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[PA Comic] Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - Negative Valor

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited May 2015 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image [PA Comic] Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - Negative Valor

Negative Valor

Negative Valor

Read the full story here

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  • PeppermintGentlemanPeppermintGentleman Registered User regular
    Four panels?!? This one's a beauty! :D I love all the art growth. It's fantastic to see. Way to go, man.

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    I'm honestly surprised Mike and Jerry are still playing Destiny.

  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    Alot of people like Destiny, but it was such a massive personal disappointment. Coming from Bungie, I was expecting more substance to the story than what we ended up getting. I don't care for the loot system, either. I normally enjoy RNG loot, but Destiny's just feels frustrating.

    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • BalooBaloo DetroitRegistered User regular
    I've been so torn on Destiny.

    On one hand, from a gameplay perspective, it was beautifully polished. The guns felt good, the combat was good, the RPG leveling system worked well (for the most part), the environments and art and music were all done well.

    But everything was so empty, and there was virtually zero story outside of the Grimoire cards (which I made a point of going through). And what story did exist, as parodied by an earlier PA strip, looked like it was made up by an "edgy" middle schooler.

    I played it until I finished each of the missions at least once, did a couple strikes, and never touched it again. There was just nothing left to keep my interest after that.

  • noblersonnoblerson Registered User regular
    Gabe has been one of my favorite artists for awhile, and I'm really digging the new style shift. I adore his expressions.

  • DegraineDegraine Pinsomniac Victoria, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Having not played Destiny, this one reminds me of Terraria more than anything else. My friends and I went through this cycle several times as new updates were released with new monsters that instantly made every pice of gear we had obsolete.

    Shit, I remember pixies wrecking my face once the Wall of Flesh was defeated.

  • foodlefoodle Registered User regular
    I'm still playing a lot of Destiny. I like the game mechanics and have learned to live with the lack of story.

    The strip illustrates a problem with some players, but not really of the game progression possibilities. There is a clear path to level 31 without raiding (vendor gear bought with marks), but some people don't follow that and try the harder endgame content too early. Unless they find higher level players willing to sherpa them through, they get continually wrecked.

  • OddfishOddfish On opposite weeks In odd numbered monthsRegistered User regular
    This has oft been a Repulsor Engine for MMO's for me. I love tanking and DPS but they're so gear dependent that unless you're in a guild that is at the "farming" stages of a raid, well, expect to sit out every run until you can grind your way to gear which is believed to be competent. Then, by the time your perceived gear quality is acceptable everyone else has gotten everything they can get from the raid so you have to PUG it or piggyback another guild that's short a guy. Then, the chances of getting the gear you need are even slimmer so the potential for 3 hours of raiding for no upgrades or just a sidegrade or two are maybe not worth it at all unless you know the group is strong and it will be fun (in which case just fighting the bosses can be worth it if the mechanic is cool).

    Or you end up getting carried...

    ... which is the worst. This comic illustrates that very very well and it's a feeling I've had. "I'm incapable of offering anything, here. I'm only able to do nothing and receive my free gifts or fuck up and still get gear but feel shitty about it. Either way I feel like someone's time is being wasted..."

    No one likes to be the "little brother that the teenagers had to take to the arcade because mom said".

  • foodlefoodle Registered User regular
    Despite all the complaining from Destiny players, I think Bungie has done a good job making alternate paths to high-level characters.

    Like to raid, there's normal mode Vault of Glass and Crota.
    Like to PvE, there's Vanguard marks.
    Like to PvP, there's Crucible marks and Iron Banner.

    All paths will get you to at least 31. Then you can do hard mode raids (or Iron Banner) to get to 32.

  • DHS OdiumDHS Odium Registered User regular
    I've loved the progression of the art, but I fundamentally cannot deal with Tycho's new forehead. Everything else has been great, I even like some of the more extreme uses of the gradients.

    Wii U: DHS-Odium // Live: DHS Odium // PSN: DHSOdium // Steam: dhsykes // 3DS: 0318-6615-5294
  • jwalkjwalk Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    more like World of Destiny...craft. ami rite
    Quest..of Camelot..Bane..Hammer..of Heros...and Dragons..Online, rite guys??

    jwalk on
  • PeppermintGentlemanPeppermintGentleman Registered User regular
    How do you think Jerry felt about his increased forehead size as he got older? It's a performance art piece, finely tuned to make you feel Jerry's loss.

  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular
    This is the exact conversation my wife has with me when she tries to get me to join her in Blackrock Foundry.

  • AntonNULAntonNUL Registered User regular
    Now all my complaints can go to hell. In other news, they're still playing Destiny?

