I'm also very tempted. We already have plans to go to East and are planning on trying to tack AUS on to the end of our vacation in 2016. My wallet hates me right now.
I'd come to Australia if I had the money, but for now I shall settle for the South, the first PAX I went to ^ ^
Edit: How much would it cost to go to Australia?
Several thousand at the very least. Flights are 1500-2000 on the cheaper end(from the midwest). I got lucky and stayed with my pinpal for most of the two weeks I was there, but during the show the hotels I believe are around 200-250/night(same as US). Aus tends to be a bit more pricey in general, but the US dollar is doing well compared to theirs(sorry Aussie's ) so you should make out decent on eating. I'd say if you were there JUST for Pax...3000 would get you there on a basic trip. If you went for several weeks and also stayed in a hotel for that time...along with PAX. For that I'd guess to try to have 4-5K on a minimum.
Of course if you are booking a whole vacation and then just doing PAX while there, you can book it through a travel site and save some of the expense.
I had a really crazy fun time at my first pin trading event @ prime this year. Looking forward to more pin trade shenanigans @ my first south. Everyone I met was super kind and explained the rarity of certain pins to me incredibly well. I've never really felt more comfortable speaking to random strangers like that, even at the multiple pax's I have attended. Coming in a trading noob and coming out with a couple limited edition pin trades was really cool. Thanks to the community and I'm looking forward to my future trades @ south!
DemonsMaster on
Pax Prime (West) '13, '14, '15, '16.
Pax South '16
Pax Prime 2015 Omeganaut
Said no one ever
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Do eeeeeeeeeeet!
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
Pinny Pals Lanyard
I'd come to Australia if I had the money, but for now I shall settle for the South, the first PAX I went to ^ ^
Edit: How much would it cost to go to Australia?
I went to Australia Fish. Your turn to come here!
Several thousand at the very least. Flights are 1500-2000 on the cheaper end(from the midwest). I got lucky and stayed with my pinpal for most of the two weeks I was there, but during the show the hotels I believe are around 200-250/night(same as US). Aus tends to be a bit more pricey in general, but the US dollar is doing well compared to theirs(sorry Aussie's
Of course if you are booking a whole vacation and then just doing PAX while there, you can book it through a travel site and save some of the expense.
Pax South '16
Pax Prime 2015 Omeganaut