I'm sorry, but that's three different responses: they might have stuff, they probably have stuff, but mostly I've never seen them with stuff. I'm gonna roll with your personal experience (and really, just prudence) and make sure I have something in hand.
I've only attended South, so my experience is limited, but all of the autograph sessions I saw primarily was limited to just a long table and you had to bring your own stuff to get signed.
Some musical guests would bring their own CDs and stuff to have signed, but that wasn't an "official" signing, just an area to buy merch.
So yeah, definitely bring something of your own to get signed and probably your own sharpies too just in case!
Hah, sorry, what I meant was "Most likely it will depend on the person/group. All the ones I have seen, though, have required that you bring something with you to be signed."
That's what I get for answering questions while raiding.
I asked Felicia Day on Twitter if she'd have her books for sale at the signings and she said yes, so... there's that. You could always ask the person/people you're interested in getting autographs from directly!
Some musical guests would bring their own CDs and stuff to have signed, but that wasn't an "official" signing, just an area to buy merch.
So yeah, definitely bring something of your own to get signed and probably your own sharpies too just in case!
That's what I get for answering questions while raiding.
Priorities. You got 'em straight.