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My wife's bucket list....

Dan19721121Dan19721121 Registered User regular
My wife and I attended PAX East back in 2013. We enjoyed ourselves immensely. We saw and spoke briefly with Mike and Jerry, met people in the video game industry, table-top board game and RPG developers, many youtube famous people, cos-players and many more. The only thing missing from the experience was having our 4 year old son along with us. Due to many different circumstances, we just couldn't bring him. He is now 6 and loves Minecraft, Lego games, Zombie Dice, and of course Super Mario. He is amazing in many more ways than I can count, and "mommy's big helper".

This past year my wife, Tabitha, was diagnosed with ALS. We caught it rather early so we do have some time before she isn't able to get around. Our son has noticed that mommy doesn't get around like she used too... from nothing wrong with her, to walking with a cane, to two canes... and now she walks with a walker. He knows something is wrong, but he does not know the grim outcome that we are facing as a family.... nor should he.

Because I'm the sole provider of income now, money has been very tight. But we had scrimped and saved and had enough for one big trip that we could take as a family so our son could have some great memories with his mommy. We gave him a choice, Disney World or PAX East..... He chose PAX because he knows he wants to play a lot of games like mommy and daddy did a few years ago. (I told you he was amazing.)

I want this trip to be the most EPIC, the most memorable experience my wife and son can have.... Was our first trip to PAX just a fluke or seeing and meeting many gaming people I mentioned happen to everybody? Am i setting up too much of an expectation for a repeat? Any feedback and helpful advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    from what I have heard pax is what u make it and this is kinda what I experinced as well. If you set out to meet all those people and play all those games chances are u will do it. Hope everything is what u want it to be

  • obi1isdabestubetobi1isdabestubet Registered User regular
    Sorry to hear of your wife good sir. My experience with pax is it can only get better. this will be my fourth year going down and each year i have gone it really does get bigger and better. im not sure if you able but my advice to you is not only see a lot of what's on the expo floor but we what else there is. i missed so much my first two years going just thinking pax was a show with exhibitors. pax has so much to offer with the panels and the concerts. and to be honest the concerts are amazing. it a whole nother side of pax i had not seen before until last year. I hope this year you three have an epic time!

  • Dan19721121Dan19721121 Registered User regular
    Thank you :-) We didn't stay too much on the expo floor we went to many panels, and we did go to Saturday nights concert that year. I don't see our son sitting too long in some of the panels.... however we are going to do some cos-play two of the days. So that should be interesting.

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    I'm sorry to hear of your wife's condition. I really hope you are to able to enjoy your trip to PAX this long as you are open to meeting people and just enjoying all the events, panels, concerts you will most definitely have a memorable time. See you there!

  • KrisstaKrissta New HampshireRegistered User regular
    I have been to every PAX East there has been, and ever year, I try to tell myself, "Meh, this is the year it's going to be the same-old, same-old," and it never. Ever. Happens. Each PAX East has been amazing; from the people, to the games, to the panels, to the very atmosphere. I absolutely love it, and you really should have no problem "bumping into" people. It's HUGE every year, but still never quite loses that cozy feel. Well, except on the expo floor. :P haha

  • agreatrandomagreatrandom Wizard Outside BostonRegistered User regular
    It's not a fluke, I think that (while more crowded) Pax is getting better and better each year. I've met so many cool people either on the floor, standing in line, or out at a forum event/party. I personally feel you have to go into Pax being... flexible with what you want to do, but as long as you know when you need to rest & eat and don't mind talking to a total stranger dressed up as a League of Legends champion, you'll have a great time.

    One of my favorite areas over the past years has really been the Indie Megabooth, last year's Minibooth and the general area around those. Tons of games, many kid friendly too, in a nice and central location. It's amazing to see so many passionate developers handing out iPads and controllers and excitedly chatting with anyone willing to play their games. I've seen a lot of amazing games here that I would have never heard off. It's usually my first stop on Friday and where I'll spend most of that day since lines get longer later in the weekend as the gaming press starts to talk about how awesome many of the games are.

