
League of Legends: Bardon Me, Do you have some dead Teemon?



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    VarethiusVarethius CymruRegistered User regular
    edited March 2015
    Ah, I didn't realise it was IWD that said it. My comment on Saint still stands though :p

    Varethius on
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    SatanIsMyMotorSatanIsMyMotor Fuck Warren Ellis Registered User regular
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    The personality of the person saying this stuff is completely beside the point. It's the combination of the person's position as a figurehead and ambassador of the sport and a complete unawareness for the world around them that makes it infuriating.

    Honestly, if these guys approached the game as adults and comported themselves in a way that didn't resemble your average 14 year old they'd be in a position to affect change. As it stands, 90% of them come off as complete man-children.

    This isn't unique to League. Other competitive scenes have their fair share of man-children.

    In gaming? I completely agree and think that doesn't alter my point at all.

    At least in the NFL etc a player would be fined for that shit.

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    Sir LandsharkSir Landshark resting shark face Registered User regular
    So this is only tangentially related to League (Myxia is the Dig interim coach and also streams jungle sometimes I think?) but it is awesome and I just discovered it and wanted to share:


    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
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    VaregaVarega Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    Honestly I can't believe Azingy is playing on any LCS teams though. He got some notoriety for playing Karthus jungle and Oddone used to always joke that Azingy was the only general that could out mind game him in solo queue, but I've never seen him do anything that would indicate he could possibly compete in the LCS.

    Dignitas is just in shambles right now. They still haven't gotten a coach this far into the split, every time somebody new leaves the team they all talk about what a toxic teammate Shiphtur was or at least hint at it, and really they just have little talent on the team. At this point, I think only coast is going to keep them from last place.

    I honestly don't think it's just Shiphtur. The koreans are looking to win big, and they want immediate results without putting the time in. On top of that, I feel Kiwi is running out of 'feel good' steam, and can't keep the team together emotionally. You can see that in the interview he had on the desk, on top of how hastily his apology was on twitter.

    Azingy doesn't fit the LCS structure, because he thrives in an environment that has a low communication, highly volatile playstyle. The LCS is at this point extremely calculated, and risk adverse. Off meta picks like Karthus and Fiddles don't work because the communication is high enough that the threat is lowered significantly.

    Then, you add in the structure of Dig right now. You have 3 people looking for results, a 4th person who essentially can't keep the team grounded, adding in a person who is emotionally explosive. That was never going to work. CloudNyguen on the other hand, has great potential to stabilize the team. He could easily lead from the jungle, his vision game was on point, and understands the reserved playstyle in the LCS. He was a great pickup, and I hope he gets back into the LCS soon.

    League of Legends:Varega
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    DehumanizedDehumanized Registered User regular
    Pretty much the only league streamer I'd consider to represent himself well in that regard would be sirhcez and he's a dirty nasus main.

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    VaregaVarega Registered User regular
    So this is only tangentially related to League (Myxia is the Dig interim coach and also streams jungle sometimes I think?) but it is awesome and I just discovered it and wanted to share:


    Mylixia is AWESOME! He's really a business manager for Dig stateside, but filling in for the need of an in person coach. He's one of the few guys that I feel has the proper attitude for support staff, but I believe he lives in Nevada. So he's generally not in the house during non LCS days. That's a major issue that dig needs to address.

    League of Legends:Varega
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    Hiryu02Hiryu02 Registered User regular
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    The personality of the person saying this stuff is completely beside the point. It's the combination of the person's position as a figurehead and ambassador of the sport and a complete unawareness for the world around them that makes it infuriating.

    Honestly, if these guys approached the game as adults and comported themselves in a way that didn't resemble your average 14 year old they'd be in a position to affect change. As it stands, 90% of them come off as complete man-children.

    This isn't unique to League. Other competitive scenes have their fair share of man-children.

    In gaming? I completely agree and think that doesn't alter my point at all.

    At least in the NFL etc a player would be fined for that shit.

    I'm just saying that until you get to an NFL-sized audience, this is unfortunately common in gaming, so matter the size of the competitive scene. Happens a lot in the FGC, and that scene is exponentially smaller than league.

