
[Konami] I guess they remembered they're supposed to make games?



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    Ninja Snarl PNinja Snarl P My helmet is my burden. Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered User regular
    edited September 2015
    I could understand, from a business standpoint, there being profit-oriented reasons as to why Konami is abandoning actual game development and switching over to producing cheap Skinner machine garbage. Konami is a company, and companies exist to make money. They've made a horribly-stupid choice, but if it makes money, well, that's that.

    The piece of sheer stupidity that blows my mind is that they aren't, this very instant, running a big sale on licensing out their products. It's figuratively throwing shitloads of money away. I'm sure they've got some insane idea that using their properties to make stupid gambling boxes will make people turn out in droves to throw money away (it won't), but damn, they could still do that anyway and sell licenses to their products!

    It's just such a bad, bad sign for the company that they're missing out on such an enormously obvious opportunity like that, because they wouldn't have to do jack shit and renting out licenses would make them a fortune in profit. I can understand the entire company changing focus to make money, but I just cannot comprehend how inept the Konami management is for not doing such an easy and profitable thing.

    Ninja Snarl P on
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    ZxerolZxerol for the smaller pieces, my shovel wouldn't do so i took off my boot and used my shoeRegistered User regular
    Licensing is one thing, yeah, but why would they sell? Especially when you can leverage that stuff, if not AAA games, for your slot machines and mobile apps or what-have-you?

    I'm seeing this sentiment that Konami is stupid for not selling their properties when it'll be a really stupid business move if they do.

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    PeasPeas Registered User regular
    Does the pachinko crowd even care about all the game license stuff though

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    shoeboxjeddyshoeboxjeddy Registered User regular
    Zxerol wrote: »
    Licensing is one thing, yeah, but why would they sell? Especially when you can leverage that stuff, if not AAA games, for your slot machines and mobile apps or what-have-you?

    I'm seeing this sentiment that Konami is stupid for not selling their properties when it'll be a really stupid business move if they do.

    They could structure the deals such that they have the rights to mobile and pachinko games. Like how Sony continues having Spider-Man movie rights, but Marvel/Disney has TV and everything else rights.

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    DrovekDrovek Registered User regular
    Zxerol wrote: »
    Licensing is one thing, yeah, but why would they sell? Especially when you can leverage that stuff, if not AAA games, for your slot machines and mobile apps or what-have-you?

    I'm seeing this sentiment that Konami is stupid for not selling their properties when it'll be a really stupid business move if they do.

    They could structure the deals such that they have the rights to mobile and pachinko games. Like how Sony continues having Spider-Man movie rights, but Marvel/Disney has TV and everything else rights.

    That, and they could easily sell the rights "cheaper" in exchange for a percentage of profits from every game made for perpetuity. This removes the need to have someone in charge of a licensing department checking every proposal.

    Heck, even from a business standpoint, it's pretty dumb to do nothing with them and cut your revenue sources down. They really need to see how they can profit from these properties at some point.

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    TraceTrace GNU Terry Pratchett; GNU Gus; GNU Carrie Fisher; GNU Adam We Registered User regular
    Konami better hope the Pachinko crowd can pay for their entire business because there is a large amount of gamers that are upset with them right now and will not buy their products.

    Hell, MGSV has had its DRM broken already, you wanna give Konami the middle finger just torrent the thing and mail Kojima some money personally.

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    Professor SnugglesworthProfessor Snugglesworth Registered User regular
    Using their existing IPs as Pachinko eye candy probably takes zero effort vs having to come up with new catchy visuals.

    Hopefully they do license them out at the very least. Anything would be a better alternative than letting those franchises fester.

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    StormwatcherStormwatcher Blegh BlughRegistered User regular
    i won't be surprised if Konami cancels MGO entirely just after Xmas, right before its supposed launch date.

