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Penny Arcade - PATV - Play Date – The Swapper

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited July 2015 in The Penny Arcade Hub

imagePenny Arcade - PATV - Play Date – The Swapper

Dabe puts a new favorite, The Swapper, in front of Khoo and Fehlauer and witnesses very different play-styles come to the same result.

Read the full story here

Unknown User on


  • PavioPavio Registered User regular
    Awesome. This is one of my favorite games of all time.

  • armatur3armatur3 San DiegoRegistered User regular
    Man, this game was sooooo good.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    edited July 2015
    @Pavio @armatur3

    Did either of you play The Talos Principle? The Swapper's writer was one of the two that wrote it. It's a much bigger game, but it's got some similar philosophy going on. I think it's best described as "a somber Portal". And it's oddly made my the studio who made Serious Sam.

    YoungFrey on
  • PavioPavio Registered User regular
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    @Pavio @armatur3

    Did either of you play The Talos Principle? The Swapper's writer was one of the two that wrote it. It's a much bigger game, but it's got some similar philosophy going on. I think it's best described as "a somber Portal". And it's oddly made my the studio who made Serious Sam.

    No, I haven't. It's one of those games that's on my to-play list.

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