[PA Comic] Wednesday, April 22, 2015 - Vorvax, The Forgotten

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited April 2015 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image [PA Comic] Wednesday, April 22, 2015 - Vorvax, The Forgotten

Vorvax, The Forgotten

Vorvax, The Forgotten


Read the full story here

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  • RottonappleRottonapple Registered User regular
    Ah, the plight of optional bosses. Killer artwork too.

  • Kwisatz Haderach Kwisatz Haderach The power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it. Registered User regular
    You guys knocked on Destiny so much, I wouldve expected you to be over it by now :)

    v nice piece, I like the fact that they literally skip over his shoulder ^^

  • ColdrazorColdrazor Registered User regular
    Who's the man in the moon?

  • HubkaHubka Registered User regular
    Poor Vorvax. He just wants a hug.

  • AntonNULAntonNUL Registered User regular
    "Come on guys, just shoot me to death a little bit. Guys?"

  • gigantuargigantuar Registered User new member
    This one gave me a genuine laugh out loud. Great art and title.

  • LinktmLinktm Registered User regular
    haha, so many MMOs like this... I think it was Zul'Gurub in WoW or something and also Rattlegore in Scholomance that people would always skip because he was too hard originally.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    I think I'm missing something on the art. Is Vorvax huge? Or is the camera very close to him in panel one with the PC's far away? And the 3rd guy in the second panel is assumedly Vorvax, but I can't match any of the silhouette's features to Vorvax and he doesn't have what I'd call a dejected posture. Either way, funny comic.

    Also, Vorvax reminds me a good bit of Skeletor (skull, blue arms, cross on chest).

  • Kick_04Kick_04 Registered User regular
    I figured the first panel was a close up of Vorvax with the two guys running behind him.
    Second panel is his silhouette standing alone looking.
    Third panel is zoomed in again to show his tears of sorrow, with clouds behind him that you can see in 2nd panel.

    PSN id - kickyoass1
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    Marvel FF - Lil bill12
  • OddfishOddfish On opposite weeks In odd numbered monthsRegistered User regular
    gigantuar wrote: »
    This one gave me a genuine laugh out loud. Great art and title.

    Yeah, I lol'd irl. Well played, Gabe and Tycho. Well played.

    I love the idea of a committee of irritating bosses with bad loot tables resembling a support group where stale donuts and tepid coffee accompany awkward hugs and long silences. "I haven't been farmed since five patches ago! It's like they don't even know I exist!"

  • ZomroZomro Registered User regular
    Linktm wrote: »
    haha, so many MMOs like this... I think it was Zul'Gurub in WoW or something and also Rattlegore in Scholomance that people would always skip because he was too hard originally.

    Worst part was when you needed to kill a certain boss for a quest or, usually, a specific piece of gear. Apparently asking people to extend their dungeon run by a few minutes is tantamount to murder.

  • ceresceres When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning And the future has past without even a last desperate warningRegistered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Awww.. I'm sad now. :(

    And it seems like all is dying, and would leave the world to mourn
  • NotoriusBENNotoriusBEN Registered User regular
    Zomro wrote: »
    Linktm wrote: »
    haha, so many MMOs like this... I think it was Zul'Gurub in WoW or something and also Rattlegore in Scholomance that people would always skip because he was too hard originally.

    Worst part was when you needed to kill a certain boss for a quest or, usually, a specific piece of gear. Apparently asking people to extend their dungeon run by a few minutes is tantamount to murder.

    wow... dating myself here. yea, it was the hexmaster in Zul Gurub. that bastard was harder to fight than Hakkar with his bullshit mind control racial procing bullshit.

    You *had* to fight Rattlegore in Scholomance because he had a key that would let you go into the latter section of the dungeon to fight the lich there and all the other bosses in that thunderdome library thing at the end. Except for that one boss in the basement... that one was rarely done because it added 30minutes for one boss with rather rare unexceptional loot to a 2hour run that had like... 10? bosses.

    Aside from all the fucking flask runs I had to do, and running it because I needed the alchemy table, Scholomance was one of the better built dungeons, if only because I could manipulate pugs because if they wanted the trash blues at the very end with all the bosses, they had to do my alchemy run. Priests were on autopilot because I had so much armor and health I almost couldn't die, except for rattlegore... he had some defense cutting super hit that still made me wary of him even in early BWL gear.