    Steam: Stormwatcher | PSN: Stormwatcher33 | Switch: 5961-4777-3491
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    cooljammer00cooljammer00 Hey Small Christmas-Man!Registered User regular
    Worst part is that it's NOT their last game ever cause PES is the only franchise they'll bother making anymore.

    So why bother making the pc version any good, I guess?


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    Sweeney TomSweeney Tom Registered User regular
    Anything would be a better alternative than letting those franchises fester.

    After everything they've done this year, they're going to let all the franchises fester, because they won't want a dime made off something they made if they're not making it anymore, and it's the most obvious thing

    At some point, the goodwill and hope that they will regain compassion towards their workers and fans has to fade

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    Brainiac 8Brainiac 8 Don't call me Shirley... Registered User regular
    What a sad end to a great company. R.I.P. Hudson, Castlevania, Metal Gear, and many other great franchises lost to time.

    Fake Edit: Wait! Don't they own Treasure too?

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    cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    Brainiac 8 wrote: »
    What a sad end to a great company. R.I.P. Hudson, Castlevania, Metal Gear, and many other great franchises lost to time.

    Fake Edit: Wait! Don't they own Treasure too?

    No, Treasure was a bunch of awesome Konami guys who sheared off into an independent company at the end of the SNES/Genesis era. These are most of the guys who made that era's Konami stuff we remember fondly.

    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
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    cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    Peas wrote: »
    Does the pachinko crowd even care about all the game license stuff though

    For the sake of our sanity, don't make us post the Castlevania "erotic violence" pachinko video again.

    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
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    Brainiac 8Brainiac 8 Don't call me Shirley... Registered User regular
    Did anyone else besides me play Bucky O'Hare for the NES. What an awesome game and one of my favorites from Konami at the time.

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    Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular


    Thanks Fox Engine?

    Oh brilliant
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    l_gl_g Registered User regular
    I can see the entire cast of Konami's original characters sitting in a dark corner, all thinking:
    "Why are we still here? Just to suffer?"

    Just wait and see, smartphone pachislot is going to make Konami a stupid amount of money.
    I think VLTs are mostly lame in what compared to the hilarious/crazy/kinetic physical pachinko/medal/etc. machines that exist, but smartphones and tablets can completely provide a VLT experience that Konami can continuously update and not need to deal with all the costs of physical locations. The revenue would be so real.

    Cole's Law: "Thinly sliced cabbage."
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    Brainiac 8Brainiac 8 Don't call me Shirley... Registered User regular
    I love that guy. :D

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    Wraith260Wraith260 Happiest Goomba! Registered User regular
    guys, don't think for a second that Konami will just be letting their IP sit there unused just because they've shut down AAA development. we've already seen a variety of gambling machines from them, expect to see lots more. just cause they don't value the games business doesn't mean they wont try to cash in and capitalize on the popularity of their IP. :(

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    Brainiac 8Brainiac 8 Don't call me Shirley... Registered User regular
    Unless it's a Hudson property. That's not even worth the gambling machine. :P

    3DS Friend Code - 1032-1293-2997
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    Mr KhanMr Khan Not Everyone WAHHHRegistered User regular
    Zxerol wrote: »
    Licensing is one thing, yeah, but why would they sell? Especially when you can leverage that stuff, if not AAA games, for your slot machines and mobile apps or what-have-you?

    I'm seeing this sentiment that Konami is stupid for not selling their properties when it'll be a really stupid business move if they do.

    They could structure the deals such that they have the rights to mobile and pachinko games. Like how Sony continues having Spider-Man movie rights, but Marvel/Disney has TV and everything else rights.

    Bingo. I mean, one Bomberman game per console per generation is a license to print a certain amount of money, yet we likely won't see a non-pirated game in that franchise in decades, if ever. Let someone else make it, you get a 15% cut of revenue or profits, either way, free money.