    Thing is, you have to approach this from the top, I think. Either Riot hands out sanctions for stuff like this, or it won't change. In the FGC, most major event streams are now PG, and the casters and promoters take pains to adhere to a standard of professionalism, but there are streamers and even personalities who say stupid-ass shit on the regular. Lots of pro players have their own fanbase, and to varying degrees do let loose in their own streams. This happens less with the bigger names under the bigger organizations, like EG, but a lot of the top 25 players are almost free agents or have smaller orgs for sponsors, who tend not to care too much about what their representative says on any given Sunday.

    Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
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    DemonStaceyDemonStacey TTODewback's Daughter In love with the TaySwayRegistered User regular
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    The personality of the person saying this stuff is completely beside the point. It's the combination of the person's position as a figurehead and ambassador of the sport and a complete unawareness for the world around them that makes it infuriating.

    Honestly, if these guys approached the game as adults and comported themselves in a way that didn't resemble your average 14 year old they'd be in a position to affect change. As it stands, 90% of them come off as complete man-children.

    This isn't unique to League. Other competitive scenes have their fair share of man-children.

    In gaming? I completely agree and think that doesn't alter my point at all.

    At least in the NFL etc a player would be fined for that shit.

    Fined for saying someone sucks.

    Yes that's completely reasonable.

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    VarethiusVarethius CymruRegistered User regular
    edited March 2015
    Kinda related, but I remember a while back a pro SC2 player tweeted just before a game "about to rape some girl #NameOfTheEvent" and it was brought to the attention of the folks running the event and he got disqualified from the event.

    Varethius on
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    SatanIsMyMotorSatanIsMyMotor Fuck Warren Ellis Registered User regular
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    The personality of the person saying this stuff is completely beside the point. It's the combination of the person's position as a figurehead and ambassador of the sport and a complete unawareness for the world around them that makes it infuriating.

    Honestly, if these guys approached the game as adults and comported themselves in a way that didn't resemble your average 14 year old they'd be in a position to affect change. As it stands, 90% of them come off as complete man-children.

    This isn't unique to League. Other competitive scenes have their fair share of man-children.

    In gaming? I completely agree and think that doesn't alter my point at all.

    At least in the NFL etc a player would be fined for that shit.

    Fined for saying someone sucks.

    Yes that's completely reasonable.

    Missing the point much?

    There's no issue with trash talking competitors. It's framing it with homophobic language that's the problem.

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    JAEFJAEF Unstoppably Bald Registered User regular
    Varethius wrote: »
    Kinda related, but I remember a while back a pro SC2 player tweeted just before a game "about to rape some girl #NameOfTheEvent" and it was brought to the attention of the folks running the event and he got disqualified from the event.
    I didn't know Mike Tyson played SC2

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    VarethiusVarethius CymruRegistered User regular
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    DemonStaceyDemonStacey TTODewback's Daughter In love with the TaySwayRegistered User regular
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    The personality of the person saying this stuff is completely beside the point. It's the combination of the person's position as a figurehead and ambassador of the sport and a complete unawareness for the world around them that makes it infuriating.

    Honestly, if these guys approached the game as adults and comported themselves in a way that didn't resemble your average 14 year old they'd be in a position to affect change. As it stands, 90% of them come off as complete man-children.

    This isn't unique to League. Other competitive scenes have their fair share of man-children.

    In gaming? I completely agree and think that doesn't alter my point at all.

    At least in the NFL etc a player would be fined for that shit.

    Fined for saying someone sucks.

    Yes that's completely reasonable.

    Missing the point much?

    There's no issue with trash talking competitors. It's framing it with homophobic language that's the problem.

    Not missing any point I just disagree with what you're saying.

    But we obviously have hugely different mindsets on this so this conversation will go no where helpful.

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    RozRoz Boss of InternetRegistered User regular
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    Roz wrote: »
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    As a slightly built Asian man in my late 30's, I will never be able to cosplay as any of my favorite champs or fighting game characters, seeing as they are all six foot hulking brutes haha. This is a regret of mine.

    You can cosplay lee sin and jax or volibear.

    Yes, volibear you can do it. I believe.

    Oh shit Jax! But I haven't played him yet. Temple Jax is appealing and can be made out of practical materials.

