From previous PAX's and the way I felt the community always felt negatively about Riot at PAX, I didn't think we had many people intersted in League of Legends. At PAX Prime this year though I found that there is a larger group then I thought!
I wanted to see if anyone was interested in making PinPal team(s), or playing together in general. I have a few peoples summoner names from WhatsApp, but I figured I would start a thread here to see the interest level. ^_^
If you play and want to be added to the list so that PinPals can add/play with you in general let me know! I'm going to try to get on tonight to add the people that I know of so far to get this started.
So Far:
Briony (Hello I'm Noah)
The Bean (MM)
hakashu (dchoy)
(@Zerzhul I know that there is a LoL thread somewhere already, but I'm hoping this one is okay since it would be a list of PinPal's who wanted to play with each other. If not let me know. ^_^)
Right now I've been ranked playing whenever me and my bro in law is on but often we do stuff with our fiends and are always looking for more.
I am Gerzzog on LoL as well.
We also do DTTR on Saturdays. DTTR = Drunken Team True Random. We drink (optional) and play fives. We do not choose champions and instead spam the "?" button till the game makes up stop. This leads to fun and crazy non-meta games and it forces us to try champs out of our comfort zone. We have a good time and a get a little crazy/silly.
Right now I've been ranked playing whenever me and my bro in law is on but often we do stuff with our fiends and are always looking for more.
I am Gerzzog on LoL as well.
We also do DTTR on Saturdays. DTTR = Drunken Team True Random. We drink (optional) and play fives. We do not choose champions and instead spam the "?" button till the game makes up stop. This leads to fun and crazy non-meta games and it forces us to try champs out of our comfort zone. We have a good time and a get a little crazy/silly.
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!