  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Jackie Registered User regular
    Oddfish wrote: »
    This has oft been a Repulsor Engine for MMO's for me. I love tanking and DPS but they're so gear dependent that unless you're in a guild that is at the "farming" stages of a raid, well, expect to sit out every run until you can grind your way to gear which is believed to be competent. Then, by the time your perceived gear quality is acceptable everyone else has gotten everything they can get from the raid so you have to PUG it or piggyback another guild that's short a guy. Then, the chances of getting the gear you need are even slimmer so the potential for 3 hours of raiding for no upgrades or just a sidegrade or two are maybe not worth it at all unless you know the group is strong and it will be fun (in which case just fighting the bosses can be worth it if the mechanic is cool).

    Or you end up getting carried...

    ... which is the worst. This comic illustrates that very very well and it's a feeling I've had. "I'm incapable of offering anything, here. I'm only able to do nothing and receive my free gifts or fuck up and still get gear but feel shitty about it. Either way I feel like someone's time is being wasted..."

    No one likes to be the "little brother that the teenagers had to take to the arcade because mom said".

    This is kinda why I really wish there were co-op RPG kinda deals that weren't based around loot or level progression.

    Like, I enjoy just chilling and running through dungeons, then I remember that I need to constantly play to keep up with friends or I'm basically useless and it just kills the appeal.

  • Ov3rchargeOv3rcharge R.I.P. Mass Effect You were dead to me for yearsRegistered User regular
    I'm confused, is the joke that someone's still playing Destiny?

  • wormspeakerwormspeaker Objectively Terrible Registered User regular
    Jerry's right. What the hell does that trailer have to do with Jem and the Holograms in the slightest? It's like they found someone trying to sell the IP rights to that show for like $100 and they talked him down to $20 and a bag of Doritos. They figured slapping that title on an unrelated movie would potentially trick a few middle aged moms into bringing their tween girls to watch it on the wild hope that it would have something to do with a show they're nostalgic about. And the sad thing is that it will work, because it has before with other movies and different IP.

  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    Oh, there are Gabe's freckles! Maybe, like Garfield, they just hate Mondays.

  • ZomagicZomagic Registered User regular
    Twenty seven?
    Heh heh. Sure!

  • Zoku GojiraZoku Gojira Monster IslandRegistered User regular
    The thing I took away from running Crota's End is that I'm glad the next DLC doesn't have a raid. As long as the Horde mode isn't just another pile of dumb, arbitrary rules and invincible shields that have to be taken down with some sort of bauble.

    Still better than what I took away from running hard-mode Vault of Glass, which is that raids generally give worse loot than what I have already.

    "Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are." - Bertolt Brecht
  • TransluciaTranslucia Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    the txt today was mind expanding

    Translucia on
  • DratatooDratatoo Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    For me Destiny is a really mixed bag.

    At times it feels like a extremely polished early access title ("we are not fully done yet, more is coming"). My guess is that Bungie couldn't finish their vision of the game in time, so the publisher stepped on some toes - everything finished or nearly finished was wrapped up and released in the current form, the rest was gutted or will trickle in as DLC.

    If I really want to be snarky about it, its basically 4x Battle Field 4 sizes maps, which are recycled for missions and strikes and a handful of small PVP areas and 2x raids.

    But the basic gameplay is really fun. The weapons feel fantastic - the developers nailed that part.

    I used to raid regularly in Destiny - 3 randoms, 3 friends. First we were only two and it was a real chore to fill up the remaining spots. Searching for people usually took longer than the raid itself.

    Why there isn't a match making system for raids in a game which favors multiplayer is beyond me. If correctly implemented, someone searching could set up filters for the empty spots (level requirements etc.) - if there is concern that people would use it for freeloading. But seeing as the fans took over this issue themself with various looking for group sites, this will never be in the current game. God, multiplayer playlists exist for nearly 2 decades now.

    I nearly maxed out my characters but it quickly become a chore - farm for coins, farm for various items to upgrade the armor, farm for XP to unlock the skills, farm the PVP special events to get new gear, farm the raids hoping to win the loot lottery, farm the "epic" quests for exotic weapons, do all the chores during the quest for the exotic weapons, do daily quests - all this while running mostly forgettable missions and strikes.

    At least it is done in such a way that most activities complement each other. I think that progression system isn't so at fault there, the content and mission design are to monotonous.

    While the enemy design is good it basically boils down to these types for all enemy factions wich don't spot much difference.

    Strong melee
    Weak melee
    Floaty turret
    Gun wielder which takes a few more hits than the weak melee

    And you will be shooting the same guys with level 1 - 11 as you do with max level.

    Dratatoo on
  • Desert LeviathanDesert Leviathan Registered User regular
    I'm still enjoying Destiny from time to time, but I was a real FPS novice when I bought it, so a lot of elements that may feel super stale to veterans still seem pretty fresh to me. I've never done either of the raids, and I'm level 30 (could be 31 already, if my exotic helm would ever come up in the upgrade rotation), but with how many games these guys play, and how reluctant Jerry was to get into it in the first place, I can definitely see how the "fast way" would seem more appealing.

    Realizing lately that I don't really trust or respect basically any of the moderators here. So, good luck with life, friends! Hit me up on Twitter @DesertLeviathan
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