[Pbp] [OOC] Mage: The Awakening - The Texan Inquisition

cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm RegentBears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
edited September 2015 in Critical Failures
For sayeth the Holy Word,
if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will purify our sins,
and purify us from all unrighteousness. In the Father's name, amen.

Everyone said starting a Consilium in the heart of the Bible Belt was crazy.

The Silver Ladder were never ones to listen to reason, though.
The Ley Lines were too strong to ignore, the land too ripe with mysticism.

An agreement was laid down in advance. Of the 'you don't bother us, we don't bother you' variety.
So the Pentacle went about their business in secret, and as long as magic stayed out of public notice,
those from the Church in the know would turn a blind eye.

It was a mutual arrangement, after all. There were some threats that even the most gifted exorcists didn't know how to contend with.

As long as the Pentacle took care of threats on their end, the Church would keep the masses ignorant.
Even the most clueless of Texan Baptists would be sure to freak out if there was even a hint of ritualistic gatherings happening under their noses, after all.
Torches and pitchforks would be the least of the Consilium's worries. More like shotguns and hunting rifles.

Things went along as well as they could for years. The local Mysterium accumulated untold knowledge, the Guardians kept the Labyrinth well-maintained,
the Arrow shielded any outsiders from stray threats, and even the resident Free Councilors knew better than to push the buttons of the locals.

Until one Mage got a little too trigger-happy with a stray Seer. He hadn't just obliterated him, he'd blown up his entire church.

"It was unoccupied," he'd said in his defense. He had wanted to be sure.

Sure enough, the Seer was dead.

His connections weren't. The Ministry of the Paternoster had a lot invested in that church, and the Seer priest who was killed in the conflagration.

And just like that, any notion of the old agreement was shattered. Every priest and parish in the county knows to be on the lookout for occultists and false prophets.

Seers, Banishes, even Scelesti, anyone with a taste of Pentacle blood is closing in on this once uneventful Texas city.

The New Inquisition has begun, and the sinners must repent or burn.

Magic exists. Once upon a time, it was the driving force behind ancient societies, and was wildly practiced in public and secret alike.

However, something went wrong. A select few aspired for more, and attained powers beyond earthly comprehension. In so doing, they left the mortal planes torn asunder.

The few who ascended gained godlike powers and rose to the station of The Exarchs. Shortly after ascending, they cast the rest of humanity down into the fallen world. Separating the fallen and the higher realms is a vast maw called The Abyss; where shadows, beasts, and all manner of unclean entities reside.

Anyone practicing magic in the fallen world without proper regard for the limitations of normalcy and reality can expect to get backhanded by a nasty force from The Abyss known as Paradox.

This means magic, once widespread amongst all, is now only practiced by a scarce few, and has to be done largely in secret. Worse, the servants of The Exarchs are many, and seek to keep magic away from the common people. These servants, known as the Seers of the Throne, believe common people are sheep and lack both the right and capacity to use magic.

Player characters take up the role of Pentacle Mages; those who were left behind when The Exarchs ascended, and want magic to be brought back to the common people.

This is no easy feat, of course, since Pentacle Mages not only have to contend with the machinations of the Seers and a magic-ignorant populace, but also the ever-present threat of Paradox, the Abyss, fallen Mages known as Scelesti, and all manner of unknown mystical threats.

The Present

When a magic-ignorant human learns of magic and becomes open to its use, they 'Awaken'.

The reasons for Awakening vary from character to character. Sometimes it was a mundane traumatic experience, sometimes it was a chance encounter with a magic-wielding character, or possibly some other supernatural entity.

Whatever the cause, Awakenings also cause different sorts of magic to be accessible to a newfound Mage.

There are five paths in all, each with different specialties and weaknesses.

(Specialty: Fate & Time Magic)

Enchanters on the Path of Thistle work with luck, intuition and destiny.
Their awakenings tend to involve Arcadia: the realm of the Fae.

Connected to the Watchtower of the Lunargent Thorn in the Realm of Arcadia.

Generally associated with the Fae, and the Tarot of 'The Fool'.

(Specialty: Mind & Space)

Warlocks on the Path of Scourging work with perception and inner demons.
Their awakenings typically involve demonic or occult encounters.

Connected to the Watchtower of the Iron Gauntlet in the Realm of Pandemonium.

Generally associated with manipulation, subversion and the Tarot of 'The Devil'.

