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jp182jp182 Registered User regular
edited August 2004 in PAX Archive
Alright people, i'm going out tonight and playing social. If anyone is interested in having a couple of drinks you can knock on room 715 or give me a call.

i really want to see Hero but all of the Hero guys already left :(

so if anyone wants to go tomorrow, look for me tomorrow. I'll probably be the only black guy :?

AND if anyone wants to go out to drink in Seattle tomorrow night, let me know. I already scoped it out and know of a few good places. If you are from LA or the east coast, don't worry because you dont need to dress up. :D

i just met Keiko and i must say he is a cool ass mofo!

jp182 on


  • BorfaseBorfase __BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2004
    come down to room 512 for da party, honey

    Borfase on
    duhhhh i like spaghetti-o's lolz
  • jp182jp182 Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    im a dude man!
    ill stop up on my way to my room though :D

    jp182 on
  • GnarTotheNthGnarTotheNth Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Dinner 8:30 at cheesecake factory bellevue square if you guys want to be social

    GnarTotheNth on
    warcraft 3 is the best game ever!
  • stabn_stabn_ Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    that's the best thing about oregon/washington. there are like three places i need to dress up to get into.

    stabn_ on
    Slytherin Headboy: Order of the Phoenix!
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2004

    Where are the hotspots..I'm all alone in my room! ;)

    Ready to go have a few!

    Unknown User on
  • DJBreslinDJBreslin Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Room 808... looking for something to do... come on by... door's open!

    DJBreslin on
  • futilityfutility Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2004

    futility on
  • LegacyLegacy Stuck Somewhere In Cyberspace The Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2004
    futility wrote:


    Legacy on
    Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
  • futilityfutility Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2004
    I'm not goign on the supertrip. I couldn't cuz of work. I never said I wasn't going though. I'm flying in tomorrow morning.

    so how nice is the hotel. and the people?

    is there a lot of merriment?

    omg I can't wait

    futility on
  • LegacyLegacy Stuck Somewhere In Cyberspace The Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2004
    futility wrote:
    I'm not goign on the supertrip. I couldn't cuz of work. I never said I wasn't going though. I'm flying in tomorrow morning.

    Ahh. WELL then.


    See you there.

    Legacy on
    Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
  • futilityfutility Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2004
    yes you will. i'll bring cake
    cake may or may not be brought*
    *offer void in washington

    futility on
  • LegacyLegacy Stuck Somewhere In Cyberspace The Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2004
    Anyone at the DT still awake or online? Need to get a hold of the people who went out to see Hero. Two people in particular. The ones staying at the Ramada Inn that were on the Supertrip. Unless someone wants to come get us in the morning to bring us to PAX. :( We're only about 15 min away.

    Legacy on
    Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
  • BorfaseBorfase __BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2004

    Borfase on
    duhhhh i like spaghetti-o's lolz
  • LincolnLincoln Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    futility wrote:
    yes you will. i'll bring cake
    cake may or may not be brought*
    *offer void in washington
    Crap . . .

    Lincoln on
  • digitalodindigitalodin IowaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2004
    I'm at Lanwerx right now... I'm staying in room 718 if anyone wants to bother me and my partner in crime...

    digitalodin on
    Boogle Boogle Bear...
  • LincolnLincoln Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    I love LanWerx.

    Lincoln on
  • LegacyLegacy Stuck Somewhere In Cyberspace The Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2004
    Borfase wrote:

    I'll come there later. I'm kinda not in Bellevue at the moment.

    Legacy on
    Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
  • DarioDario Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    SUP doubletree roomies.

    my roommates came prepared with an Xbox and Gamecube. games on hand are SSMB and Halo. WE HAVE A FREAKIN PROJECTOR!! (and a huge wall to use it on. none of this hilton-no-RCA-in-our-TV-bull shit. we need booze though. I mean, hard liquour.

    SO if you wanna come down tonight we are in room 117. wE've already met the neighbors (they are PA's as well, so the noise shouldn't bother them, heck, they might be making the noise). Pass the word around to who ever you think won't fuck up the place too much, or who would rape us (unless they are hot girls.)

    ROOM 117
    Saturday Aug 28,2004
    @ MIDNIGHT !!!

