PAX South Musical Guests

zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod

Freezepop, MC Frontalot, Paul and Storm, Minibosses, The Oneups, The Returners


  • ArdentbiscuitArdentbiscuit Registered User regular
    Fantastic! I have been wanting to see Freezepop, The Oneups and The Returners!

  • kyan22kyan22 Tucson,azRegistered User regular
    Yes mc frontalot!! Also so excited for Paul and storm I missed their show at pcc this year

  • CyberFeyCyberFey Registered User regular
    No DoubleClicks? =(

  • DolarrahDolarrah New JerseyRegistered User regular
    You know what sucks about being an old fart? I never know who any of the bands are :(

  • MalgarasMalgaras Registered User regular
    Ever since seeing them in the PAX PATV episodes, I've wanted to catch Freezepop at one of these things. Looks like I finally have a shot. =)

  • laurentheflutelaurentheflute Leader of The Returners AustinRegistered User regular
    Fantastic! I have been wanting to see Freezepop, The Oneups and The Returners!

    You... you've been wanting to see us? ;_; These are tears of joy running down my cheeks.

    I'm the leader of the Returners (I've always wanted to say that!) and I'm just here to say that I am SO BEYOND EXCITED to finally see the minibosses after listening to them forever. I've never seen them live! Yay!

    I got self-conscious about having a self-promotional signature. Now I don't have one anymore. HI, I'M LAUREN, I PLAY MUSIC AND VIDEO GAMES
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Dolarrah wrote: »
    You know what sucks about being an old fart? I never know who any of the bands are :(
    I had only heard of one of the PAX acts outside of PAX before going to my first PAX, and I think I fit squarely within the demographic at the time. There's still acts that I'm hearing of for the first time through PAX. It's a good opportunity to branch out ;)

  • ArdentbiscuitArdentbiscuit Registered User regular
    Fantastic! I have been wanting to see Freezepop, The Oneups and The Returners!

    You... you've been wanting to see us? ;_; These are tears of joy running down my cheeks.

    I'm the leader of the Returners (I've always wanted to say that!) and I'm just here to say that I am SO BEYOND EXCITED to finally see the minibosses after listening to them forever. I've never seen them live! Yay!

    Don't cry! You guys are awesome and deserve the praise!

  • ArdentbiscuitArdentbiscuit Registered User regular
    If anyone is in LA the week after Pax this is happening..


  • DolarrahDolarrah New JerseyRegistered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    Dolarrah wrote: »
    You know what sucks about being an old fart? I never know who any of the bands are :(
    I had only heard of one of the PAX acts outside of PAX before going to my first PAX, and I think I fit squarely within the demographic at the time. There's still acts that I'm hearing of for the first time through PAX. It's a good opportunity to branch out ;)

    I FULLY AGREE. The bands are not ones I would typically see outside a PAX environment, but they always fit the environment and are entertaining.

  • Tigre_RoaringTigre_Roaring Greater South Houston areaRegistered User regular
    Will there be any raves @ PAX South?

    Gonna be there all 3 days!

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Will there be any raves @ PAX South?
    I don't believe I've ever seen anything rave-like at a PAX.

  • ArdentbiscuitArdentbiscuit Registered User regular
    I've never seen any raves at PAX either. I checked all the acts playing around PAX and there is nothing even electronic playing in San Antonio that weekend.

    I didn't notice that Marvel traveling stage show will be in San Antonio PAX weekend..

  • nevermore13nevermore13 Registered User regular
    I have been hoping to see Freezepop under the Musical Acts list for a PAX I'm going to since 2010 so really excited to see that. Also excited for Minibosses and OneUps, but a little disappointed Protomen won't be there.

  • laurentheflutelaurentheflute Leader of The Returners AustinRegistered User regular
    Protomen just got announced for a double set at MAGFest that weekend, so that explains why they won't be at PAX!

    I got self-conscious about having a self-promotional signature. Now I don't have one anymore. HI, I'M LAUREN, I PLAY MUSIC AND VIDEO GAMES
  • ArtoriaArtoria Registered User regular
    A great line up so far. I saw FrontALot in Austin and he puts on a great show if you a haven't seen it

    I am still holding out hope that they get The Megas and MegaRan to sign on.

  • laurentheflutelaurentheflute Leader of The Returners AustinRegistered User regular
    It's pretty unlikely -- MAGFest is the same weekend and has both the Megas and MegaRan:


    I got self-conscious about having a self-promotional signature. Now I don't have one anymore. HI, I'M LAUREN, I PLAY MUSIC AND VIDEO GAMES
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Once they announce the musical acts for a PAX, they are pretty set in stone.

  • ArdentbiscuitArdentbiscuit Registered User regular
    Sometimes bands announce their own side shows at other venues so anything is possible.

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