(Specialty: Death & Matter)

Necromancers on the Path of Doom work with death, mortality and material things.
Their awakenings usually involve death and encounters with the other side.

Connected to the Watchtower of the Lead Coin in the Realm of Stygia.

Generally focused on the study of transition and decay, and associated with the Tarot of 'Death'.

(Specialty: Prime & Forces)

Theurgists on the Path of the Mighty work with the divine energies infusing the world.
Their awakenings are typically involve flashes of divine providence, such as from angelic beings.

Connected to the Watchtower of the Golden Key in the Realm of the Aether.

Generally associated with the pursuit of power, and the Tarot of 'Strength'.

(Specialty: Life & Spirit)

Shamans on the Path of Ecstasy work with all aspects of the natural world.
Their awakenings tend to involve the wild jungle. Think Jumanji.

Connected to the Watchtower of the Stone Book in the Realm of the Primal Wild.

Generally associated with the wilderness, and the Tarot of The Moon.

Once a Mage has ascended to their Path, the next thing that often happens is taking their place in modern society. This usually means deciding their role within The Pentacle; no easy feat.

The Pentacle originally consisted of four orders, but in modern times, a fifth has recently formed, largely consisting of younger Mages who wish to break with tradition and rely on more modern influences.

The Adamantine Arrow

Spiritual warriors and masters of conflict, who claim a heritage going back to the defenders of Atlantis. Currently, the Order of the Arrow could perhaps be described as something akin to a knightly sect, though bushido and other warrior codes find a place in The Arrow. These mages conduct intensive physical and mental training, honing the minds and bodies of order members into deadly weapons which magical society may then wield against its enemies (such as vampires, werewolves, Seers, and so on).

Guardians of the Veil

Spies and conspirators who claim their descent from the intelligence officers and enforcers of Atlantis' laws. Currently, they bear a resemblance to a combination of many occult conspiracies, such as the Thule and others. Many obscure their activities and identities even from other mages, and act as a check on humanity's dangerous curiosity for "that which man was not meant to know". To this end they falsify and obfuscate information through an elaborate honeycomb of lies and mis-directions known as "the Labyrinth".

The Mysterium

Dedicated to pursuit of magical lore and the acquisition, cataloging, and study of mystical and occult knowledge and artifacts. They continue the ancient heritage of the scholarly and intellectual of Atlantean society. Their internal structure often resembles the academic structures of the part of the world in which they reside. The Mysterium gathers, catalogs and maintains items of all types of magical and historical significance. These are stored in museum-libraries known as "Athenaea", which vary in size from private collections to massive storehouses that must be physically hidden by magical means.

The Silver Ladder

Dedicated to ruling and reshaping the world, the viziers and senators of Atlantis remain in force. Politicians and authoritarians, the Silver Ladder believes in creating a perfect hierarchy (with themselves at the top, of course) which will seize control of reality, subjugating it to the will of mankind. Many would say (justifiably) that the Ladder is only interested in power, but this dream is not without its altruistic appeal. As a member of the Ladder might point out, control over reality could bring an end to human suffering in all its forms.

The Free Council

Modernists who wish to create new forms of magic, a union of mages who have discovered ways of using magic that do not adhere to the Atlantean methods. According to Council members, mankind is subconsciously aware of metaphysical truths, and thus all of human society carries the potential for mystical wisdom. The 'Libertines' as they are also called, possess a strong belief in democratic process and anti-authoritarianism.

Belonging to any of the prior sects is completely optional for a character, though belonging to one can provide a safe haven and access to otherwise inaccessible information, both very valuable commodities in a world of darkness.


The Campaign

Houston, Texas. A once well-established Consilium is in upheaval. The Silver Ladder Patriarch, whose protege was responsible for inadvertently riling up a mob of Baptists into a veritable Mana Hunt, have been practically ousted from power. It's now survival of the fittest. Anyone loyal to the old Patriarch has gone to ground, and the other orders who want to do things their way have established their own safe havens throughout town.

Whether your character just happened through town at the worst time imaginable, or has come to put a stop to the Seers' purge before it can truly get underway, the choice is yours.

In case you're unfamiliar, here's what's required of you for character creation.

There's character sheet PDFs here.
You can also make sheets online at Myth Weavers or via Dalines.net.

For purposes of creating a sheet, you should at very least need access to the (New) World of Darkness sourcebook for the basic stats.

