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[PA Comic] Friday, April 3, 2015 - Retrospectre

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited April 2015 in The Penny Arcade Hub
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  • trickcyclisttrickcyclist Registered User regular

  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    Yeah, I have very little desire to see anyone I went to highschool with again. Maybe if I was guaranteed to find out that my bullies are living terrible lives or something.

    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • LovelyLovely Registered User regular
    I didn't mind high school, but In my case, I would never go to a reunion because I have such a bad memory in general that I wouldn't remember ... pretty much anyone. That and most of my friends weren't even in my year anyways.

    THAT, and I'm a file clerk/receptionist and that's not really something to show off about.

  • Dirk2112Dirk2112 Registered User regular
    Doesn't attending a reunion automatically make you a bad person? I can't imagine people going for reasons other than schadenfreude.

    NNID = Zepp914
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    Lovely wrote: »
    THAT, and I'm a file clerk/receptionist and that's not really something to show off about.

    That's a hard job! I started at that position with the company I work for(a medical facility). It's not a flashy position I guess, but it aint easy, that's for sure :)

    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • ZomroZomro Registered User regular
    I'm already associating with all the people from high school that I actually like, either through Facebook or routine contact. It's about 10 people. Everyone else? I hate them or, at best, hold indifference towards them. This is the class of people who either bullied or ignored me throughout my middle and high school life. These are the people that made think so little of myself that I'm still dealing with self esteem issues even today*.

    So when I received an invitation to my 10 year reunion, I laughed and declined that shit as fast as possible. The Hell if I'm going to spend money to see people I dislike reminisce about the "good times" they had.

    *It's taken me some time, but I've finally come to appreciate myself as a person. I still get doubts at times, but I have the perspective to be able tell myself that MS and HS weren't iimportant, something I wish I could give my younger self.

  • LovelyLovely Registered User regular
    Skull2185 wrote: »
    Lovely wrote: »
    THAT, and I'm a file clerk/receptionist and that's not really something to show off about.

    That's a hard job! I started at that position with the company I work for(a medical facility). It's not a flashy position I guess, but it aint easy, that's for sure :)

    ;_; *happy tears*

  • LinktmLinktm Registered User regular
    I want to say the Reunion is officially dead for our generation. Our class TRIED to put a 10 year reunion together and barely anyone was interested. I think maybe 4 or 5 people out of HUNDREDS met up for drinks at a bar because nobody could put together enough money to do anything.

    Why bother with a reunion when you can just spy on somebody on facebook or friend them or whatever? It's not like social media makes it hard to find out what anybody has been up to over the past 5+ years.

  • Commander ZoomCommander Zoom Registered User regular
    Huh. Hadn't considered that angle, but you're probably right.

  • SwashbucklerXXSwashbucklerXX Swashbucklin' Canuck Registered User regular
    Comic title is aces.

    Want to find me on a gaming service? I'm SwashbucklerXX everywhere.
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    edited April 2015
    Dirk2112 wrote: »
    Doesn't attending a reunion automatically make you a bad person? I can't imagine people going for reasons other than schadenfreude.

    There are some folks from my high school that I fell out of touch with over the years but wouldn't mind meeting up with and catching up with over some drinks over the course of an evening. I like face to face time with people.

    That would be my reason for going. Mines coming up soon actually, but depending on where and when they do it I may or may not be able to attend.

    Inquisitor on
  • AthenorAthenor Battle Hardened Optimist The Skies of HiigaraRegistered User regular
    I think the reunions get more important as you get older. 5, 10, and 20 are meh. But past that? Yeah.. I could see going.

    He/Him | "We who believe in freedom cannot rest." - Dr. Johnetta Cole, 7/22/2024
  • MilskiMilski Poyo! Registered User regular
    Dirk2112 wrote: »
    Doesn't attending a reunion automatically make you a bad person? I can't imagine people going for reasons other than schadenfreude.

    Some people enjoy meeting their old friends face to face, or interaction that isn't online or via phone. I don't see how that's particularly difficult to imagine.

    I ate an engineer
  • zaitcevzaitcev Registered User regular
    I like the art style in this incarnation (4/3 2015). Looks very clean.

  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Dirk2112 wrote: »
    Doesn't attending a reunion automatically make you a bad person? I can't imagine people going for reasons other than schadenfreude.

