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PSA: Those with asthma/allergies - re: WA state fires

ryamkajrryamkajr Registered User regular
edited August 2015 in PAX West
This is just a heads up for those with asthma, allergies and other respiratory issues.

In case you are not aware, WA state has been experiencing a significant wildfire season due to dry conditions. For the most part, weather conditions are such that smoke does not blow into the Seattle area. However, it does happen and can linger for several days, as demonstrated most recently by this past weekend.

Plan accordingly. Carry inhalers or other medications with you just in case. You will be fine inside the hotels and the Convention Center, but may suffer respiratory issues when outside if the smoke blows towards town.

You may want to monitor local TV news stations (,,, for any air quality alerts.

Also this for current air quality:

ryamkajr on


  • cursecurse Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    I would certainly recommend watching this. At this point in the week, it looks like they are predicting light rain in the Seattle area which should do a lot to help keep things clear (but brings another set of conditions to plan for). Today was still a bit hazy in the morning, but very clear in the afternoon. But again, winds and such can bring change quickly.

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