It offers details on the available Skills, Merits, Flaws, Attributes, Virtues/Vices, etc. for a typical character of any sort, as well as fundamentals on gameplay mechanics.

Then you would need the Mage sourcebook for the appropriate Mage characteristics: Path, Order, Rotes, Arcana(for varieties of available magics), etc.

If you don't have either, read on.

Sheet Requirements
-Character's True Name(unknown to most) & Shadow Name(used amongst fellow Mages)

A character's True Name being widely known is very very bad as it makes them more susceptible to sympathetic forms of magic.

-Virtue & Vice

(Virtues: Charity / Faith / Fortitude / Hope / Justice / Prudence / Temperance)
(Vices: Envy / Gluttony / Greed / Lust / Pride / Sloth / Wrath)

(Hopefully you're reading along with a character sheet by this point for reference.)
5, 4, and 3 points, distributed between Mental, Social, and Physical stats respectively.

Acanthus, Moros, and Thyrsus Mages get a +1 to Composure, Mastigos & Obrimos get a+1 Resolve.

11, 7, and 4 points, distributed between Mental, Social, and Physical, along with 3 specialties. Specializations give a dice bonus if used during the appropriate situation.

A Mage gets 2 dots in one Arcana, 2 in another, and 1 in a third, and a fourth dot to be used however the player likes.
Two dots must go to a Ruling Arcana(i.e. Fate & Time for Acanthus). A Mage can only reach five dots in their ruling arcana, and no higher than two in their inferior.

6 dots. These are the spells accessible to a Mage. While having a dot in an Arcana means a Mage can improvise these spells, having a Rote means a larger dice pool, meaning it's more likely to succeed.

Merits: 7 dots
Found in the WoD sourcebook. There are also many Mage specific ones in the core sourcebook and just about every expansion sourcebook.

Starting Wisdom: 7 dots
This is a Mage's path of staying true to magic. Using magic for improper uses(i.e. murder, blatant disregard for the Veil, soul-theft) means a Mage loses wisdom, and is more susceptible to potentially losing their mind and succumbing to the Abyss.

Starting Gnosis: 3 dots
Higher Gnosis gives a Mage more mana(or MP technically). Gnosis tends to improve as a Mage becomes more gifted in magic, but also results in higher chance of incurring Paradox.

If anyone lacks the appropriate corebooks and needs more detailed information, feel free to PM me or ask in-thread.

I would prefer a minimum of four players, and no more than six.

cj iwakura on


  • Smoove OperatorSmoove Operator Registered User regular
    New to the game, but noting interest for sure. I'll edit this post with a proper character application.

    Honesty, Integrity, Handshakefulness

    HoTS: Schmutz#1686
  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    I have two submissions so far(including Smoove).

  • ChrysisChrysis Registered User regular
    I'm interested. I've played old world mage once, might see about resurrecting the garbageman tonight.

    Tri-Optimum reminds you that there are only one-hundred-sixty-three shopping days until Christmas. Just 1 extra work cycle twice a week will give you the spending money you need to make this holiday a very special one.
  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    A player dropped out, so unless there's some lurkers in the wings, I may have to start recruiting off-site.

  • EgosEgos Registered User regular
    sent you a pm cj

  • Mikey CTSMikey CTS Registered User regular
    I've been absent for a bit but I'll express interest.

    // PSN: wyrd_warrior // MHW Name: Josei //
  • ChrysisChrysis Registered User regular
    Sorry, I'm still interested but haven't had time to do the leg-work needed to put together the character. Especially with the somewhat more restrictive starting character arcana stuff. Old concepts need to be reimagined.

    Tri-Optimum reminds you that there are only one-hundred-sixty-three shopping days until Christmas. Just 1 extra work cycle twice a week will give you the spending money you need to make this holiday a very special one.
  • DelmainDelmain Registered User regular
    I haven't played Mage in forever, but if you still need people I might be down.

  • NeoTomaNeoToma Registered User regular
    I've never played mage before but I am interested

  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    Delmain wrote: »
    I haven't played Mage in forever, but if you still need people I might be down.

    Only one sorta finished character so far, so yes.

  • NeoTomaNeoToma Registered User regular
    I got a dude


  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    So we have two and a half characters(the half being fleshed out). If M:TA seems daunting, it really isn't. Character creation is the hardest part, after that it's all rolling the number of ten sided die your stats give you and hoping at least one of them is an 8+.