    Another great place to play some classic arcade games is a little off the Expo floor at the American Classic Arcade Museum room. 80s music, free arcade machines, it's pretty awesome. Haven't seen anything here or online yet, but hopefully they're returning again this year.

    Pay attention to the forums over the next few weeks to see what people are excited about, wether its companies, games, or even events around Boston. Hope my post helps you in your quest for a great weekend!


    Design Wizard, Pizza Enthusiast, Craft Beer Extraordinare from MA
  • mpsmps Registered User regular
    Another great place to play some classic arcade games is a little off the Expo floor at the American Classic Arcade Museum room. 80s music, free arcade machines, it's pretty awesome. Haven't seen anything here or online yet, but hopefully they're returning again this year.

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but after participating in PAX-East since its inception, ACAM will not be returning this year. PAX-East is an extremely expensive event for us, and we have always run the event at a substantial loss. As a non-profit, we cannot continue to do the show without, at least, breaking even. Sadly, the money is just not there this year.

    Let's keep our fingers crossed that things will change in the future.

    Dan19721121, my thoughts are with you and your wife. PAX-East is an incredible experience, and I have no doubt you will have a wonderful time.

    Mike Stulir
    Vice President, The American Classic Arcade Museum

  • MarciaWebbMarciaWebb Super Awesome Me Jacksonville, FloridaRegistered User regular
    Well you know I'll be there again Dan and we will definitely have drinks/food/fun

  • Dan19721121Dan19721121 Registered User regular
    Thank you Mike your thoughts are appreciated. Tabitha and I did get to see the arcade museum back in 2013. It was amazing and it is sad that you won't be there, but we understand. Marcia, you know we can't wait to see you :-)

  • sillyzombie666sillyzombie666 massRegistered User regular
    mps wrote: »
    Another great place to play some classic arcade games is a little off the Expo floor at the American Classic Arcade Museum room. 80s music, free arcade machines, it's pretty awesome. Haven't seen anything here or online yet, but hopefully they're returning again this year.

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but after participating in PAX-East since its inception, ACAM will not be returning this year. PAX-East is an extremely expensive event for us, and we have always run the event at a substantial loss. As a non-profit, we cannot continue to do the show without, at least, breaking even. Sadly, the money is just not there this year.

    Let's keep our fingers crossed that things will change in the future.

    Dan19721121, my thoughts are with you and your wife. PAX-East is an incredible experience, and I have no doubt you will have a wonderful time.

    Mike Stulir
    Vice President, The American Classic Arcade Museum
    noooooooooooo ...... thats like the #1 highlight

  • BlackrobeBlackrobe Registered User regular
    mps wrote: »
    Another great place to play some classic arcade games is a little off the Expo floor at the American Classic Arcade Museum room. 80s music, free arcade machines, it's pretty awesome. Haven't seen anything here or online yet, but hopefully they're returning again this year.

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but after participating in PAX-East since its inception, ACAM will not be returning this year. PAX-East is an extremely expensive event for us, and we have always run the event at a substantial loss. As a non-profit, we cannot continue to do the show without, at least, breaking even. Sadly, the money is just not there this year.

    Let's keep our fingers crossed that things will change in the future.

    Dan19721121, my thoughts are with you and your wife. PAX-East is an incredible experience, and I have no doubt you will have a wonderful time.

    Mike Stulir
    Vice President, The American Classic Arcade Museum

    Noooooooo D:

  • GHOST.OneGHOST.One Registered User regular
    Your trip will be amazing, PAX is filled with great people and BCEC is accessible as well. Also let us know if you need help with anything.
    Good luck.

  • radjagoradjago Registered User regular
    Last year my wife was pregnant at PAX and having a medical badge allowed her to enjoy the experience a lot more. Be sure to pick one up at the info booth at the front.

    PAX East Train Alliance, Metal Gear Line: 2013 || 2012 || 2010
  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    radjago wrote: »
    Last year my wife was pregnant at PAX and having a medical badge allowed her to enjoy the experience a lot more. Be sure to pick one up at the info booth at the front.

    Reg is the new place to get medical badges, although Info can certainly point you in the correct direction if you go there.

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