    I stopped running Scholo once we got reliable at clearing BWL for that alchemy table.

    Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
  • DjiemDjiem Registered User regular
    This comic also can represent a lot of trash mobs in between bosses in dungeons or raids, that you just skip by jumping around or hugging walls.

    I feel sad for Vorvax.

  • KragaarKragaar A Million Feet Tall of Awesome Registered User regular
    I don't feel sorry for that kind of boss at all, if they wanted to be loved they'd log into Amazon and buy some better loot to give away.

  • economypeareconomypear Registered User regular
    edited April 2015
    There should be a follow up strip of Vorvax writing a letter to his wife, staring at pictures of his kids, and then a close up of a "Vorvax was here" carved into the wall.

    economypear on
  • LinktmLinktm Registered User regular
    You *had* to fight Rattlegore in Scholomance because he had a key that would let you go into the latter section of the dungeon to fight the lich there and all the other bosses in that thunderdome library thing at the end. Except for that one boss in the basement... that one was rarely done because it added 30minutes for one boss with rather rare unexceptional loot to a 2hour run that had like... 10? bosses.

    Maybe I'm thinking of the optional part of Rattlegore, to get Warlocks their mount or whatever nonsense? There were like ghosts or something involved? I also just have a lot of bad memories of early WoW groups wiping on Rattlegore, and my Rogue boots NEVER dropping EVER.

    I also remember everyone avoided the Mailman in Stratholme like the plague.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    Linktm wrote: »
    You *had* to fight Rattlegore in Scholomance because he had a key that would let you go into the latter section of the dungeon to fight the lich there and all the other bosses in that thunderdome library thing at the end. Except for that one boss in the basement... that one was rarely done because it added 30minutes for one boss with rather rare unexceptional loot to a 2hour run that had like... 10? bosses.

    Maybe I'm thinking of the optional part of Rattlegore, to get Warlocks their mount or whatever nonsense? There were like ghosts or something involved? I also just have a lot of bad memories of early WoW groups wiping on Rattlegore, and my Rogue boots NEVER dropping EVER.

    I also remember everyone avoided the Mailman in Stratholme like the plague.
    Yeah, the Warlock & Shaman (maybe Paladin too but my side lacked them back then) quests required a special fight in the Rattlegore room. You had to defend an item while ghosts spawned.

    Blackrock Depths was more avoided bosses than engaged ones. Good luck getting people to go kill Fineous Darkvire for his shirt.

  • ziddersroofurryziddersroofurry Registered User regular
    Kinda reminds me of this guy.

    "BBBBAAAARRRKKKK!!!!! You humans will pay for ruining our homeland! GRRRRRR!! Family Darkpaw of the Sabretooth Clan will slay you all!! BARK!"

    My old buddy, Fippy Darkpaw.

  • NotoriusBENNotoriusBEN Registered User regular
    edited April 2015
    I fucking *hated* lower blackrock spire.

    You needed those fucking stones to make the UBRS key that were a 10% drop at the time, and only 1 of each dropped if at all, so good luck if you find yourself ninja'd. I master looted after I got burned that one time. I told them my only reason for being in this hole was for the stones and the greater fire protection potion recipe (1% world drop only in lbrs on certain mobs... fuck that noise man...) Still, I got that UBRS necklace key and I charged 15man groups 20g to pop open the door, and I made a killing selling GFPs to Molten Core and BWL raiders back when those were the premiere raids. I was my raid guild's favorite person to know when we started raiding, since I only charged materials to the guild.

    Then the first and second waves of chinese farmers were banned and I made *more* money :D (if you hadn't guessed, this back in version 1.6~1.8 era of vanilla)

    LBRS was also horribly designed. if you went through proper, it was a 5 hour slog. If you knew the short cut, aka, fight the dragonkin at the top first, you could almost fall down on the other bosses that mattered. doing it that way only required a 2-3 hour grind, but you had to have level 60s because 59s would aggro too many mobs at key intersections.

    NotoriusBEN on
    Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
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