Me and a few friends are planning on coming to PAX from half way across the globe, and unless we want to pay out of our noses for the airline tickets, we need to start ordering them now. They offer no refunds.
I'm aware that getting PAX Prime tickets is somewhat unreliable, but I noticed that PAX Aus had international tickets that you could only buy if you cane from abroad. Is there any chance they're going to implement such tickets for PAX Prime this year?
Intercontinental maybe?
Next year, I have long service leave and would like to make an American PAX one of my stops on a big trip I'm planning. But its hard to factor in when i don't know exact dates of the event for next year, or even if i'll be able to get a ticket.
I understand that international tickets are probably a pipe dream but even just a longer period between tickets going on sale and the show would give OS people a chance to try for tickets and if successful, give them time to get good deals on flights etc.
Even flying domestically, the price of tickets is not the majority of my expenditures. Between flight, hotels, and food, the badges are just another item.
I've always a bit iffy on the whole scalping thing.
However I'm pretty sure I'm gonna try my best to go to prime next year. Gonna book a month off around the end of August beginning of September and try my luck
As such, you will pretty much* /always/ be able to get in day of the show, for a price. That price the last couple years has topped out at about $100-$150 a day for Friday-Sunday. Less usually, especially if you're willing to get a late start on some days (even just 1030/1100).
When looking at the cost of international travel and accommodations, the extra $300 or so over the face value (for all four days) shouldn't be make-or-break. In most cases, at least.
* - seen supply get short for a minute once, but still got one