if anybody wants to get together for a semi decent dinner on friday night let me know. maybe we could hit lanworks and brush up on skills etc!
i was thinking steak :twisted:
mmm, food sounds good. I've never eaten at the Cheesecake Factory either...and since I don't think I'll be able to make it to the Hero gathering at 7:30 I should be free for dinner, heh.
I just dropped $140 at Ruth Chris. Probably one of the top ten steaks of all time. The ala carte menu is a bummer though...6 bones for mashed potatos! Would have been a sure thing if I wasn't so far from home dateless! Where's a prom queen when you need one?
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
Claim Jumper: for when you absolutely, positively want too much food.
I'm serious... HUGE food.
I'm fairly sure the Cheesecake Factory can deal you out quite a bit of food.
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
Cheesecake Factory sounds good and it's just down the damn street from here. Anybody else still hungry?
Can't use my cellphone up here cause my carrier will literally rape me up the ass but I'm in room 327 @ 425-455-9444
I'll hang out a while and check this thread for any takers before I head over by myself!
I'll give it another 20 minutes, so at 8:00 I'm going alone
P.S. I'm not paying for your dinner.
P.S.S. My name is Paul
Edit: OK, I just got a call, looks like folks are setting something up for 8:30. I'm so there.
if any of you guys want to hang give me a ring
Any mellow bars nearby?
room 531 if so...give a call...