    If anyone needs help on creation, feel free to ask. Also consider the following: what made your character Awaken? A fluke encounter with an occultist? Seeing actual magic happen in the street? Some crazed Scelesti/Seer assault? That's usually the key spark, that and why they signed up with an Order(if any).

  • ChrysisChrysis Registered User regular
    Is that half a character mine? Because I have half a character. http://sheetgen.dalines.net/sheet/42054 A majority of the mechanical side is done (no rotes), but I still need all the other fluff because the original concept doesn't work as well in the new system. I've also been pressed for time, so haven't been able to sit down and really think about it.

    Tri-Optimum reminds you that there are only one-hundred-sixty-three shopping days until Christmas. Just 1 extra work cycle twice a week will give you the spending money you need to make this holiday a very special one.
  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    No, I didn't have anything from you until now. :p No rush, though. I'm thinking sometime around next weekend being the finalization point.

  • ChrysisChrysis Registered User regular
    Alright. Things should be a bit calmer by then.

    Tri-Optimum reminds you that there are only one-hundred-sixty-three shopping days until Christmas. Just 1 extra work cycle twice a week will give you the spending money you need to make this holiday a very special one.
  • Mikey CTSMikey CTS Registered User regular
    I have an idea for a fortune teller who is actually a frustrated actress.

    // PSN: wyrd_warrior // MHW Name: Josei //
  • NeoTomaNeoToma Registered User regular
    I'm sorry if this is generally frowned upon but I've never MAGED before and I'm most used to a more collaborative character creation process.

    Here's where I'm starting mechanically
    Samuel “Baron Midnight” Daye
    Umbral Impressario
    Mastyigos – The Bearers of the Eternal Voice
    Mind **
    Death **
    Space *

    Animate Shadows **
    Decay Death **
    Emotional Urging **



    Composure **

    Barfly *

    I'm still unsure on what arcana to put my final dot in

    Mind 3 Space 2 Death 1
    Mind 2 Space 2 Death 2

    I'm also not completely locked in with rotes,

    Loose background
    Eldest son of a lawyer and teacher who Deadicated their lives to helping the community. Seers saw them as a threat and dealt with them through deamons. Unbeknownst to them Young Sam saw the deamon attack and awakened. Using charm and guile Sam took care of his sisters while searching for the answers to what he saw attack his parents, as well as the demonic voices he hears telling him he is worthless. (His primary vice is pride, he loathes those who think themselves above him.)

    Rent a place for his sanctum above a popular state school's college bar called The Library. So many different minds and vices going in and out, fuel his magic. During the day when folks are alone drinking their sorrows, he crafts subtle magics. At night when the youths rage he crafts more aggressive stuff.

    I'm torn on the Order he'll choose. He hates hierarchy and manipulative bastards (despite kind of being one) but loves outsmarting folks and figuring shit out. Think con man that does it for the thrill.

  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited September 2015
    Sounds like Mysterium or Free Council(they HATE the hierarchy and the manipulative Guardians).

    And I think it's good to have one strong Arcana, so I'd suggest Mind 3.

    cj iwakura on
  • ArdentArdent Down UpsideRegistered User regular
    Worth noting Sanctum can stack, if the characters know each other and operate together (generally the option chosen). Also, sanctum just covers the space. If you want it to be secure, you need to invest in it again.

    Steam ID | Origin ID: ArdentX | Uplay ID: theardent | Battle.net: Ardent#11476
  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    By the way, if anyone wants to be a Guardian, keep in mind there is an... initiation of sorts.

  • Moridin889Moridin889 Registered User regular
    I would totally be down for this. I have the books but never got my friends into them. After work, Ill try to mock up a character concept of somesorts

  • NeoTomaNeoToma Registered User regular
    Alright I'll go mind 3
    All according to keikaku motherfuckers!
    I know we are still feeling things out but, I'm really kind of digging the Arrow? Like as an extenstion of his need to outsmart assholes and prove himself. He craves the rush of doing battle with these forces that did what they did to his parents.

