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desktop view isnt working. defaults to mobile view

NotoriusBENNotoriusBEN Registered User regular
I'm not sure if its because I'm in Miami for the moment, its worked every where else, but I cannot get my phone to use desktop view for the forums.

My phone is a nokia Lumia 920 windows 8.1 phone.
I should also mention I wont be able check for solutions posted until probably Dec 23 since I'm heading out of country

Help posted is appreciated, though.

Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN


  • McFlynnMcFlynn Registered User regular
    edited December 2014
    I'm having the same with issue with my OG Surface RT. Started this morning.

    Edit: Well, this time I clicked full-view and it worked, but I've never had it default to mobile view on a tablet before.

    McFlynn on
  • NotoriusBENNotoriusBEN Registered User regular
    Yea, just managed to fix mine too. Should me weird thing about clicking full view in the mobile side... Although I don't know why my phone wont toggle it for me when I tell it to choose desktop view all the time anyways... Oh well, I have desktop view again, yay.

    Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
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