Lost and Found - Prime 2015
PAX hands over lost and found items to the venues in question, so if you've lost something, make sure to check with the WSCC, the satellite locations, and any of your hotels you may have been staying with, depending on where you think you lost your item.
You can post about your lost/found items here.
I noticed it was missing while walking back to the con, so it must have fallen out at Gameworks (In the music game nook) or the half block that I walked outside.
Anyway, it's probably run out of batteries by now, but it looks like this:
and it had this goldeneye watchface on it:
In the unlikely event that you've found anything (Or know someone who did!) please let me know. I'm still feeling like a total idiot about it.
Thanks all for looking!
Name on license: Martin Loewenthal
I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to ask this. Is there a Post-PAX lost & found I can visit or contact? I lost my car key on Saturday but couldn't go back to PAX to check the info booth because I didn't have Sunday/Monday passes. Is there someone someplace I can contact for help?
I might have dropped it at the Wyvern Theatre, the main Theatre, or the Sasquatch Theatre. I did contact Westin and Sheraton but is there a PAX general contact for this?
Any help would be much appreciated,
My wife seems to think it was lost on the train, but I can't remember having it even then. Probably because at some point that night my niece fell asleep and I was carrying her after that back to the train and hotel.
Sound transit doesn't have it and I'm sure this is a long shot, but would be great to surprise her with having found it after all this time.