I unfortunately missed both sales cause I was working. You think they will do another sale soon? I would like to get my hands on at least one box before they are all sold out.
I unfortunately missed both sales cause I was working. You think they will do another sale soon? I would like to get my hands on at least one box before they are all sold out.
I suspect (but have no specific insider knowledge) that there's quite a few more waves to go. (We still have a lot of blind merchs to go) As for timing, I have no idea.
I keep missing the DSBs due to the time. I wonder if they would ever consider doing a half and half for the next lot... as in, Half at 2pm their time, then half 4 or 5 hours later.
Email Penny Arcade customer support. I got duplicates in my core 2.0 and told them about it. Took them a couple of days to respond but they said they sent out a new set at no extra cost. Hopefully they will do the same for you so it can bolster your trade pins at no extra cost. :surprised:
Not the greatest DSB pins though, I guess PA really wants you to go to East this year... XD
dchoy on
PAX Prime attendee since 2008.
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
Many folks need to pay closer attention to their image sizes. Our limit for using the img tags on this forum is 500K. Make sure you are checking the image size before you use the img tags.
If you use the uploader, you can just delete the img tags from around the image if it's oversized.
Overall - a second Blind Merch for me, 3 pins I didn't have, and a pretty good mix of pins for trades. For me, it's the same drop rate as the first batch of blind boxes - 22 boxes for one blind merch.
Oh man, I really need to be on the ball for the next drop, whenever that is. I'm hanging out for a DSB. I'll even take a bunch of Castle Guys, my fodder set is woeful at the moment.
Not bothering to take a picture, but I opened 2 of my boxes. Lookout Leader (again) Blonde Lookout, Merch 3.0 (again) and a Hobby staff pin (mountains). Really regretting the purchase.
So out of 5 boxes ordered a couple weeks ago, and 5 more ordered this last time...the rarest I got out of all of them was a Lookouts Crest, so I'm gonna assume my Masked Merch days are over
Rest of the boxes were filled with mostly Lookouts and LRR pins
I got a 'coon skin hat guy from Castle Crashers and a blonde lookout. Whomp whomp.
Good trade fodder though! PA must get the same pins back all the time.
It's a shame they can't notch them discretely each time a pin returns to PA Headquarters. It would definitely make me more excited to get a Castle Guy if it was a 10-cycle one.
CRAZY NEW VIDEO featuring me and @hingo unboxing a total of 28 DSBs from the December batch! The video is a bit long, but hopefully we can hold you over with semi-interesting discussion on pins and the meaning of life.
CRAZY NEW VIDEO featuring me and @hingo unboxing a total of 28 DSBs from the December batch! The video is a bit long, but hopefully we can hold you over with semi-interesting discussion on pins and the meaning of life.
Bought them for fodder and I got fodder (Santa Gabe is nice though). Arrived on the same day as the three @skeller sent and I quickly hid those three away from myself. And out of the two Arma boxes I got I'm now 12/12.
Finally got my 7 blind boxes that I ordered at thanksgiving. Note that I did not get any other pin sets.
Merch 2.0 / Castle Guy
Merch 2.0 / Castle Guy
Merch 2.0 / Castle Guy
New Years 2015 / Castle Guy
Tourist Tycho / Castle Guy
Valentines Day / Castle Guy
Mom Hobby / Castle Guy
My Pinny Pal's Lanyard
"Players are artists who create their own reality within the game." - Shigeru Miyamoto
ill trade ya for one of those stocking kempers
Trade with me!
Fukus aren't coming out until some time new years eve
Or...skip right to the full pull under the spoiler tag!
Oh...that. Pretty cool, I guess!
I suspect (but have no specific insider knowledge) that there's quite a few more waves to go. (We still have a lot of blind merchs to go) As for timing, I have no idea.
Opened 4 boxes on the second day, then 2 boxes.
Call me AJ
Final 2 boxes, lots of tradeable pins.
Call me AJ
I miss the thrill of opening them.
I also appear to be a green-cloaked cat short.
Not the greatest DSB pins though, I guess PA really wants you to go to East this year... XD
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
mod edit: removed img tags from oversized image
me edit: thanks bro
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Got one Love My Work
If you use the uploader, you can just delete the img tags from around the image if it's oversized.
10 Boxes from Thanksgiving
12 Boxes from Friday
Overall - a second Blind Merch for me, 3 pins I didn't have, and a pretty good mix of pins for trades. For me, it's the same drop rate as the first batch of blind boxes - 22 boxes for one blind merch.
Rest of the boxes were filled with mostly Lookouts and LRR pins
Good trade fodder though! PA must get the same pins back all the time.
It's a shame they can't notch them discretely each time a pin returns to PA Headquarters. It would definitely make me more excited to get a Castle Guy if it was a 10-cycle one.
Click here to check it out!
Trade me pins, yo: https://www.pinnypals.com/pals/Lazorz
People don't care anymore, they've lost their passion.
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
Check 'em: My Pins!
Merch 2.0 / Castle Guy
Merch 2.0 / Castle Guy
Merch 2.0 / Castle Guy
New Years 2015 / Castle Guy
Tourist Tycho / Castle Guy
Valentines Day / Castle Guy
Mom Hobby / Castle Guy
And I shall wear it and gain its powers.
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
I know what you're all waiting to hear... and yes, I did get a castle guy
And also a DSB merch
@TheAggroCraig Will it then be your ....."castle guise"?
My DSB order from December.
Only one castle guy? Amature
Edit: Fixed it, something went wonky
80's Tycho
Core 2.0 Tycho
Core 2.0 Div
Tourist Tycho
Lookout 01
Core 2.0 Tycho
Sketch Tycho Profile
Lookout 01
Core 2.0 Gabe
80's Tycho
5 boxes:
Iron Guard Stance
Binwin Bronzebottom
Davey Crockett
Div 2.0
Gabe 2.0
Yosef Hex
Tycho 1.0 (2012)
Omin Dran
Wrapped Div
Tycho 2.0