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2015 - Pre-PAX Pig Roast - Wednesday 03/04/2015 7pm

trinistandtrinistand Registered User regular
edited March 2015 in PAX East
Hi all! I'm happy to announce that the Pre-PAX pig roast will be back again this year. We've done this a few years in the past and it's always a great time. Signups are on a first come, first served basis (in posting order). Signups are allowed a single +1.

What : New England style Pig Roast
When : Wednesday 03/04/2015 @ 7pm
Where : Citizen Public House - Fenway area
Who : 20 fans of Sir Porkington
Why : Because...pig roast!
How : Details below
Cost : $60 includes food, tax, and tip. Drinks and related tax/tip are separate. I can take payment by Paypal, Google Wallet, and cash in person. I'm trying to stay away from ticketing services as the cost of the roast is already pretty high as is. Citizen's has an extensive bourbon and other whisk(e)y list for those that are interested.

Please, please, please let me know if you have any dietary restrictions or allergies ahead of time so I can inform the restaurant. They always do their best to accommodate everyone but for those who are unfamiliar with a pig roast, the pig itself is stuffed and the stuffing may contain allergens.

Seats are limited to the first 20 folks that sign up. Citizen's is a smaller restaurant and the pig roast is seated on a set of long tables in a section of the restaurant. The maximum amount of folks they can seat is 20.

Payment is DUE BY FRIDAY 2/27.

Attendees (20):
Trinistand + 1 [PAID]
Chaosisorder [PAID]
Khadour + 1
Lirelent [PAID]
Cabsy + 1 [PAID]
Menolly07 [PAID]
Judzillah [PAID]
Flowbeus + 1 [PAID]
Zerzhul [PAID]
GhostDan [PAID]
Durinthal [PAID]
gunadic [PAID]
mcattel [PAID]
Karoneth + 1 [PAID]

Waitlist: 0

trinistand on


  • chaosisorderchaosisorder Cupcake Princess and Pinny Whore OregonRegistered User regular
    I'm in!

  • KhadourKhadour Dinosaur Cupcake Hillsboro, ORRegistered User regular
    I'm in!

    Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error - Linus Pauling

  • lirelentlirelent Registered User regular
    i'm in

  • cabsycabsy the fattest rainbow unicorn Registered User regular
    edited January 2015
    My husband and I are (most likely) in!

    When do you need payment? That's the only reason I said most likely - his car just died (like just a few hours ago) and we aren't sure yet what the repairs will be so if you need the $120 this week it's probably no good for us but if you can wait a week or two it should be fine.

    cabsy on
  • Menolly07Menolly07 Registered User regular
    I'm in!!

    Still PAXing strong. [E] for lyfe. ELand forever.
  • judzillahjudzillah Registered User new member
    Who's got 2 thumbs and is going to eat a lot of pork? This guy, that's who.

  • trinistandtrinistand Registered User regular
    I don't need payment until a week ahead.

  • flowbeusflowbeus Registered User new member
    I'm in!! +1 friend

  • trinistandtrinistand Registered User regular
    Adding arsonisfun

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Yes, me.

  • GhostDanGhostDan Registered User regular
    I am most defintely in.

  • DurinthalDurinthal Registered User regular
    Count me in! Oink.

  • cabsycabsy the fattest rainbow unicorn Registered User regular
    We are definitely in then, awesome!

  • gunadicgunadic Registered User regular
    I'm a sucker for all things porcine. I'm in!

  • mcattelmcattel Registered User new member
    I will be attending as well.

  • KhadourKhadour Dinosaur Cupcake Hillsboro, ORRegistered User regular
    Add a +1 to mine for Myrmidon.

    Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error - Linus Pauling

  • gigabraingigabrain Some guy...yknow New HampshireRegistered User regular
    As much as I would love to attend this year, it just isn't in the cards for me. Enjoy your porky goodness and the resulting meat sweats.


    3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
  • TemigTemig East [E] North Shore - MARegistered User regular
    This sounds like a wonderful thing. Count me in.

  • upstateny-danupstateny-dan Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    Ohhhh man I wish we were coming Wed..... pig roasts are epically delicious. Are my first pig eye this summer, mmmmmmm

    upstateny-dan on
  • KaronethKaroneth Elder Scrolling Online Co-Host Lakehurst, NJRegistered User regular
    Same, if I was in Boston on Weds I'd sign up for sure, but alas no. Perhaps next year! Good luck with the event!

  • trinistandtrinistand Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    Updated to here. Thanks for the interest, it's really fun to run this each year. You all should go to the pre-pax dinner Thursday!

    Those attending, I will be in touch in the next week or so via PM to sort out monies and allergies.

    trinistand on
  • KaronethKaroneth Elder Scrolling Online Co-Host Lakehurst, NJRegistered User regular
    Change in plans...I'll be in Boston Weds...sign me up for this! I'll be attending.

  • KaronethKaroneth Elder Scrolling Online Co-Host Lakehurst, NJRegistered User regular
    I'd also like to add a +1 to my reservation for my friend. So two in total for me, if you have the room left!

  • trinistandtrinistand Registered User regular
    Spots are now filled. There's a waitlist just in case, I'll usually know if there's more room a week ahead of PAX.

    Thanks everybody!

  • Kiss Me GoodByeKiss Me GoodBye Registered User regular
    Put me on the waiting list! Just me!

    PAX EAST 2011 * 2012 * 2013 *2014 *2015 *2016 | PAX PRIME 2013| PAX UNPLUGGED 2017
  • TemigTemig East [E] North Shore - MARegistered User regular
    I'll be in the Westin on Wednesday. If enough of us are heading from there it'd be nice if we could arrange for a group cab to get us there. If not I may drive out as I will have my car, but I'd like to avoid it if possible.

  • trinistandtrinistand Registered User regular
    There's a garage nextdoor to the restaurant that validates parking but driving in that area is a nightmare right now from the snow.

  • TemigTemig East [E] North Shore - MARegistered User regular
    trinistand wrote: »
    There's a garage nextdoor to the restaurant that validates parking but driving in that area is a nightmare right now from the snow.

    Yeah, that's why I'd REALLY love to avoid that if at all possible. I'm not a fan of driving around Boston under normal circumstances, and with the current conditions even less so.

  • RappakRappak Registered User regular
    It's not a far walk from the t. It's at the fenway stop and about 5 blocks walk.

  • gunadicgunadic Registered User regular
    Mmmmm, getting psyched for pig tomorrow!

  • KaronethKaroneth Elder Scrolling Online Co-Host Lakehurst, NJRegistered User regular
    See you tomorrow night!

  • trinistandtrinistand Registered User regular
    See you all tonight! Hope you're hungry. We've never been able to finish everything they feed us yet.

  • gunadicgunadic Registered User regular
    trinistand wrote: »
    See you all tonight! Hope you're hungry. We've never been able to finish everything they feed us yet.

    This sounds like a challenge!

  • KaronethKaroneth Elder Scrolling Online Co-Host Lakehurst, NJRegistered User regular
    Dinner was awesome, thank you for planning this!

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