  • NeoTomaNeoToma Registered User regular
    edited September 2015
    Joesph "Samedi AKA Snake-oil Sam AKA Mr. Saturday" Mercier

    Intelligence (••) Wits (•••) Resolve (•••)
    Strength (•) Dexterity (•••) Stamina (••)
    Presence(•••) Manipulation(•••) Composure (••)

    Size 5, Health 7, Defense 2, Initiative Mod 5,
    Speed 9, Willpower 5, Gnosis 3, Mana 12

    Barfly (•)
    Quick Draw (•)
    Status (Adamant Arrow) (•)
    Striking Looks (••)
    Fighting Finesse (••)

    Academics (•)
    Computer (•)(•) Hacking
    Investigation (•)
    Occult (•)(•)(•)

    Larceny (•)(•) Pick-pocketing
    Stealth (•)
    Weaponry (•)

    Empathy (•)(•)(•)
    Expression (•)
    Persuasion (•)(•)
    Socialize (•)
    Streetwise (•)(•)
    Subterfuge (•)(•) Lying

    NeoToma on
  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    So basically three PCs now with two others musing on things. I plan on moving things forward by this Friday. We won't dive straight into an IC thread, but at very least we'll have our PCs lined up to determine where everyone stands and if you all will have a coterie in mind or anything.

  • ChrysisChrysis Registered User regular
    Actually, I think you can count me out. I have too much else on my mind at the moment (including a cold) to be able to dedicate the effort needed.

    Tri-Optimum reminds you that there are only one-hundred-sixty-three shopping days until Christmas. Just 1 extra work cycle twice a week will give you the spending money you need to make this holiday a very special one.
  • Moridin889Moridin889 Registered User regular
    Alright I think I have my character pretty much mechanically written out. TaDah

  • NeoTomaNeoToma Registered User regular
    Cool. I think I might switch to Death to Prime then to get access to dispel, also make us a little more diverse in our talents

  • Moridin889Moridin889 Registered User regular
    Or we can double down and level up to the death dispel for awesome times

  • NeoTomaNeoToma Registered User regular
    Death dispel you saaaaaay

  • SkiddlesSkiddles The frozen white northRegistered User regular
    I have no real mage experience and no sourcebook, though I understand WoD mechanics and am a dependable poster... If you feel like you are short a player send me a message and I'm sure we could work something out :)

  • Moridin889Moridin889 Registered User regular
    NeoToma wrote: »
    Death dispel you saaaaaay

    Quell the Spark pg 145

    We don't need no stinkin Prime magic

    It may require 5 dots of Death magics though

  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    Someone is probably gonna want Prime Sight(one dot at least). Just saying.
    El Skid wrote: »
    I have no real mage experience and no sourcebook, though I understand WoD mechanics and am a dependable poster... If you feel like you are short a player send me a message and I'm sure we could work something out :)

    At the moment I am, so, will do.

  • NeoTomaNeoToma Registered User regular
    I'll take Prime if only for the chorus effect on my Nimbus.

  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited September 2015
    At the moment the breakdown is two Arrows and a Free Council. (Sounds like a free spirited bunch.)

    Incidentally, there isn't really a clear Hierarch in the area at the moment. It's sort of being run by a council. Some say the Guardians have the most pull, though.

    cj iwakura on
  • DelmainDelmain Registered User regular
    I'm gonna go ahead and back out actually, 4 seems like a fine number and I'm gonna be traveling a lot for work soon so my post time would be down a bit anyway.

    I wish you guys luck!

  • NeoTomaNeoToma Registered User regular
    Adamantine Arrow Rote: Psyche's Dart
    Dice Pool: Resolve + Intimidation + Mind 3 - Resolve

    There are those who think the Adamantine Arrow is nothing more than a gang of thugs who brandish vulgar magic in the name of peace. Most mages of that order are content to allow detractors such illusions, keeping their silence about rotes such as this one. Often dismissed as a seizure or other neurological ailment, this magic constitutes a potent weapon in the Arrow arsenal. In fact, it is so effective and discrete that it is used, in one form or another, by most mages sufficiently skilled in the Mind Arcanum.