    Lee Sin is waay too cut to cosplay lol. Headhunter Master Yi is also probably doable. Pantheon in any of his newer skins may also work. Shen and Zed may also work, being ninjas. Almost anyone can pull off a ninja costume.

    Welp. These champs now all just went on my wishlist.

    Baby, I can help you with those abs

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    SatanIsMyMotorSatanIsMyMotor Fuck Warren Ellis Registered User regular
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    The personality of the person saying this stuff is completely beside the point. It's the combination of the person's position as a figurehead and ambassador of the sport and a complete unawareness for the world around them that makes it infuriating.

    Honestly, if these guys approached the game as adults and comported themselves in a way that didn't resemble your average 14 year old they'd be in a position to affect change. As it stands, 90% of them come off as complete man-children.

    This isn't unique to League. Other competitive scenes have their fair share of man-children.

    In gaming? I completely agree and think that doesn't alter my point at all.

    At least in the NFL etc a player would be fined for that shit.

    Fined for saying someone sucks.

    Yes that's completely reasonable.

    Missing the point much?

    There's no issue with trash talking competitors. It's framing it with homophobic language that's the problem.

    Not missing any point I just disagree with what you're saying.

    But we obviously have hugely different mindsets on this so this conversation will go no where helpful.

    Ok, you just said that I said he should be fined for saying someone sucks but that wasn't my point at all. It's the thinly veiled homophobia that pisses me off. Trash talk is part of the game.

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    RozRoz Boss of InternetRegistered User regular
    The personality of the person saying this stuff is completely beside the point. It's the combination of the person's position as a figurehead and ambassador of the sport and a complete unawareness for the world around them that makes it infuriating.

    Honestly, if these guys approached the game as adults and comported themselves in a way that didn't resemble your average 14 year old they'd be in a position to affect change. As it stands, 90% of them come off as complete man-children.

    I wouldn't want IWD as an ambassador to a toilet seat. Remember, this was the guy that got banned for a year from competing in the LCS because his solo queue games were enormously toxic. So bad in fact, that people on both teams would just quit playing if he was in the game because he was that awful to play with.

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    SatanIsMyMotorSatanIsMyMotor Fuck Warren Ellis Registered User regular
    edited March 2015
    Nor would I. If I had my druthers the guy would be kicked and he can go make a living at a Bestbuy or something. Respect the platform.

    SatanIsMyMotor on
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    Hiryu02Hiryu02 Registered User regular
    Roz wrote: »
    The personality of the person saying this stuff is completely beside the point. It's the combination of the person's position as a figurehead and ambassador of the sport and a complete unawareness for the world around them that makes it infuriating.

    Honestly, if these guys approached the game as adults and comported themselves in a way that didn't resemble your average 14 year old they'd be in a position to affect change. As it stands, 90% of them come off as complete man-children.

    I wouldn't want IWD as an ambassador to a toilet seat. Remember, this was the guy that got banned for a year from competing in the LCS because his solo queue games were enormously toxic. So bad in fact, that people on both teams would just quit playing if he was in the game because he was that awful to play with.

    I saw him play for the first time this past weekend, had no idea who he was, and I had the impression that a person who goes by "IWillDominate" probably isn't a very pleasant guy to be around. I am not surprised at all that he's an asshat.

    Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
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    CyrenicCyrenic Registered User regular
    Roz wrote: »
    I wouldn't want IWD as an ambassador to a toilet seat.

    Team Liquid is proud to announce their newest sponsor, Liquid Plumber!

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    DemonStaceyDemonStacey TTODewback's Daughter In love with the TaySwayRegistered User regular
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    The personality of the person saying this stuff is completely beside the point. It's the combination of the person's position as a figurehead and ambassador of the sport and a complete unawareness for the world around them that makes it infuriating.

    Honestly, if these guys approached the game as adults and comported themselves in a way that didn't resemble your average 14 year old they'd be in a position to affect change. As it stands, 90% of them come off as complete man-children.

    This isn't unique to League. Other competitive scenes have their fair share of man-children.

    In gaming? I completely agree and think that doesn't alter my point at all.

    At least in the NFL etc a player would be fined for that shit.

    Fined for saying someone sucks.

    Yes that's completely reasonable.

