I know there used to be a periodic conflict with another convention booking, but the Convention Center site shows NOTHING there next weekend...
Would have been good to include the full Labor Day weekend (Monday) vacation day.
The first event in September is on the 8th, the day after Labor Day. There's no way that PAX could completely clear out and leave enough time for that show to setup in the scant few hours between PAX ending and that other show beginning.
This restriction is one of the reasons why the dates for East bounce around. PAX isn't the only show that our venue sees.
But if you look at the calendar, none of the events scheduled that week are all that big, most are under 100 people.
It has no impact on me. I live in Seattle, and only go on Fri and Sat each year. Just seems a waste for those traveling who lose out on that extra holiday.
Not its not. Next year its the 2nd - 5th of September over labor day, not the last weekend in Aug not even any days in Aug :biggrin: . This just happens to be how their cycle runs every 4 years its off by 1 weekend. They explained that the last time this happened.
PAX and Bumbershoot are arguably Seattle's two biggest yearly events. It'd be sort of conflict of interest for the organizers of both to do two humongous events on the same exact weekend.
Yet they have been the same weekend for years. I actually like it...one year I did pax, a day of bumber, and a Sounders game all in one weekend!
Edit: My guess is it has to do with scheduling of the other venues (Benaroya, Paramount, etc)...really need that WSCC expansion soon.
My kids and myself vote against you and we win 3 to 1.