Hello everyone! For those of you that attended South, we'll have something similar. If you didn't... well, it'll still be similar just not familiar. If you have questions feel free to post here or see us at the show
Da Rules
- Sign-ups for a given tournament begins the day of at 10AM each day.
- All tournaments will be run single elimination. The only exception is if there are few participants and lots of time.
Here are the list of games ordered by day:
FRIDAY11:00 AM Geometry Wars 3
- 32 1v1 High Score: Mode TBD
12:00 PM Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Ultimate
- 64 1v1 3/5 Game Sets
1:00 PM Super Puzzle Fighter
- 32 1v1 X' Mode Final
2:00 PM Smash Bros Wii U - Party
- 32 8-way FFA 8-way Free for all, items on, 3 stock / 10 minutes
3:00 PM Towerfall Ascension
- 64 4-way FFA headhunters, 10 stock
4:00 PM Mario Kart 8 - pt 1
- 64 4-way FFA
- Elim Rounds: 1 Race, Random Map, No AI, 150cc
- Final Round: 3 Races, Random Maps, Normal AI, 150cc
5:00 PM Burnout Crash!
- 32 1v1 90 sec rounds, score attack. 'Rush Hour' mode, No Elite vehicles.
6:00 PM Mario Kart 8 - pt 2
- 64 4-way FFA
- Elim Rounds: 1 Race, Random Map, No AI, 150cc
- Final Round: 3 Races, Random Maps, Normal AI, 150cc
7:00 PM Trials Fusion
- 32 4 Way FFA Supercross mode (may include DLC maps)
- Supercross, Top 2 advance, 1 Heat per Race, 3 races
- R1: 3 Beginner/Easy Races
- R2: 3 Easy Races
- R3: 3 Easy Medium Races
- R4: 3 Medium Races
- R5: 6 Medium/Hard Races
8:00 PM Super Smash Brothers Wii U - pt 1
- 64 1v1 3 stock, 7 mins, No Items
- 2 part tournament, winners from pt1 and pt will have a Grand Final after the 10:00PM tournament
- - no amiibos (the tournament is big enough as it is)
9:00 PM Tetris Attack
- 32 1v1 Level 7 start
10:00 PM Super Smash Brothers Wii U - pt 2
- 64 1v1 3 stock, 7 mins, No Items
SATURDAY11:00 AM Goldeneye
- 32 4-way FFA
- R1: Automatics, Complex, 10 Kills, Normal
- R2: Power, Library, 10 Kills, Normal
- R3: Lasers, Temple, 10 Kills, Normal
- R4: Pistols, Basement, 10 Kills, License To Kill
- R5: Throwing Knife, You Only Live Twice, Facility
12:00 PM BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma
- 32 1v1 Unlimited Characters banned
1:00 PM Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
- 32 1v1 Graffiti mode, base stats. No bans.
2:00 PM Sportsfriends: BaraBariBall (PS3)
- 32 1v1 Single match, default time limit, all characters available
3:00 PM Blur
- 64 4-way FFA Class B cars and below. One race
4:00 PM Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
- 32 1v1 2/3 rounds, 2/3 games
5:00 PM Halo 4
- 64 4-way FFA Basic MLG rules, Single map
6:00 PM Project Diva F
- 32 1v1 Hard mode (Extreme mode allowed if both players request it)
- Players attempt the same song, higher score wins
7:00 PM Pac Man CE DX
- 32 1v1 Head to head, high score wins.
8:00 PM Divekick
- 128 1v1 3/5 rounds, 2/3 matches
9:00 PM NBA Jam: On Fire
- 32 1v1
SUNDAY11:00 AM Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HDR
- 32 1v1 Remix mode, 2/3 rounds, 2/3 games, Akuma is banned
12:00 PM Ultra Street Fighter 4
- 64 1v1 99 seconds, 2/3 rounds, 2/3 games, Edition Select must be off
1:00 PM Puzzle Bobble
- 32 1v1
2:00 PM Killer Instinct
- 32 1v1 2/3 Games
3:00 PM You Don't Know Jack
- 64 4-way FFA, Random Episodes
4:00 PM Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
- 32 8-way FFA MLG Rules suggest no loadout bans
Two out of three games is a set.
Two out of three sets is an elimination.
A player can choose any of the 8 drop patterns.
Players are allowed to switch drop patterns between sets (although almost no one ever does).
Footage from last year's PAX East tournament starts here: https
Footage from last year's PAX Prime tournament starts here: https
Yup, it'll be similar. The matches can go pretty fast, so thanks for confirming!
-Black Doom
-Black Doom
@BlitherPants We provide controllers for the tournaments and usually see folks bring in their own sticks for the fighting games and GC controllers for Smash; we don't provide sticks and the GC controllers are always in short supply.
@zoidbergenstein Customs will be off and you can use any map as long as other players agree on it. Also, no items (of course)
TL;DR Can I register on behalf of someone else?
Explanation: My sister and I want to sign up for the Smash tournament, but she also wants to see the Blizzard panel and some threads have suggested she won't make it to that panel unless she waits in line before the doors open at 10AM. I personally don't care to see the panel, so I was thinking I'd beeline to the tourney sign up as soon as I get in and sign us both up. Is that even allowed?
-Black Doom
-Black Doom
@BlitherPants If someone wants to play, they have to sign themselves up. Otherwise, it's hard to keep people accountable and signing someone else up takes a spot for someone who is 100% coming.
@FapFlop That was a pretty serious typo. It's definitely '64 1v1' not '4W FFA.'
@TheChillestPenguin Advanced Warfare will be on XBox One.
Also, for all you fighting games folks, we have 4 fighting sticks (2 XBox and 2 PS4) for 1st and 2nd place with MVC3 and SFIV:
How this will work:
1 PS4 or 1 XBox stick will be available to the 1st place winner of MVC3/SFIV; 2nd place winner gets the remaining stick. So, in each of the tournaments, you get one or the other.
Personally, my guess is the dude in the Rosalina costume.
-Black Doom