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    cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    Wraith260 wrote: »
    guys, don't think for a second that Konami will just be letting their IP sit there unused just because they've shut down AAA development. we've already seen a variety of gambling machines from them, expect to see lots more. just cause they don't value the games business doesn't mean they wont try to cash in and capitalize on the popularity of their IP. :(

    You're missing the obvious:

    Smartphones. They've got a lot of games for them.

    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
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    Sweeney TomSweeney Tom Registered User regular
    edited September 2015
    Wraith260 wrote: »
    guys, don't think for a second that Konami will just be letting their IP sit there unused just because they've shut down AAA development. we've already seen a variety of gambling machines from them, expect to see lots more. just cause they don't value the games business doesn't mean they wont try to cash in and capitalize on the popularity of their IP. :(

    Yeah, I meant fester in terms of physical games. You will probably see for example Castlevania iOS games, MGS pachinko machines, Silent Hill slots, etc.

    PS5 games that aren't sports or remakes by Random Employee 7? Fuck no. Metal Gear Rising 2 on PC? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH. Del Toro Silent Hill remake? If Del Toro simply ever gets involved in games again after the shit he's went through, it's a moral victory for the public (just got announced Pacific Rim 2's delayed if not shelved entirely too, so if he just took like a decade break because he considered himself too cursed to work period, nobody could blame him at this point).

    Sweeney Tom on
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    DrovekDrovek Registered User regular
    At this point I envision this slots machine where the "arm" is Liquid Ocelot's Arm, and it keeps taunting you "...through this arm!"

    ...and I think Konami does too.

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    Professor SnugglesworthProfessor Snugglesworth Registered User regular
    edited September 2015
    Wraith260 wrote: »
    guys, don't think for a second that Konami will just be letting their IP sit there unused just because they've shut down AAA development. we've already seen a variety of gambling machines from them, expect to see lots more. just cause they don't value the games business doesn't mean they wont try to cash in and capitalize on the popularity of their IP. :(

    Yeah, I meant fester in terms of any games actually worth a damn.

    Professor Snugglesworth on
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    DehumanizedDehumanized Registered User regular
    Skull2185 wrote: »
    I hope people don't get too attached to Metal Gear Online. I don't expect it will survive for more than a year.

    "Metal Gear Online's upkeep costs more than zero dollars per year?! Shut it down!"

    They've done that to every previous incarnation of MGO, even when they were still making AAA console games.

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    Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    Yeeeah, I love MGSV, but am feeling crazy apprehensive about MGO. With how busted the essentially asynchronous FOB gameplay is, I do not expect a good online experience here.

    Oh brilliant
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    UselesswarriorUselesswarrior Registered User regular
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    Wraith260 wrote: »
    guys, don't think for a second that Konami will just be letting their IP sit there unused just because they've shut down AAA development. we've already seen a variety of gambling machines from them, expect to see lots more. just cause they don't value the games business doesn't mean they wont try to cash in and capitalize on the popularity of their IP. :(

    You're missing the obvious:

    Smartphones. They've got a lot of games for them.

    My prediction is their mobile centric plan will last about 2 years max. They will then give up on it when they don't make the money they expect to make.

    The mobile industry is extremely tricky and requires a savy that Konami has repeatedly shown it doesn't posses.

    Hey I made a game, check it out @ http://ifallingrobot.com/. (Or don't, your call)
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    Sweeney TomSweeney Tom Registered User regular
    At that point they'd just be pachinko permanently

    And if they go down completely ever, expect them to take all their IPs with them

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    emnmnmeemnmnme Registered User regular
    At that point they'd just be pachinko permanently

    And if they go down completely ever, expect them to take all their IPs with them

    Like, out of spite or an allergy to money?

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    Sweeney TomSweeney Tom Registered User regular
    Not everybody is comfortable seeing others make money off their ideas if they aren't currently 1) making or 2) profiting from them. They won't sell IPs because of 1, and if they're in the position where they're considering selling, they're bankrupt, which gets rid of 2

    People working for them have had lunches monitored because the company doesn't trust them. PT is permanently gone. Silent Hills is dead. PES is the only thing that has a chance of life outside of mobile and pachinko. A bunch of people have been laid off and will continue to be laid off the rest of the year. Where is the idea that they are not going to burn the particular bridge of IPs down with them coming from when they've already set every other bridge ablaze? They've been petty about everything else. Why is this the hill they won't climb?

