Yo, so I thought "Hey, what a cool thing it would be for us to have a steam group where we could play games together," but lo and behold I'm late to the punch on something again and
there's already a steam group. However, it hasn't been active apparently since March? Do we still do stuff on there, or have interest for this, cus I got really hyped and would love to start organizing community plays for us.
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
I bought it because of that one time!
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
I've never played LoL outside of the single player practice mode because, quite frankly, the community scares the crap out me with that game. It feels like you need to be perfect first time out or you'll get heckled / booted.
I like the way LethalFrag (a fairly Internet-famous Twitch streamer) addresses questions about toxicity: In all communities there are people on both ends of the bell curve. If you concentrate on one particular stripe of person, you will recognize that sort of person more. If you concentrate on positive community, you will see it, and you can gather that around you. Your online experience is what you make it.
(Also, if you play normals vs bots, you'll almost never see toxicity.)