    There are some folks from my high school that I fell out of touch with over the years but wouldn't mind meeting up with and catching up with over some drinks over the course of an evening. I like face to face time with people.

    That would be my reason for going. Mines coming up soon actually, but depending on where and when they do it I may or may not be able to attend.

    Yeah. Most of the folks from high school that I wanted to keep in touch with, I have. The others I'm not really losing sleep over. I have seen a few other people from HS irl too, and we just nod, others... not so much. I mean none of us are the same people we were back then. Afaik, other than the ones that are dead, they're doing alright.

    Same with college.

    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • dardordardor Redmond, WARegistered User regular
    I am loving Pillars of Eternity. And I did get bitten by the Raedric's Hold bug. Luckily my issue was getting back into the tower rather than getting out of it, so I just walked out of there and continued doing other quests. Guess I can go back and finish that quest now too =)

    I'll take a potato chip and eat it!
  • admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Every time someone talks about how much they don't want to go to a reunion I think of the high school reunion episode from 30 Rock.

  • PLAPLA The process.Registered User regular
    I didn't learn the names of my last few groups.
    Elementary school? Sure. I don't particularly want to see them, but I think I would recognize most of them.

  • GalifarGalifar Registered User new member
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    There are some folks from my high school that I fell out of touch with over the years but wouldn't mind meeting up with and catching up with over some drinks over the course of an evening. I like face to face time with people.

    That would be my reason for going. Mines coming up soon actually, but depending on where and when they do it I may or may not be able to attend.

    Overall, I think there's 3 reasons to go to a high school reunion: to be a bastard and treat people as awful as you did back then; to be a bastard and try to show how much better your life is than the people who treated you awful back then; and to get together with some old friends who have moved away and you don't get to see in person anymore. I hope I was of the 3rd variety at my 10th because I plan on doing that for my 20th next year.

    My good friends from high school I went to college with, but we've scattered across the US since then (Chicago, Kansas City, Atlanta and Seattle) and haven't gotten together in about 5 years now. I'm looking forward to seeing them all again for the next reunion.

  • ziddersroofurryziddersroofurry Registered User regular
    To be honest if I could afford to go to mine I would. While I got made fun of because of my weight back then I took a lot of it way to personally. I never had anyone harass me the way some kids these days get harassed. I was friends with most of my teachers, and was friends with the kids in AFJROTC-some of whom were goth (late 80's 'goth-before-it-was-called-goth-goth). All in all while I didn't have any close friends things could have been worse.

    I did have one kid, though who gave me a ton of grief. This dude really pushed my buttons and had be leaving school upset or hiding out in the nurses office on a frequent basis. He knew he could get to me and I think if I had stood up to him he would have left me alone. Heck-I even had the entire ROTC class behind me one day but I didn't hit him or anything. That's just not me. A few years after high school I met up with him. My self esteem was a bit better and I expected to stand up to him but he surprised me.

    Turns out after high school he went into the military and spent a few tours in the Marines during the first gulf war. He got out because of an illness. It had completely change him as a person. He apologized and told me that the reason he picked on me was because he got a ton of crap from his dad. He took his dads abuse out on me but the military had changed him. He was a lot cooler and had seen some stuff that had given him some perspective. He ended up becoming a pretty good friend.

    Unfortunately the sad coda to all this is that he died a few years afterwards. Turns out he had a genetic condition and had a tiny hole in his heart. I guess it was one of the reasons he'd gotten out only it had been misdiagnosed. This is why I'd go to my high school reunion if I could. People grow up and change and there's always a chance that the people who made your life miserable back then have turned into better people. I'm glad i had a chance to forgive my bully because otherwise I would have missed out on a lot of good memories.

  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular
    As someone who didn't go to public school but had many friends in high school and college who had, does this make me an unbiased outsider or completely ill-equipped to have an opinion? Not sure.