    Dispel Magic (Prime •)
    Mages can dismantle or dispel existing
    spells, a process also known as
    Practice: Compelling
    Action: Instant and contested; successes
    are compared to the target spell’s
    Duration: Lasting
    Aspect: Covert
    Cost: 1 Mana

    Supernal Vision (Prime •)
    The mage gains the Mage Sight (see “Mage Sight,” p. 110). This is the most potent of the resonance-detecting senses
    and the Storyteller should be lavish with its details, explaining intricacies of any given source of resonance that would
    likely be invisible to one using another Arcanum. Some details, however, are best analyzed with other Arcana (in the
    way that Matter is best suited to “thick” or “ponderous” resonances), or better still in conjunction with Prime. Many
    mages describe this sense as sight, though some claim to “smell” or “taste” lingering sorcery on a person or place. Others
    simply speak of a sixth sense or other esoteric perception that defies ordinary categorization.
    Practice: Unveiling
    Action: Instant
    Duration: Prolonged
    (one scene)
    Aspect: Covert
    Cost: None

    Spatial Map (Space •)
    Adamantine Arrow Rote: Ballistic Targeting
    Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Space
    Arrow mages who learn this rote can
    be crack shots during a blizzard in the
    middle of the night (or at least not
    have whatever prowess they naturally
    possess suffer for adverse conditions).
    Any willworker in need of a good spatial
    sense in a tense situation can benefit
    from this rote.

    Diplomat's Protection
    Arcana: Mind 3
    Practice: Ruling
    Action: Instant
    Duration: Prolonged (one scene)
    Aspect: Covert
    Cost: None
    Effect: The mage can make herself seem too impressive and awe-inspiring for potential opponents to be willing to attack. Would-be attackers look at the mage and find themselves psychologically incapable of attacking her in any manner. They can attempt to block the mage's path, but cannot attempt to harm her in any way. This spell works equally well on humans, animals and supernatural beings, but has no effect on any sort of automatic defense or anything completely mindless. In addition, this spell is insufficiently powerful to overcome the target's survival instinct. As a result, it functions only as long as the mage does nothing to directly threaten the target's safety. Record the number of successes the mage rolls on this spell. If a character who attempts to attack the mage has a Resolve score lower than the number of successes the mage rolled, then this individual cannot attack the mage. If the character's Resolve is higher than the number of successes rolled, then each success the mage rolled acts as 1 point of armor that is applied to all attacks on the mage made by the target. This armor comes from the attacker struggling to overcome the residual compulsion not to harm the mage. If the mage attacks a character or otherwise directly threatens a character's safety or the safety of someone close to him, he is then free to attack the mage, but still treats the number of successes the mage rolled as armor. In effect, the character is now treated as if his Resolve was higher than the number of successes the mage rolled. A mage using this spell can yell at people or berate them, but if she draws a weapon in a threatening manner or orders an associate to attack someone, then that person is free to attack the mage. If the mage actively threatens a number of people at once, such as by brandishing a gun in their general direction, they are all free to attack the mage. By spending 1 Mana, the duration of this spell can be made to last for 1 day. Many mages who use this spell cast it at the beginning of the day, as part of their morning rituals.

    Arcana: Space 2
    Practice: Shielding
    Action: Instant
    Duration: Prolonged (one scene)
    Aspect: Covert
    Cost: 1 Mana (optional)
    Effect: The best policy for avoiding harm in a fight is to not be where attacks are directed. This spell enables a mage to perform slight intuitive "tweaks" on the local fabric of space to slip away from hostile attention. Generally speaking, this exceptional avoidance looks coincidental, something plausible for the individual in question. Thus, a seemingly clumsy mage blunders his way out of harm's way, while a lithe, graceful martial artist flows like water, managing to avoid her enemy's path at the last possible moment. The mage gains one point of armor per dot he possesses in the Space Arcanum. By spending one Mana, the Duration can be made to last for one day. Most mages cast such a shielding spell at the beginning of the day, as part of their morning rituals. Successes are used to combat attempts to dispel the shield. Note that this magical armor applies against attempts to grapple the caster (both his Defense and Untouchable armor are subtracted from the grappler's dice pool when he attempts to achieve a hold on the mage), but it does not protect against attempts by an opponent to overpower and/or inflict damage once he has managed to grapple the mage.

  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited September 2015
    Scrying(Space 2) is another rote that's often considered crucial, but there's always improvisational magic.

    Prime Sight is considered the best sight for determining magical resonance in an area(though a few others can work as well).

    cj iwakura on
  • NeoTomaNeoToma Registered User regular
    Yeah I'll probably go with that instead of the ballistic one

    What are the benefits of rotes?

  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular
    edited September 2015
    Higher dice pool, so they're more likely to succeed. If you just improv it, it's a flat Arcana roll. (Which can be buffed by spending mana, I believe.)

    cj iwakura on
  • NeoTomaNeoToma Registered User regular
    I also got a character theme song cued up

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