Pinny Arcade Checklist/Log
Hey everyone! I haven't been able to find a FULL checklist of all the Pinny Arcade pins, so I made one! It contains every pin, where/when each pin was released, year variants, and two columns for checking off 'Personal Collection' and 'Extras.' If anyone sees a mistake, or something is missing, let me know and I'll fix it. Everyone is welcome to print this out and use it for keeping track of their pins, especially at cons and during trade events.
If you have any suggestions, let me know too!
For myself I'm thinking of adding a column for RRP (if applicable), and maybe columns for cost if I've bought some elsewhere, Pin Trader, eBay. Just to help me get a better "feel" sometimes for a particular trade.
"Damn fine pins!"
Pin Checklist 2013 (Dropbox)
Pin Checklist 2014 (Dropbox)
Pin Checklist 2015 (Dropbox)
I based them off the Pin quest pdfs. They are A4 sized, I do have a B5 Size if people want them.
The order of the pins are based off the Pin posters, and the Pinny Arcade site's list of pins. the 2015 Pins I will be updated as the year goes on.
“I let out a battle cry. Sure, a lot of people might have mistaken it for a sudden yelp of unmanly fear, but trust me. It was a battle cry.”
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Pinny Wise App @PinnyWise · Jan 18
Pinnywise v1.04 submitted, awaiting review. Includes all new pins and great user-requested new features! Enjoy #paxsouth! #PinnyArcade
I JUST realized I got all the south pins! First time completing the check list! Yay me!