    Missing the point much?

    There's no issue with trash talking competitors. It's framing it with homophobic language that's the problem.

    Not missing any point I just disagree with what you're saying.

    But we obviously have hugely different mindsets on this so this conversation will go no where helpful.

    Ok, you just said that I said he should be fined for saying someone sucks but that wasn't my point at all. It's the thinly veiled homophobia that pisses me off. Trash talk is part of the game.

    You've lost me.

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    SatanIsMyMotorSatanIsMyMotor Fuck Warren Ellis Registered User regular
    edited March 2015
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    The personality of the person saying this stuff is completely beside the point. It's the combination of the person's position as a figurehead and ambassador of the sport and a complete unawareness for the world around them that makes it infuriating.

    Honestly, if these guys approached the game as adults and comported themselves in a way that didn't resemble your average 14 year old they'd be in a position to affect change. As it stands, 90% of them come off as complete man-children.

    This isn't unique to League. Other competitive scenes have their fair share of man-children.

    In gaming? I completely agree and think that doesn't alter my point at all.

    At least in the NFL etc a player would be fined for that shit.

    Fined for saying someone sucks.

    Yes that's completely reasonable.

    Missing the point much?

    There's no issue with trash talking competitors. It's framing it with homophobic language that's the problem.

    Not missing any point I just disagree with what you're saying.

    But we obviously have hugely different mindsets on this so this conversation will go no where helpful.

    Ok, you just said that I said he should be fined for saying someone sucks but that wasn't my point at all. It's the thinly veiled homophobia that pisses me off. Trash talk is part of the game.

    You've lost me.

    How? Do you mean you don't get how SV's comment was somewhat homophobic? It's because saying someone can "suck a dick" as a pejorative statement is quite anti-gay.

    SatanIsMyMotor on
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    RozRoz Boss of InternetRegistered User regular
    I would try to cosplay but no one would get it.

    I'd go for talon and they'd be all, "oh look it's volibear in a hoodie!"


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    DemonStaceyDemonStacey TTODewback's Daughter In love with the TaySwayRegistered User regular
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    The personality of the person saying this stuff is completely beside the point. It's the combination of the person's position as a figurehead and ambassador of the sport and a complete unawareness for the world around them that makes it infuriating.

    Honestly, if these guys approached the game as adults and comported themselves in a way that didn't resemble your average 14 year old they'd be in a position to affect change. As it stands, 90% of them come off as complete man-children.

    This isn't unique to League. Other competitive scenes have their fair share of man-children.

    In gaming? I completely agree and think that doesn't alter my point at all.

    At least in the NFL etc a player would be fined for that shit.

    Fined for saying someone sucks.

    Yes that's completely reasonable.

    Missing the point much?

    There's no issue with trash talking competitors. It's framing it with homophobic language that's the problem.

    Not missing any point I just disagree with what you're saying.

    But we obviously have hugely different mindsets on this so this conversation will go no where helpful.

    Ok, you just said that I said he should be fined for saying someone sucks but that wasn't my point at all. It's the thinly veiled homophobia that pisses me off. Trash talk is part of the game.

    You've lost me.

    How? Do you mean you don't get how SV's comment was somewhat homophobic? It's because saying someone can "suck a dick" as a pejorative statement is quite anti-gay.

    But then why did you say "he should be fined for saying someone sucks isn't my point at all"?

    Do you think it's a bad thing to say or not?

    My point is it's been so far removed from any sort of homophobic meaning that I do not take it that way and therefore I do not see a problem with saying people suck.

    That's where we disagree as far as I can tell.

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    JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    The personality of the person saying this stuff is completely beside the point. It's the combination of the person's position as a figurehead and ambassador of the sport and a complete unawareness for the world around them that makes it infuriating.

    Honestly, if these guys approached the game as adults and comported themselves in a way that didn't resemble your average 14 year old they'd be in a position to affect change. As it stands, 90% of them come off as complete man-children.

    This isn't unique to League. Other competitive scenes have their fair share of man-children.

    In gaming? I completely agree and think that doesn't alter my point at all.

    At least in the NFL etc a player would be fined for that shit.

    Fined for saying someone sucks.

    Yes that's completely reasonable.