    It's easy to take the attitude that us nerds that got bullied don't want to revisit high school, while all the jocks and cheerleaders who obviously grew up to be jocks and cheerleaders would love to go back and talk about bullying all the nerds. But I think we'd be surprised to find that most people probably have bad memories of high school, including getting bullied by *someone*, maybe even (like the example above) family. The fact is that teenagers don't look at the world in an objective way and the things that matter to them simply don't matter once you grow up. Teenagers blow things out of proportion, whether nerds or jocks, and thus everyone probably feels bullied (and certainly is bullied) at some point. As you grow up you realize that the disasters of your teenagers years really weren't the end of the world. I'm not in the slightest trying to downplay how cruel teens can be or say that it doesn't matter. But neither do I think we should take the attitude that who we thought of as popular or successful didn't go through just as many trials in their high school years. Thinking of yourself as marginalized and everyone else as having a great time oppressing others is a good way to lose empathy for humanity in general.

  • lionheart_mlionheart_m Registered User regular
    It's actually weird but my best friends during HS weren't in my HS. And I still keep in touch with them. Actually, my HS BFF is actually my wife so I don't think I missed out on our HS reunion :D

    3DS: 5069-4122-2826 / WiiU: Lionheart-m / PSN: lionheart_m / Steam: lionheart_jg
  • ziddersroofurryziddersroofurry Registered User regular
    Just wanted to leave one final word here for anyone who happens to read this-if you're going through a rough time in school or if you've been through a rough time please know that there are good people out there. This world is full of cruelty but there's a lot of good out there. Please don't lose hope. Please don't give up on yourself or stop taking the chance on yourself that is the chance you take on others.

    I know this won't apply to everyone but because of all I went through and survived I feel I owe it to every single person who has ever been kind to me to let people know that kind people exist. There's always hope. Please love yourselves as much as you can...and be good to each other, OK?

  • Commander ZoomCommander Zoom Registered User regular
    What they said.
    It's four years, and at the time, they're hugely important and a significant fraction of your conscious experience, but... later on, it's just four years. Full of people you may (and probably will) never see again.

  • GreasyKidsStuffGreasyKidsStuff MOMMM! ROAST BEEF WANTS TO KISS GIRLS ON THE TITTIES!Registered User regular
    It's remarkable how quickly my HS circle of friends dissolved. I don't keep in regular contact with anybody in my old circle.

    My 10-year reunion is coming up in three years I guess. I have no idea if anybody will try putting something together, but I'd probably go. HS wasn't awful for me; I just hung out with all my band geek friends and the normal people. I totally get why people wouldn't want to, though.

  • wormspeakerwormspeaker Objectively Terrible Registered User regular
    It's good to hear that Gabriel is approaching Maximum Gabriel. I'm rooting for him.

  • Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    edited April 2015
    I had a good laugh about my ten year high school reunion

    the woman who organized our senior prom (or headed the committee, or whatever) took it upon herself to put it together. So there was this facebook event page with threads and threads of the exact same dumb high school drama over who's friends with who and so on, ten years later.

    fucking people, man

    ed: plus lots of my good HS friends weren't actually in my year

    Eat it You Nasty Pig. on
    hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
    that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
  • SmrtnikSmrtnik job boli zub Registered User regular
    I moved many times since high school finished. I have no idea if or when my reunion may have been or will be.

    I did get an invite to my middle school reunion fur which i would have had to fly across the Atlantic for so i declined.

  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    I didn't go to my reunion, but I did look at the facebook page for it. It's been nothing but people asking for money, either indiegogo or sales or charity. Seriously, just pages and pages of my classmates asking for money.

    What is this I don't even.
  • The Word of BirdThe Word of Bird Might be in a dreamland....Registered User regular
    Funny enough, high school wasn't my worst time in school. At that point anyone who hated me/bullied me had too many other things to do, so I was basically left alone. It was Elementary and Middle school that I'd like to forget, mostly elementary. If they had some Elementary reunion (which I doubt anyone really does anyway), I'd never go.

    Gaming since 1986.
    Things I need to learn: To properly knit, speak Klingon, and speak/read Japanese so I can play Final Fantasy games in their original language.
    "S.o.o.n." : "'Severe Obligation to Observe' Neurosis". This Neurosis impels the subject to constantly observe an object, waiting for a change they are certain must come "Soon".
    Hotel [x] Pax Badgers Fri [x] Sat [ ] Sun [x] Mon [x] Just need 2 Saturdays, and then our sets will be complete! And then...waiting for Pax.....F5F5F5F5F5F5F5....
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