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Pinter Diary

FrostbyteFrostbyte Registered User regular
edited April 2015 in Pinny Arcade
Day 49:

The darkness continues... this is the worst pin winter on record.

The children just lay in their beds all day, staring at the ceiling. Vision of Pinny's dancing in their heads.

I do what I can to keep my mind off the emptiness.

I even attended another Con with pin trading to help fill the pin-sized hole in my heart.

Alas, it only helped distract me for a few days.... and in a way, it made my hunger for Pinnys worse.

I cling to hope that a surprise pin might drop before the end of the Pinter comes the last weekend of August...

but all I can do is hope. And Pray.

Frostbyte on


  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Day 51:

    They still suspect nothing.


  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    Day 55:

    Those in the Steel Tower observe those who hunger below and scheme. Holding up the small package to examine it, they mumble "yes, they will love this... and some will hate it". But such is life.

  • misskassmisskass Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Stardate 1992.3:

    The space pin madness is strong across the celestial ocean. Some, the Overwatchers, wander the streets, chasing images of golden orbs, tormented by their ethereal and inconsistent nature. Others insert themselves into the computers, to find the maddening Dee-El-Cee, said to be found only in the internet, which has not existed for centuries. Even those searching for the most common, these hunters termed the Lookouts, are finding that the supply is thin.

    Times are difficult, but we will prevail. We hope.

  • agentcooperagentcooper Brisbane, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Now is the winter of our dispintent
    (to be) Made glorious summer by the blind double box

    Let's trade:
    "Damn fine pins!"
  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Third full moon of the Pinter Harvest: The addiction has surpassed my control. My force of will alone cannot hold back my actions as a result of this long and empty pinter. I am afraid that my actions may hurt the ones i hold dearest. So i have turned to....other things.... to sedate my temptations... Plastic, expensive things...The commoners call them 'Amiibo'... I only know them as delaying the inevitable...

    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular

  • HingoHingo Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
    So... who all am I going to see at Prime this year? How many pages will you have in your pinter diary by then?

    Pins for trade!
    2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    Hingo wrote: »
    So... who all am I going to see at Prime this year? How many pages will you have in your pinter diary by then?

    Hopefully there's a summer set so there's less pages to go through :P

  • HingoHingo Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
    Hingo wrote: »
    So... who all am I going to see at Prime this year? How many pages will you have in your pinter diary by then?

    Hopefully there's a summer set so there's less pages to go through :P

    The Thornwatch kickstarter perhaps?

    Pins for trade!
    2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
  • orthancstoneorthancstone TexasRegistered User regular
    edited May 2015
    For some reason, I thought that was projected for the Fall. May be completely wrong though.

    orthancstone on
    PAX South 2018 - Jan 12-14!
  • FrostbyteFrostbyte Registered User regular
    and even then, pins in the kickstarter is another promise of pins many months down the road, well after we get out Prime fix.

  • LazorzLazorz Tokyo, JPRegistered User regular
    Day 16 since the Double Secret "SOON" tease:

    Every night I fall into the same dream; stepping outside, taking the delivery from the mail man, opening blind box after blind box in an infinite sea of Double Secrets.
    Lookouts and Show Logos are all I receive. What was the last box? Number 327? There has to be a Gold Overwatch in here somewhere...

    But just then, as I almost lose hope, the delivery man pulls up the for second time, rushing out with a single, small package.
    "I almost forgot this one. Merry Christmas!" He says.
    The month was June, but living in Minnesota meant it was pretty much Christmas year-round. I carefully cut the packaging tape to reveal one, last Double Secret.

    "SOON" was all that was written on the note taped to the box. I carefully removed the holographic sticker and unbuckled the colored cardboard.
    The two blue baggies shined within, both almost bursting from the size of the pins they contained. My heart raced, my head felt light, I removed the first baggy and opened it.
    I was shocked. "It's... it's beautiful," I whispered, as a single tear rolled down my eye. "I unboxed the best pin ever created..." Overwhelmed and wishing for more, I reached for the second blue baggy, and--

    "Dude, get up! You're going to miss your final!" It was my roommate. 10am... Oh God, I'm in my dorm room... And it's still not June. And the only thought I have ringing in my head is:


  • QumadenQumaden World's Mightiest Mortal Registered User regular
    Day 76,

    I've taken to adorning myself with pins before leaving home, I find it lessens the itching and cold sweats. The nights seem darker and colder, despite the heat of the mid day sun. No taste of food, no feel of water, no sound of wind, no memory of tree or grass or flower, no image of moon or star are left to me. I am naked in the dark, and there is no veil between me and the wheel of fire. I begin to see it even with my waking eyes, and all else fades.

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Day 80.

    Forum is now exclusively about amiibo and amiibo related chat.