    Missing the point much?

    There's no issue with trash talking competitors. It's framing it with homophobic language that's the problem.

    Not missing any point I just disagree with what you're saying.

    But we obviously have hugely different mindsets on this so this conversation will go no where helpful.

    Ok, you just said that I said he should be fined for saying someone sucks but that wasn't my point at all. It's the thinly veiled homophobia that pisses me off. Trash talk is part of the game.

    You've lost me.

    How? Do you mean you don't get how SV's comment was somewhat homophobic? It's because saying someone can "suck a dick" as a pejorative statement is quite anti-gay.

    He didn't say "Azingy can suck a dick." He said "Azingy sucks dick," not that it's that different. I don't think many people are going to jump on him for homophobia though because "that person sucks," or "that person sucks dick at this game" is a commonly uttered insult toward both men and women. Not that it's not insensitive, but I just don't think most people are going to read the same level of anti-gay into that as you are.

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    GnomeTankGnomeTank What the what? Portland, OregonRegistered User regular
    Eh, I'm very much against homophobic language, but I think "suchandsuch can suck a dick" suddenly being homophobic, instead of just crass, is going too far. When you said "It was tinged with homophobic language", I thought it was one of the Triumvirate of anti-gay words...but it was just "suck a dick". Eh, sorry, my rage meter went through the floor.

    Is it crass as fuck and unprofessional? Yes, but I have a really, really hard time going so far as to think SV meant it as an anti-gay pejorative. There is plenty of offensive shit to be found in every day speech, lets not start parsing every word trying to find things that offend us.

    Sagroth wrote: »
    Oh c'mon FyreWulff, no one's gonna pay to visit Uranus.
    Steam: Brainling, XBL / PSN: GnomeTank, NintendoID: Brainling, FF14: Zillius Rosh SFV: Brainling
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    GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Pretty much the only league streamer I'd consider to represent himself well in that regard would be sirhcez and he's a dirty nasus main.

    Boxbox does as well. (Flosd is is stream name) and Geronimo for ADCs.

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    SatanIsMyMotorSatanIsMyMotor Fuck Warren Ellis Registered User regular

    But then why did you say "he should be fined for saying someone sucks isn't my point at all"?

    Do you think it's a bad thing to say or not?

    My point is it's been so far removed from any sort of homophobic meaning that I do not take it that way and therefore I do not see a problem with saying people suck.

    That's where we disagree as far as I can tell.

    He's not saying someone sucks. He's saying that someone should "suck a dick". Which is an inappropriate homophobically charged statement. If you disagree that it's a homophobic statement then I don't know what to say to you except to encourage you to think about how a homosexual might feel hearing that said by someone they could ostensibly admire.

    This is likely becoming too much of a tangent so let me try to bring it back to a more general POV on LoL.

    The sport is on the cusp of something potentially historic with how it's positioned right now. It has the potential to break through to a much more mainstream audience (which is crazy when you consider how popular it already is) and, as such, needs to learn to play by a new set of rules. The sport is also a great vehicle for positioning games as more than just a waste of time. Here we have TONS of people making significant livings off of a game (players, streamers, and casters alike).

    You know how I want the players to behave? Like the casters. These are guys that know the game inside and out, comport themselves like adults, and still have a ton of fun doing their jobs.

    We too often "normalize" this type of language and attitude and it drives me crazy. It's not acceptable at all. If we don't want games to seem juvenile we should make sure that the people representing the hobby don't behave that way.

    Trash talk all you want. Own noobs. Laugh at them. Let's just drop the homophobia and rape comments that seem to be WAY too prevalent for people that appear to have a brain.

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    DemonStaceyDemonStacey TTODewback's Daughter In love with the TaySwayRegistered User regular
    He said he sucks dick.

    Saying someone sucks is shorthand for they suck dick.

    Why would one be ok but not the other?

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    Styrofoam SammichStyrofoam Sammich WANT. normal (not weird)Registered User regular
    He said he sucks dick.

    Saying someone sucks is shorthand for they suck dick.

    Why would one be ok but not the other?

    How many generations has it been since society felt these two statements were equivalent?

