somehow, their survival may still be explained, and it might be the same way she came back already.
    Besides, like you said, no-one is surprised by it, so they're acknowledging the comic-book death and return nature of the bad guys. 'Yes, I'm back, let's not insult ourselves by pretending we're surprised.'
    No-one's surprised that the Daleks are back (they've been officially 'back for good' since Victory of the Daleks), but the fact that they rebuilt Skaro somehow is a bit of an eye-opener for the Doctor and Missy (was it not Skaro that Matt Smith got caught on in Asylum of the Daleks? It was a big Dalek planet, wherever it was). A super-vague explanation for how Davros got out of the whole 'exploding fleet' thing wouldn't be amiss, though.

    Nobody remembers the singer. The song remains.
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    XeddicusXeddicus Registered User regular
    I'm assuming
    the Daleks removed all their gear because Missy was armed and it would have come in handy when they broke out.

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    azith28azith28 Registered User regular
    Hand Minds are a pretty neat idea. I kinda did a mental smack myself on the head because it had never been done before but such an obvious idea.

    Stercus, Stercus, Stercus, Morituri Sum
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    King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    azith28 wrote: »
    Hand Minds are a pretty neat idea. I kinda did a mental smack myself on the head because it had never been done before but such an obvious idea.

    Actually Clamp beat them to it


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