    BRING BOOOOOOOZE!!!!11oneone

    FYI liquor places close @ 9pm. and we need a car! leave a message at our room 117 if you could help us with this transportation problem.

    Dario on
  • shradogshradog Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Rock on! We'll try to come down to the party in 117. My buddy Clark and I are in room 1029, all the way up in the nose bleed section. I have no car to obtain booze with but I'd be happy to contribute the booze fund. Met some cool people here. And the PA Q & A panel was FUCKING HILARIOUS. We're going back tomorrow to have our cardboard tubes signed. (Did anyone else bring cardboard tubes or are we the only retards that thought to drag them with us?)

    Anyway. If anyone is interested in getting some GBA multiplayer action going on or just chill with some fun people call room 1029 or look for Clark and I at PAX. I've got a green brimmed hat with orange shirt and my roomie is the freaky looking long haired dude wearing a cowboy hat on with a Legend of Zelda shirt. CAN'T MISS HIM.

    shradog on
  • DarioDario Registered User regular
    edited August 2004

    We need a car to get booze or someone with a car and ID to help us buy some (I am of legal age, just wanted to make sure the driver is too.). Please, someone, anyone.... help us. I have money$$$$ BUT NEED VEHCIcLE... perferbably an electric one, j/k.

    it would also help if this person gave us a ride to and fro the expo. he/she would be greatly rewarded. (credit cards, sexual favors, both.) :wink:

    if you or someone you know can help us. please leave a number we can reach you @ our Doubletree voicemail. (425)455-1300... ask to leave a message for ROOM 117 (Dario). thanks guys.

    Dario on
  • Anubis09Anubis09 Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    i gotta car come down to room 715! :) hehehe

    Anubis09 on
    "We never discuss the positive or negative cultural aspects the distinctive type of music has on todays youth or the sexual intricacies of deep bass rythms as accompanies by strong guitar accords" - N_O
    WetbackMcMoneyfingers. Or a Mexi-Jew. - awesome!
  • jp182jp182 Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    anubis is an ass. i dont have a car either and anubis is all the way in jersey.

    anubis i got Gabe to write you a special message for me.

    Dario, i'm probably going out tonight and not staying in :?
    i left you and Borfase a note.

    jp182 on
  • Kato_ArabelKato_Arabel Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Xbox at midnight, sounds good to me. Will there be stripper girls? :p heh, anyway. I'm interested in hanging out tonight and I'll definitely drop by.

    Kato_Arabel on
  • DarioDario Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    Xbox at midnight, sounds good to me. Will there be stripper girls? :p heh, anyway. I'm interested in hanging out tonight and I'll definitely drop by.

    We didn't get strippers, we got something better.
    this is the list of confrimed attendees:

    -the canadians
    -the filipino's
    -those who can't spell
    -Brooklyn and Amy from the almighty !!! Frag Dolls !!! said they would come to get their drink on and their game on. :lol:
    (oh and they will be bringing friends)
    -about a dozen of people who said they can kick my ass @ SSMB (yeah right)

    and of course anyone else who wants to party.

    i'm pretty sure we will be packed fast... as i have whored these topics with the party invite. lets make this a Saturday to talk about tomorrow.

    MIDNIGHT-117-be there before the Front desk shuts us down!!!!

    I have figured out my transportation problem. Thanks for the help. But it would be curtious of anyone to phone our room before heading down so we have an idea of how much liquour to get. See you there.

    Dario on
  • Anubis09Anubis09 Registered User regular
    edited August 2004
    jp182 wrote:
    anubis is an ass. i dont have a car either and anubis is all the way in jersey.

    anubis i got Gabe to write you a special message for me.

    Dario, i'm probably going out tonight and not staying in :?
    i left you and Borfase a note.

    Buckfutter! teh d4y i5 min3 tr3b3ck!

    oh and about that message i'll have my secret decoder ring ready to decode it. :D

    Anubis09 on
    "We never discuss the positive or negative cultural aspects the distinctive type of music has on todays youth or the sexual intricacies of deep bass rythms as accompanies by strong guitar accords" - N_O
    WetbackMcMoneyfingers. Or a Mexi-Jew. - awesome!
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