So I'm in the midst of going through stalker, and its fun, but I had to stop and laugh at this point where some sort of demon with telekinetic abilities has begun to harass me by throwing human skeletal remains through the air at me.
For a second, I was just really confused as I saw the complete hip of a skeleton levitate 8 feet in the air, staring at it like an idiot
before it proceeded to hit me in the fucking face.
Mother fuck! Fuck you, psychic demon! Fuck you for using your abilities to hit me with a hip.
You are a
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the outcome.
Wow, Cliche much?
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the outcome.
I was gonna play that.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the outcome.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the outcome.
like she was in his group of friends and had a crush on him and something something sent him 50 handwritten letters and some other stuff
maybe calling all the time
the usual
i wasnt friends with him then so unfortunately i missed all of it
and a few weeks ago they confronted her and told her not to hang around them anymore
so now she is kicked out of the indian group at uni just as i am edging my way in
the indians stick together so in lectures its they are together and then she is sitting away somewhere else, maybe with this other guy who they dont like for some reason
in a corner there is the fucking scary looking sikh who wears full blue or orange kurtas and has blades and shit in his turban
scariest dude in the world
Me: Okay
*walks towards door*
Me: What in the hell?
Me: that thousand-pound door being slammed against by a creature with enough force to pry it from the hinges?
Me: Yeah.....fuck that.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the outcome.
Seriously, I was expecting stories of being a stalker/stalkee from people. All calling then leaving a voice message of heavy breathing, carving her name on your chest, waiting outside the bushes of her house, getting slapped with a restraining order, etc etc
ive never really been much in with indian groups. but after knowing these dudes for just a few weeks i am seeing that real life for these guys is often overdramatic and absurd
and here i was thinking indian movies were a bit over the top
oh but shit i just remembered being at some indian house party when i was a kid
one of those ones your parents drag you to and all the under 25 year olds are segregated together and you have maybe met one or 2 of the people before
and some kid was threatening to commit suicide over a girl, who he possibly just met at this party
i didnt know what that meant and thought it had something to do with going down into the sewers across the street
this was in the days of teenage mutant ninja turtles
damn i shoulda stuck with those guys more
so wacky
I will go watch some gameplay footage now
fps shooter
horror survival
rpg quest
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the outcome.
Bitch found me through myspace.
I just registered my name so nobody can fake a page about me
Hey! You mean I went through the trouble of cross dressing and plucking my eyebrows and putting on make up for that sexy emo photo for nothing? You inconsiderate bastard.
which is okay i have seen those clothes many times and them a few times myself though not as bright as his, and with the exception of the turban
but then you see that it includes a bunch of decorative blades all around his head
and apparently attempts to talk to him were just straight up ignored, or somethin like that.
so i think i may keep my distance
also hes kinda tall
start a bj thread
I was mistaken
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
cliche much?
get outta my head charles
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the outcome.
Thats the engine trying to run dx9 lighting effects, which are so poorly coded I can't even begin to tell you. (doesn't even allow for AA FFS)
Run the game in "static lighting" aka dx8.1. I'm getting 50+fps running at 1600x1200 and 4xaa with an old x850XT
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the outcome.
how does it look at this setting?
Not that bad actually.
Infact it's darker and different than Dynamic Lighting.
It kinda fits the atmosphere better.
It gives me the big O.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar