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[PRIME] Current And Classic Tournaments!

TektonikkTektonikk PAX South/West Console Tournament ManagerRegistered User regular
Hey Console Tourney fans!

This is the usual rules post for Console Tournaments. We’ll be hosting the bigger tournaments from Classic Console (CCFP) as well for the first time at this show!

All tourney signups are in Console Tournament. Meet at Console Tourney 15 minutes before tournament start to practice.

First: Signups for a given tournament starts on the day of the tournament.

Second: Signups start at 10am each day.

Third: All tournaments are single-elimination.
- We know this is rough, but we only have so much time.

Let me know if you have any questions.

That said, we’ll get into the games (ordered by day):


11am – Friday Morning Mystery Tournament

12pm – Mortal Kombat X (PS4)
Bring Your Own Stick
Unusual controllers subject to community review.

1pm – Ultimate Marvel VS. Capcom 3 (360)
Bring Your Own Stick
Unusual controllers subject to community review.

2pm – Friday Afternoon Mystery Tournament

3pm - Towerfall Ascension (PS4)
4-way Free for all

5pm – Tetris Attack (SNES)
Start on Level 7

6pm – Mario Kart: Double Dash (GCN)
100cc to Start

7pm – PowerStone 2(DC)
4-way FFA
1 Round 1 Shot

8pm - Smash Bros Wii U
2 Stock/5 Minutes
No Items
This tournament has two parts, the second part starts at 10pm. The winners of each part will play Grand Finals at the end of the second part.

9pm – Super Mario Strikers (GCN)

10pm - Smash Bros Wii U part 2


11am - Goldeneye (N64)
4-way Free for all

12pm – Guilty Gear Xrd (PS3)
Bring Your Own Stick
Unusual controllers subject to community review.

1pm - Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 (PSX)
Graffiti mode, base stats. No bans.

2pm - Sportsfriends: BaraBariBall (PS3)

3pm – Mario Kart 64 (N64)
4-way FFA
Grand Prix

4pm – Persona 4 Arena: Ultimax (PS3)
Bring Your Own Stick
Unusual controllers subject to community review.

5pm – Puzzle Bobble (360)

6pm - Project Diva F 2nd (PS3)
Head to head, hard mode.
Bring Your Own Stick
Unusual controllers subject to community review.

7pm – Super Smash Bros. 64 (N64)
4-way FFA
5 stock/No Items

8pm – Divekick (PS3)
128 players

9pm - NBA Jam: On Fire (360)


11am – Splatoon (WiiU)

1pm – Diddy Kong Racing (N64)
4-way Free For All
Racing – T.T. Banned

2pm – Mario Kart 8 (WiiU)
4-way Free for All
This tournament has two parts, the second part starts at 3pm. The winners of each part will play Grand Finals at the end of the second part.

3pm – Mario Kart 8 (WiiU)

6pm – Ultra Street Fighter 4 (360)
Bring Your Own Stick
Unusual controllers subject to community review.

7pm – Tumblestone (XB1)

8pm - Halo 4
4-way Free for all
Basic MLG rules
Single map

9pm – Under Night In-Birth (PS3)

10pm – Pac Man CE DX (360)


11am - Saturn Bomberman
10-way Free for all (Forever Crazy!)

12pm - N64 Minigame Tournament (N64)
4-way FFA
Mystery Games!

1pm - Trials Fusion (XB1)
4-way FFA
Supercross mode
May include DLC maps

2pm - Killer Instinct (XB1)
Bring Your Own Stick
Unusual controllers subject to community review.

3pm - You Don’t Know Jack
4-way FFA
Random Episodes

4pm - Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Xbox One)
8-way Free for all
MLG Standard


  • bdunderscorebdunderscore Registered User new member
    How will the songs for the Diva F tournament be selected? Random per-round, random per-match, something else?

  • TektonikkTektonikk PAX South/West Console Tournament Manager Registered User regular
    @bdunderscore: Random per match with various degrees of difficulty. Gentleman's Agreement if you guys want to both do Extreme. =)

  • bdunderscorebdunderscore Registered User new member
    @Tektonikk: Will the 1-v-1 matches be simultaneous then? Seems like otherwise whoever goes second has an advantage by seeing the chart (and being able to practice it if they have their hands on their controller at the time...)

  • TektonikkTektonikk PAX South/West Console Tournament Manager Registered User regular
    The head to head will be done at the same time! So no one has an advantage over the other. I really hope someone brings a Project Diva stick!

  • Bladed CicadaBladed Cicada Registered User regular
    @Tektonikk If there is aaaaaaaaany way to soooooome how squeeze in a Blur tourney, that would be awesome!!! I won the past 2 years and I need to defend the crown! I also have a copy of the game if that helps at all. Let me know if there is anything I can do to make this happen! :biggrin:

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