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    VarethiusVarethius CymruRegistered User regular
    Ok, lets get more on topic. Can someone give me hints on how to be a better support? I'm enjoying Janna in solo queue, I love Taric when I'm duo queuing with a friend and I try to steer clear of Leona at the moment as I usually zenith blade to my death.

    Any suggestions for other supports I could try and pick up?

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    JarsJars Registered User regular
    play zyra and kill everyone

    it's a legitimate support tactic

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    DehumanizedDehumanized Registered User regular
    vel'koz the god carry from bot lane

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    SatanIsMyMotorSatanIsMyMotor Fuck Warren Ellis Registered User regular
    He said he sucks dick.

    Saying someone sucks is shorthand for they suck dick.

    Why would one be ok but not the other?

    You should look up the etymology of the term because it's not shorthand for "sucks dick".

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    VarethiusVarethius CymruRegistered User regular
    I dont even think I've ever played Zyra or Velkoz O_o
    Maybe when I get paid I'll treat myself to some RP goodness~

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    Hiryu02Hiryu02 Registered User regular
    So hey guys, IP boosts for partying up! Anyone want to do some normal casuals with a shit toplaner or a mediocre jungler? 4X the IP!

    Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
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    VarethiusVarethius CymruRegistered User regular
    Hiryu02 wrote: »
    So hey guys, IP boosts for partying up! Anyone want to do some normal casuals with a shit toplaner or a mediocre jungler? 4X the IP!

    If you were on EUW I'd definitely be down for that, alas~

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    JarsJars Registered User regular
    I got excited but then I remembered I'm closing in on 30,000 ip

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    Hargaad of OmnarHargaad of Omnar New Badges? Fucking BOSS!Registered User regular
    GnomeTank wrote: »
    Eh, I'm very much against homophobic language, but I think "suchandsuch can suck a dick" suddenly being homophobic, instead of just crass, is going too far. When you said "It was tinged with homophobic language", I thought it was one of the Triumvirate of anti-gay words...but it was just "suck a dick". Eh, sorry, my rage meter went through the floor.

    Is it crass as fuck and unprofessional? Yes, but I have a really, really hard time going so far as to think SV meant it as an anti-gay pejorative. There is plenty of offensive shit to be found in every day speech, lets not start parsing every word trying to find things that offend us.

    Wow. Sad that I left after posting about the incident.
    The context was SV asking IWD how he felt about Azingy (in PM on League client).
    SV never opened up with "hey, I'm streaming" so IWD may or may not have known his chat was being put on blast.
    When I'm outside of my work environment with another coworker, and there's a mutually disliked coworker, there's going to be shit-talk. Even if we're out at happy hour at a random restaurant, nothing is going to stop us from talking shit (unless that terrible coworker is there). The essence of that shit-talking is understood between the people involved but may be offensive to an outsider to the conversation, who can either take it or leave it.

    Star Wars (2 separate links)
    Yelling at butts will never NOT be funny. Thanks, Psy!
    Also, Abby is awesome. Keep up with TLH because it's the tits!

    I love League of Legends, but seriously...screw you, Teemo.
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    BrodyBrody The Watch The First ShoreRegistered User regular
    He said he sucks dick.

    Saying someone sucks is shorthand for they suck dick.

    Why would one be ok but not the other?

    You should look up the etymology of the term because it's not shorthand for "sucks dick".

    So it's not alright for them to use a term that you deem homophobic, but it's alright for you to use curse words complaining about their language? I get that you feel "sucks dick" is offensive, and I agree that it's a little colorful, but that doesn't mean culture at large attributes the same meaning, and so doesn't react the same way.

    "I will write your name in the ruin of them. I will paint you across history in the color of their blood."

    The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson

    Steam: Korvalain
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    DemonStaceyDemonStacey TTODewback's Daughter In love with the TaySwayRegistered User regular
    He said he sucks dick.

    Saying someone sucks is shorthand for they suck dick.

    Why would one be ok but not the other?

    You should look up the etymology of the term because it's not shorthand for "sucks dick".


    O.E. sucan, from PIE root sug-/suk- of imitative origin. Meaning “do fellatio” is first recorded 1928. Slang sense of “be contemptible” first attested 1971 (the underlying notion is of fellatio).

This discussion has been closed.