Do PAX Dev tickets also guarantee you a chance to buy PAX Prime tickets?
So with tickets to PAX Dev 2015 now available, I was wondering this. I know you still have to pay separately for PAX Prime tickets, but I thought I remembered reading something about people going to PAX Dev being guaranteed a chance to buy weekend passes for PAX Prime as well.
Is my brain just making this up? Is there anyone here who can clarify this for me?
Note: you must be a game developer or game dev student to go to Dev.
I notice that Dev badges are only available for will call pickup. If I bundle the regular 4-day Prime tickets with my purchase, I'm assuming there's no option to ship them either?
Are you asking about buying 4-day passes along with single-day passes? If so, yes, you have always been able to ship them and there is no likely reason for that to change. Assuming 4-day badges still exist, which the evidence has been mounting against.