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    UselesswarriorUselesswarrior Registered User regular
    edited September 2015
    It has been semi seriously suggested by several people in the games industry that Konami is actually run by the mob.

    Uselesswarrior on
    Hey I made a game, check it out @ http://ifallingrobot.com/. (Or don't, your call)
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    AxenAxen My avatar is Excalibur. Yes, the sword.Registered User regular
    It has been semi seriously suggested by several people in the games industry that Konami is actually run by the mob.

    Eh, I'm pretty sure the Yakuza has better business sense than Konami's heads. :razz:

    On a more serious note, I can see Konami sitting on their IPs in the event that they decide they want to get back in to gaming.

    A Capellan's favorite sheath for any blade is your back.
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    heenatoheenato Alice Leywind Registered User regular
    Axen wrote: »
    It has been semi seriously suggested by several people in the games industry that Konami is actually run by the mob.

    Eh, I'm pretty sure the Yakuza has better business sense than Konami's heads. :razz:

    On a more serious note, I can see Konami sitting on their IPs in the event that they decide they want to get back in to gaming.
    Maybe not run by it, but I wouldn't doubt they're in pretty tight with the yakuza.

    M A G I K A Z A M
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    Ninja Snarl PNinja Snarl P My helmet is my burden. Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered User regular
    edited September 2015
    There's no way the Yakuza is involved with Konami. Otherwise there would be a lot more dead executives and a lot more great Konami games.

    Because unlike Konami, the Yakuza is pretty serious about making that green. Or red. Or whatever color Japanese money is.

    Ninja Snarl P on
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    AxenAxen My avatar is Excalibur. Yes, the sword.Registered User regular
    Plus it is common knowledge that the Yakuza are pretty big MGS fans.

    A Capellan's favorite sheath for any blade is your back.
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    cooljammer00cooljammer00 Hey Small Christmas-Man!Registered User regular
    But the whole point is that Konami wasn't making money with games, good or otherwise. They make money with pachinko slots. The Yakuza would totally lean into gambling machines instead of video games.


    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
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    DrovekDrovek Registered User regular
    But the whole point is that Konami wasn't making money with games, good or otherwise. They make money with pachinko slots. The Yakuza would totally lean into gambling machines instead of video games.

    Yeah, but for some reason I'm more inclined to believe that selling KojiPro with the rights to MGS and ZOE to anyone (Squeenix, for example) while they were still whole would have amounted to a shitload more money than whatever they'll get for their grand plan of mobile, online games after having pretty destroyed the studio.

    steam_sig.png( < . . .
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    cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    Wraith260 wrote: »
    guys, don't think for a second that Konami will just be letting their IP sit there unused just because they've shut down AAA development. we've already seen a variety of gambling machines from them, expect to see lots more. just cause they don't value the games business doesn't mean they wont try to cash in and capitalize on the popularity of their IP. :(

    You're missing the obvious:

    Smartphones. They've got a lot of games for them.

    My prediction is their mobile centric plan will last about 2 years max. They will then give up on it when they don't make the money they expect to make.

    The mobile industry is extremely tricky and requires a savy that Konami has repeatedly shown it doesn't posses.

    Quick check of their apps shows their review scores are generally pretty good (averages out to four out of five) and their Star Wars: Force Collection did pretty well from what I remember.

    We think it sucks that they're almost entirely getting out of the console biz, but on the whole it looks like they've got a pretty solid business setup without them.

    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
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    SniperGuySniperGuy SniperGuyGaming Registered User regular
    Reading through this thread I now realize why I haven't heard about Bomberman in a while. And now I'm sad.

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