  • Capt WasabiCapt Wasabi AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Captain's log, 15th of Smarch.

    Talk continues of a new core set and a some kind of double blindness, however it seems it to be hidden forever behind the mysterious word 'Soon'.
    What does that mean? What does any of this mean? The passage of time no longer feels constant, the wait is maddening.

    I fear without an imminent pin drop the wait for 'Soon' will lead to the downfall of society as we know it.

  • FrostbyteFrostbyte Registered User regular
    Day 80.

    Forum WhatsApp is now exclusively about amiibo and amiibo related chat.


  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    Come on now Frostbyte, if we didn't talk about Amiibo that shit would be dead all the time!

  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Amiibos: Where pretty much all of them are DLC status

    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • QumadenQumaden World's Mightiest Mortal Registered User regular
    Ayefkay wrote: »
    Amiibos: Where pretty much all of them are DLC status

    Haven't seen any amiibos on ebay for 1500$

  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    In terms of rarity

    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    The ocean of nerds collecting amiibo puts the puddle of pin collectors to shame. The DLC is the one oddity that PA has in comparison.

  • foehammerfoehammer procrastinator extraordinaire melbourneRegistered User regular
    one day 1000 print runs will be almost indistinguishable form 300 runs

  • pakopakopakopako Registered User regular
    What about those $20k Amiibo misprints?

  • HappendyHappendy Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Day 147,

    My mother asked me if I wanted to go to Texas in September.
    I told her it was too far away to plan.
    She told me it was only three months away.
    Pre-PAX anticipation ensued.

  • HingoHingo Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
    Day 163,

    I find myself checking Ebay on a daily basis now. Not because I plan on buying any pins, but just to see "new updates" more often related to Pinny Arcade. I proceed to check out PinnyPals for anything new on the Trading Post. "Nah, those trades aren't for me." I browse through some of the pins I keep flip-flopping over. "It's only 12 more weeks until Prime, surely I can wait that long."

    12 more weeks...

    12 more weeks...

    12 more weeks...

    12 more...

    Pins for trade!
    2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
  • HingoHingo Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
    To help pass the time, here are some of my favorite pictures I took at PAX South 2015.

    Pins for trade!
    2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
  • agentcooperagentcooper Brisbane, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Hingo wrote: »
    To help pass the time, here are some of my favorite pictures I took at PAX South 2015.

    That last cosplay is very cool!

    Let's trade:
    "Damn fine pins!"
  • QumadenQumaden World's Mightiest Mortal Registered User regular
    Hingo wrote: »
    To help pass the time, here are some of my favorite pictures I took at PAX South 2015.

    Are those pictures of your dog?

  • HingoHingo Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
    Random dog that some lady was walking in the courtyard. Didn't notice until later that Imgur liked the dog so much it duplicated the shit out of those pictures. If I did own a dog, it would be wearing a red bandanna.

    Pins for trade!
    2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
  • QumadenQumaden World's Mightiest Mortal Registered User regular
    Looks a lot like my Daxie, was gonna say we could be best doggie buddies.

  • SennoSenno AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I'm not a Wii U owner, and I don't care for amiibo's, but the wife just saw the woolly Yoshi's in a catalogue, and now it's on her must own list. I just told her to get a plush Yoshi instead (plus, Yoshi is my favourite character, not her's!).

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Senno wrote: »
    plush Yoshi ... plus, Yoshi

    ☝( ゚ヮ゚ )☝

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Day 182,

    Am now literally on fire.

    Send halp.

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    Beker wrote: »
    Day 55:

    Those in the Steel Tower observe those who hunger below and scheme. Holding up the small package to examine it, they mumble "yes, they will love this... and some will hate it". But such is life.

    The prophets nod as their prophecy comes true, and then hesitate, was this the package that was foretold, or was it another, yet to come?

  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    Beker wrote: »
    Beker wrote: »
    Day 55:

    Those in the Steel Tower observe those who hunger below and scheme. Holding up the small package to examine it, they mumble "yes, they will love this... and some will hate it". But such is life.

    The prophets nod as their prophecy comes true, and then hesitate, was this the package that was foretold, or was it another, yet to come?

    God damn it.

  • dmosineedmosinee Davenport, IARegistered User regular
    Beker wrote: »
    Buy a gross of blind boxes the next time they come up for sale.

    Got it, thanks for the heads up :+1:

    Digital Lanyard, I love trades - - Two pins enter, one pins leaves... then the other pin leaves with a lower Elo rating
  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    edited August 2015
    God damn it.
    I would quote Lucas, but he can say it better.

    Beker on
  • LazorzLazorz Tokyo, JPRegistered User regular
    I see Beker has been reassigned to the marketing team.

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2015
    Lazorz wrote: »
    I see Beker has been reassigned to the marketing PSYOPS team.


    fishfishmonkeyhat on
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